Saturday, February 25, 2006

Is It Legal To Own A Bullet Proof Vest In Oregon

Child of the moon-
Sweet hitch hiker-
It's The End Of The World As We Know It
(and I Feel Fine )

"" Your child will love viaggiare comincia a sei anni a guardare i mappamondi e le carte geografiche. Inginocchiato nella sua stanza, indifferente a qualsiasi richiamo della madre e del padre, segna con il dito la strada lunghissima che lo conduce per mare e per terra da Roma a Pechino, da Mosca a Città del Capo, lungo gli andirivieni dei continenti e l'azzurro chiaro e scuro degli oceani. Sfoglia le carte: si innamora del nome Bogotà o di Valparaiso, immagina di violare foreste tropicali e deserti, di scalare l'Everest e il Kilimangiaro, come gli eroi dei suoi libri di avventura.
Così l'infinito del mondo diventa famigliare e a portata di mano.. il ragazzo impara che, quando viaggiamo, compiamo sempre due viaggi. Nel primo, il piu' fantastico, egli legge la guida dell'Austria o della Svezia o dell'Irlanda: città, fiumi, pianure, foreste, opere d'arte, notizie storiche ed economiche. E studia il viaggio futuro. Nulla è piu' divertente che progettarlo: perchè il ragazzo muta gli itinerari della guida, stabilisce nuovi rapporti, insegue luoghi sconosciuti, giunge in Austria dalla Baviera o dalla Boemia, evita città o regioni che non ama, stabilisce la durata dei percorsi, distingue mattine, pomeriggi e sere. Le ore sono piene di cose: in una piazza di Vienna si fermerà, chissà perchè, quattro ore. Il tempo viene governato da una gioiosa pedanteria. Quando inizia il viaggio, il ragazzo si accorge che la realtà non ha nulla o poco a che fare coi suoi progetti fantastici. The country is green, yellow image, what I think red is blue. The two trips, the fantastic and the real one, one of the guides and that the world now agree, is now fighting "

tarfiletto I found this and I could only think of you, my dear master, I hope your great Travel gives you a lot. ... "

few days ago I received this mail from a girl I was lucky enough to do the "head" (ugly 'is the word, eh?!? Not to speak of "educator "..). It made me much pleasure and soon I found it suitable for the blog, for my trip to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego in particular.
Tierra del Fuego, then. South.
Monday February 20, 2006, about seven o'clock in the evening, missing twenty kilometers at the end of the legendary Route 3, the road that leads from Buenos Aires to Ushuaia.
I'm riding an old Japanese car, the front windshield and see the clouds heavy with rain ending sunshine on the wet ground. Tierra del Fuego is imposing mountains, glaciers and lakes around us, some parts remind me that we spend the tundra landscape of the documentaries, the one where people live "lemming", areas of "mosses and lichens, for instance. (Never understood what they were 'blessed lichens sti .. but it was enough to tell the formuletta by heart in grade school).
There 's a strange light but strong, you have to squint to see clearly. A Actually it is not even easy to see the asphalt road that alternates at times in earth and stones. The front glass is in fact full of fractures, these roads often do you get the different stones and pebbles that cars are splashing their passage. We are leaving behind a huge rainbow.
"Carlos Como anda?"
"Samuel! Te despiertaste! Slept bien?"
giggles ..
"How falta?" I wonder ..
"Viento kilometros Estamos en Ushuaia y mas!"
"Putamadre! Slept mucho!"
".. roncaste y también!"
.. Yes .. Samuel was actually whether Russia, after Rio Grande had never stopped.
"Carlos! Tienes el carnet you?"
"It is quiet!"
Singles .. immediately after the Chilean border gives me the guidance and asks me if I'm only after 4 hours behind the driver's license .. twenty kilometers from .. . Samuel is Argentine but works and lives in Punta Arenas with his family, and even grandparents of two little girls of 2 and 5 years. He has 50 years and 26 builds boilers. He brought me up this morning in Punta Arenas, the southernmost tip of Chilean Patagonia. This gentleman by the Indian sections of mole and 140 pounds seems a really nice person, he also shared with me his lunch. In the back of the car in fact had two grilled chicken and bread. We stopped at a place unknown sulla strada sterrata che conduce da Punta Delgada a San Sebastian, dopo aver passato da poco lo stretto di Magellano. Io e lui, in piedi, tra le nuvolone di polvere lasciate da camion e macchine che ci passavano accanto. Intorno gruppi di guanacos e nandú che guardano curiosi. Il bagagliaio chiuso funziona da appoggio, da tavolo.

