I am mine
Buenos Aires 25.11.05
Questo blog è il diario di un viaggio. Un blog fatto quasi per caso nella fretta degli ultimi preparativi prima della partenza. Non sono esattamente un esperto delle nuove tecnologie, la mia confidenza con l'informatica è forse infatti paragonabile alla confidenza di Walter Zenga con il parare i rigori o, per i più giovani, alla confidenza di Silvio con il concetto di "istituzione". Cioè... non so se mi sono capito..
Non ho la più pallida idea delle storie e places that will host this blog. In fact, I do not know when or where to return. The thing I'm fascinated. I have before me a few months where I can go where and do what I want As I will think I am free.
In theory I should do research to write an article to be published for at least a comparison between the Italian armed struggle and a typology of terrorism in South America, with a view to a PhD, whose contract will be next August. This is my only duty.
arrival here in the capital two days ago, on the morning of Wednesday 23 November. Just released from a bell'acquazzone greets me, it was so wonderful find: the smell of wet earth, the drops the wind carries the rain under the shelter, waiting for the bus sits on his backpack and facing the continent. It 's the third trip that I do here in South America, the last in March 2003, I missed tremendously. After two and a bus
subte come to the house of his cousin of Helios, Vitto, who lives alone in a large apartment in the center where I will host for the first few days. Find food with nice mustache blacks, dimagritissimo (on a diet, I will explain) and really nice to me. I even from one room (I had only a piece of ground) and now is organized to introduce me to his friends, including Laura, Isaac's ex-girl-Maggiko cousin, who is doing an internship at the Nation and could recommend something for my research. In fact I think (but I change my mind every 12 hours) before I take off from the balls' I slam the article, the better. Simply do a study on the use of the term "terrorism" here in Argentina I would find very fertile. Do you think this is one of those places in the world where "terrorist" is almost synonymous with "dissident", and this is for purely historical reasons, rather than "sympathy". Do not think at this point that we will bring our Masters of War? In addition there is to do a whole speech about the impossibility of bringing together in the same set of phenomena such as terrorism done by those who dictate the rules (of State) and even terrorism directed against those who dictate the rules. Ciò che infatti unisce i due fenomeni sarebbe lo "spargere terrore", un qualcosa non rilevabile empiricamente (ha connotati estremamente soggettivi, riferendosi infatti a stati d’animo) e quindi decisamente non utile in un approccio, per così dire, scientifico. Purtroppo questo non mi sembra il giusto luogo per approfondire la questione e, mio malgrado, la lascio così.. abbozzata.
Come abbozzata rimarrà questa prima pagina di diario, infatti in questi tre giorni non sono stato fermo un attimo, Vitto è davvero superattivo e il tempo che ho avuto per scrivere purtroppo (o meglio, per fortuna) è ora finito.
Sono le 18:00, sto per uscire per andare a vedere i Pearl Jam allo Stadio del Ferro, dove il concerto it was moved (initially intended to be the Bombonera) because the requests for tickets for the lawn were twice those in the stands, in this new "Venue" In fact, there 's also the Olympic track and the stands are much more' small . Have you ever heard something like that in Italy? If you run out of tickets in the field are your dicks, pay twice and I'm taking those in the stands ... Tonight I'm alone, tomorrow (of course I'm going tomorrow! 'Sti them bastards I'm waiting for 5 years in Europe! Addition date place of beginning your journey mica were random ..) but with all the large group of Argentine and Chilean popular with Vitto. But I've got a ticket just for today. Will two concerts, "pa-ra-u", are exalted as a caiman, the only concern is that too hard, and then return there are no more buses. I would not find myself all alone in a place only 50 minutes by bus (n.192) from here in an unfamiliar area of \u200b\u200bBuenos Aires at night not knowing where to go fuck .. At best, ask! Between now and tomorrow I do not know what I would give to hear their cover of The Who Baba'O'Riley! Try to hear the version of Seattle Wash. 6:11:00 (second to last song, after the kids are all right before and Yellow Ledbetter): indescribable. Since, however, will be really hard, I'd be happy (and will be quite easy, as the single of 'album of 2002) to hear for the first time in concert I am mine .. a wonderful song, hard, sad, full of energy, a song that goes along his way, maybe ... with his beautiful backpack.