Da quando sono arrivato a Rio Gallegos, mi sto muovendo in autostop. Terminato il lungo viaggio da Puerto Madryn, ho scoperto che avrei dovuto aspettare almeno 5 giorni per trovare un posto su un bus per Ushuaia. Troppi giorni per una tappa in una delle città più brutte della Patagonia argentina. Le città che si succedono a distanza di centinaia di Km in questo pezzo di mondo, infatti, hanno nomi che ispirano tanto but which are actually quite ugly. "Comodoro Rivadavia" .. what a name! you fill your mouth to pronounce it .. arrives and you find yourself in a chaotic and gray port city .. Even "Rio Gallegos" sounded good, except after half an hour to realize that there is no 'special reason to stop here. Sure .. any place deserves the attention to be known .. but if you do not want to stay for months in the same region by force in December ose, you have to jump someone.
There 's also another thing to say, far more' important. I had always dreamed of Patagonia. From Sepulveda to Chatwin I was in love with this place and even more 'of that immense sense of adventure that comes out of those stories. The reality is quite different. Nothing more 'falsso. From North to South, from 'down east' west, if you happen to stop in the most 'beautiful (and inevitably "tourist") soon you realize you've come to be the "Switzerland" in South America. Inexhaustible money machine: this you are in front. Whatever you want to make you pay. And so. Want to see the penguins? 90 pesos. Sea lions? 60 pesos. Go to the national park? 30 of 40 more bus entry. If you have to be a little careful with money, a lot of the things you have to forget. Not to mention the fact that I had imagined going as far as Cape Horn .. Iuri 1500 for 3 days. At this point I prefer to spend 2200 and get me 10 days in Antarctica. No?? No, Charles! € 2200 ... you do not have them.
Of course, not 'only this Patagonia. The landscapes are wonderful, the locals (if you have time and patience to know it) and 'friendly and ready to tell their incredible stories. But note how-to 'inside the same nation-prices will increase fivefold and the movements become very much more' difficult in the long run (if you're traveling), excuse me, but you "sminchia.
So .. Arriving in Rio Gallegos
I say without reservation that the next bus is in 5 days? And if not, I can take the plane the day after paying $ 150? And what if I want to see the penguin near I spend 90 pesos? Fuck you. I am a human being, and as such can be more ' powerful of all 'ste quassotto bullshit with which you live. The southern Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego me I hitchhiked. And maybe meet someone that I c'accompagna him to the penguin. And do not give a damn if the only person willing to pull up at the gas station (after a wait of 5 hours) does not go to Ushuaia (Argentina), but in Punta Arenas (Chile). For this reason I found myself in Punta Arenas, I was not going to go. I missed the adventure? I have the grip.
Now 'that I feel in Travel, enough with this kind of tour with stops required mandatory "San Martin de los Andes, El Bolson, Bariloche-Puerto Madryn-El Chalten-El Calafate-Puerto Natales-Ushuaia" .. and always the same people meet again negli ostelli e per le stradine. Ti senti parte di qualcosa e alla lunga non ti senti neanche cosi' "libero". So benissimo che è inevitabile. Se vai in Italia e' ovvio che ti fai Roma Firenze Venezia, poi magari ci piazzi un Pisa, un Capri e cosi' via. Cazzo fai?? Vai in Sicilia e non vai a Palermo Cefalù Taormina Agrigento Selinunte?? Se sentite i resoconti di viaggi in Messico o Brasile o Peru o Thailandia, tutti negli stessi posti. E' cosi', non ci si puo' fare niente, anch'io non mi sono mai particolarmente sottratto a questo tipo di turismo. Pero' questa è la Patagonia, questa è la Tierra del Fuego, l'ho sempre sognata. Qui lo chiamano "el fin del mundo". Tutte quelle storie di Patagonia express??? Quale avventura the "end of the world"? What freedom, if you follow all the multitude that moves from that place to that other particular place? What is freedom if you follow an itinerary and travel "required" because "you can not go there '? For some things, occhei be followed by' what 'that' else to follow, others do not. And when you return will give 'a Who will tell me to smile, "but as"? "you were not here?" dreaming of the choice to smile, even stupid, I admit it-, loss of places where you can not "do not go." And so 'I chose to do not make me seven days of trekking in Torres del Paine. For me, I had the chance, thanks to the scouts, to walk in the mountains and place la mia tenda dove volevo, dove si era "stanchimorti" - che significato ha camminare tutto il giorno e svegliarmi la mattina con la mia tenda circondata da altre 70 - 80 tende?? Per di piu' in aree ben definite dove paghi 10 dollari solo per piantare i picchetti?? Posti splendidi, non lo discuto, ma il sentimento di libertà risulterebbe- per me- fortemente e irrimediabilmente compromesso. Arrivare al Glaciar Grey e sgomitare e aspettare per poter avere una foto senza altre persone davanti non fa per me. Al contempo non posso aver la presunzione di avere le meraviglie del mondo solo per me. Lo so. Ma, ripeto, questa è la Patagonia, la terra del fuoco. Voglio libertà e avventura. Niente di piu'. Se "salto" qualcosa, ci andró la prossima volta I'll be back here in Patagonia. Why not have a time traveling to "put crosses." I am one who thinks that more speed, more 'you realize you know nothing. Next trip I will go probably on another continent, but I think I saw "enough" here in Latin America .. I have seen .. maybe even "a little '.. but not "enough".
These days I realized that I had the incredible luck to finish the journey to Machu Picchu, 26 February 2001. Since March 1 of that year prohibited it alone, without guides, agencies, groups. For more 'now it costs at least 250 bucks, in February-March is closed because of rain (!) And maintenance. I had come here 20 years ago? Yes. maybe, but everywhere is so '.. 20 years from now will think the same thing .. If you hear the stories of Nepal in the mid seventies and listen to what you now say there 'to shiver .. There is no solution to this problem ..
.. but really .. these were just the problems ..
So? nothing .. So let's take our world '.. everyone has their own time to travel, and organizes their travel as he wishes, as it feels more "his" and if it does not make things worse for others, deserves respect, always. And it is beautiful-I think-as well as from these trivial observations comes out the great metaphor of "life-journey." I apologize if it seems a cliché, if it seems trivial, but I believe it deeply. Ogni vita è come un viaggio. Ogni viaggio è come una vita. Non sai come ti andrà, cosa ti succederà. Ogni vacanza non è un viaggio, magari solo per il fatto che "sai"- piú o meno- come ti andrá, cosa ti succederá.
Andiamo per ordine pero'. Eravamo rimasti all'arrivo a "el fin del mundo" in mezzo a colori fantastici, pioggia e sole, guidando la macchina scassata di uno sconosciuto che me l'aveva consegnata centinaia di km prima e poi si era messo a dormire. .. mi ero anche permesso di tirar su, poco dopo la frontiera, un ragazzo che cercava un passaggio fino a Rio Grande. Leonardo si chiamava; lavorava alla gendarmeria di San Sebastian (Aduana chilena). Avevo chiesto a Samuel e lui -Kidding-I had asked if I had to wake up just for this stuff. "Claro! Claro!" had entered his head leaned back in his seat. We let down in Rio Grande.
"We're going to order", however, it was said.
That Monday morning in Punta Arenas I had a great fortune in meeting Samuel .. After only one hour and a quarter, this big man, when asked "where are you going?" Answers "Argentina, Ushuaia!". It does not happen so often to hitchhiking and the first stop telling you is right where you need to go .. more than 600 km away!. At Punta Arenas Juan had brought me, a boy of 26 who was returning home from a vacation in Argentina. He also accompanied around to find a hostel, after 6 attempts I spring to the "Backpacker's Paradise", beginning to grin when he sees me walking with a backpack toward the door of this decrepit building purple and green. As he greets me, in 'car behind her I see Michael (the Swiss Pyramides) with his friends. He calls me and laughs. We had arrived in Rio Gallegos together, he had a reservation for me down there and had left the gas station with the direction pollicione Ushuaia. "What are you doing here?!?" I tell him everything and invites me to his friends' house for dinner. The next day, are to dine at the home of Juan with his parents and his three brothers.
The Backpacker's is on the Calle Carrera Pinto 1026. There 24 beds are arranged in three rooms, separated from the corridor by curtains green, there are no walls. The hostel has a kitchen more beautiful 'dining room and living a "common". E 'Milissen and maintained by Albert, she is 26 years old, he 30, they found a pair of France two years ago. In practice, it is their home, cook and eat with others, and their rooms (they are separated by walls and doors) are down the hall. At this time Alberto is out, Milissen is aided by her mother. It 's the mom who proudly tells us of an evening because according to popular belief, this region was the least popular and least-cost-supported by the Pinochet regime. It is said that during the only visit of the bloody dictator in this town were thrown into the chariot presidential numerous dead rabbits. The army laid siege to the city and the people took refuge 'in the churches. I do not know the extent to which the story is truth and how far legend, the fact remains that the lady claims to have been there '.
Milissen tondissima has a face, an ever-present grin, face "clean", never a trace of makeup and spend more time with his mother in the "house" on the bottom. The door every now and then come out strong smells of incense ... One evening we were a few guys drinking Chilean port in the dining room. We told our "adventures", the music was low for people sleep. She was with us and at one point began to roll a cigarette for those who are laughing. Everyone burst out laughing, "But how! You ??!?!?".. all to laugh and pat him on the head covered with thick hair and long blacks. .. Do you remember the "isospettabili"? When I smelled incense `I had come to doubt .. "But it should be! Mili?!? Impossible" I thought .. then also exit when he saw his mother from the door I said to myself .. "See? Always think" evil "("..")!!".. Instead she and her young mother (who really seemed to be the sister) That have just the "bad habit"!
In the hostel who wants to put his music on Saturday, 18 there is a tribute to the Rolling Stones. Tonight they play for free in Rio, Copacabana Praia do: 1 and a half million people are expected. Assuming that you really can 'be a fantastic experience' dangerous South American soil, I strongly regret not being present. He wanted to say but 'do another trip. Most likely would have meant only turn to Brazil. In Brazil there are almost no state. Only in the second trip I stopped a little more 'than a week between Sao Paulo (1 hour and a half), Florianopolis, Porto Alegre and Foz, nothing more'. Brazil I decided that I will shoot him 'again. I'll need at least 3 months (!!).
Beatles or Rolling Stones? This historical question was posed in a questionnaire that I and Bianca had proposed to our new scouts, October 2004 (that of the Vote for Change tour). He was about to begin one of the most 'beautiful adventures. Novitiate me 17 to 13. After three years as head of children under 12 years of age I had to deal with people 16-17. I was delighted to find myself in front of guys because I thought "great." I remember the first time I saw them .. "Shit, that Santa!" I had thought. Especially the boys. After a year I would have noticed how I had the chance to see them grow. I think that really change much during the third year of high school. It 'obvious! the boys are proud of the fathers, however, assisted passage to the final boy-boy. If I think of me at 16 years, the definition dad is the one that most 'suits me. The fact then that is fine for the 27, this is another problem. However .. At the first meeting we had returned the questionnaire .. way to know, upon any type of questions. Only 1 out of 15 knew who he was Caponnetto Anthony, (who responds to this? Us, an Italian company, and no other). Out of 15 no one had answered "Rolling Stones". I recognize the fab four un'induscusso genius and melodies that will require eternal gratitude. But the Stones? I prefer them. Smart and blood. I liked to think that because really had responded Beatles, the Stones did not know them. "I liked to think" to a certain extent. If you make a choice you must at least have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe different options. Un "conosco solo i Beatles (e poco)" l'avrei trovato meritevole del massimo rispetto. Fatto sta che sabato 18 febbraio 2006 nel backpacker's Paradise risuonavano alte le note del ciddì che io e Bianca regalammo ai ragazzi dopo la riunione della settimana seguente. Non sono bravo a fare molte cose.., anzi... ma se ce ne è una che posso dire di saper fare "benino".. è fare le compilation. "Pleased to meet you.. Hope you guess my name" (da Sympathy for the devil) "The Rolling Stones" così era intitolato il regalo. Una settimana di lavoro e seghe mentali sulle canzoni da mettere, quale versione e in quale ordine. Era il primo della gloriosa etichetta "Laticinium Records". Va be'.. raga mi sono "scimmiato".. ve la dico.. se qualcuno wanted to be a really good-for-me Cidda 'Stones', is this:
ah .. and 'obvious lack of large "pieces", some were given to other Cidda', others do not. Last consideration: the good old live, even if officers have not been able to use so as not to lower the sound quality of the compilation (of course, been used mp3 file)
1) Get off of my cloud
2) Street fightin 'man (from Stripped)
3) Let's spend the night togheter
4) Jumpin' Jack Flash
5) Wild horses (from Stripped)
6) Ruby Tuesdy (from Flashpoint)
7) Paint it black
8) Lady Jane
9) You Can not Always Get What You Want
10) Brown Sugar
11) Mother's little helper
12) She's a rainbow
13) Angie (from Stripped)
14) Sweet Virginia (from Stripped)
15) Sympathy for the Devil (from Flashpoint)
16) Like a rolling stone (from Stripped)
17) Play with fire
18) Satisfaction
19) As Tears Go By
20) Do not stop
Twenty pieces for 79 minutes and a half (it was between 79:24 and 79:36), having epro 'cuts made on the audience of some live tracks.
The ugly to many compilations is that every now and then Essert think you approached a near perfection. Even when there 'to make a gift, and not a sissy, it uses a ready-made. It 'something I do very rarely, not willingly, but when it comes to the Stones-unfortunately-I draw this. (Sorry Lazzo).
Address Stones-fortunately-ended.
The "Backpacker's" A little bit has a particular inhabitant. Her name is Samantha (senz'acca .. I asked). He has four years and is covered with thick hair and a short dark beige. Called "the ayutante Santa." It is in fact equal to the utter dog of The Simpsons, "Santa's Little Helper." It's really the same, even in manners, always fearful. It is always in the middle but not cerca coccole. Pare sempre pauroso. Mili l'ha raccolto per la strada quando aveva sei mesi. A Samanta piace accompagnare gli ostellanti nei loro giri. Quando qualcuno apre per uscire e lui si avvicina, Mili dice "Espera! la Sama quiere salir!". Il cane esce con te, ti accompagna fino dove devi andare e ti aspetta per tornare insieme al Backpacker's. Una volta mi ha aspettato per 45 minuti fuori dall'internet point. Mi guardava attraverso il vetro, mi ha intenerito, mi sono discopnnesso, siamo andati a casa e poi sono ritornato "in postazione". Mi piace molto constatare la libertá di cui gode questo cane. Se si mette davanti alla porta basta che qualcuno apra e lui se ne va a frsi i suoi giri passeggiando davanti al mare dello Stretto di Magellano. Se c'é something for which Samantha begins systematically to bark, and the sound of the doorbell or a knock. I can proudly say that Sama has learned to recognize my knock (a "ta ra ta ta ta ta ta .. .. Teun!" .. What is understood ???).
has got to learn it for the simple reason that I stopped in Punta Arenas a week. After two gioorni of permanence in fact decide to start your trip to Ushuaia. Do not step on the road more 'traffic. Early one morning I go with Lionel (a boy known in French hostel) to the port of Punta Arenas. There we board a small ferry port to the town of Porvenir, where he began the unexplored and sparsely inhabited Tierra del Fuego in Chile. The scenery is unforgettable; Porvenir growing on a sheltered bay from the ocean, the colors are brilliant round, very black and several dolphins accompanying the boat to the pier repeatedly jumping out of water. Lionel and I know that maybe we will get days to reach Ushuaia, but this piece of the world is really beautiful and very different from the place that we have just left behind. The first step is to give us the workers who loaded us on the back of a van similar to a big Ape. The driver stops at a certain point, comes to us and tells us to pay attention to a jute bag to be back there in the midst of bags of cement, blades, and various odds and ends us. On the bag there are our backpacks. Inside there are some chicks. One is no more '... We regret very much with the Lord tells us not to worry. Gleli had given his friend to give them to his filgi. "No hay problem, muchachos! 7 Hay mas." May have been friendly and Lionel but I feel really guilty .. But when 'again, we guadiamop in the face and we have to hold back laughter and tears. A small pickup truck and then takes us up to us scarrozza Cameron. It is a very small village. There 'not a pharmacy and I did not feel very well (actually I was "evil" NDC). I take a paracetamol and we put ourselves in a little bar to drink hot tea. We speak with the owner confirms that it will be difficult to find someone che vada almeno verso il confine. Qui bus non ce ne sono (lo sapevamo che la Lonely Planet aveva completamente toppato), peró suo fratello sta per andare a Porvenir e stasera alle 8 c'e' il battello per Punta Arenas. Li' conosco la situazione e al Backpacker's mi sento a casa (la mamma di Mili mi aveva sconsigliato di partire vedendo la mattina la mia faccia). Abbraccio Lionel e gli auguro "suerte". Alle 11 sono in branda, dopo che gli altri ragazzi mi hanno preso per il culo vedendomi tornare "sconfitto" dalla "missione Ushuaia". Cosí Sama avrebbe imparato a riconoscere il mio "ta ta ra ta ta.. TA TA ..téun!".
In ostello c'e' Olivier, un francese che vive sulle Alpi, suona qualsiasi tipo di strumento musicale, love the rock and roll (or) above the 50s and 60s. His favorite singer is Neil Young. He, first, I was warned by the density of population of the Torres del Paine. He, pr first, I recommend me to the Circut de los dientes isla Navarino. At the same time tells me that to reach the islet from Ushuaia in Chile pay figures "absurd." All because of trouble between Argentina and Chile here think that the maps of the area show only the part of Chile. The Argentine side is white, only the boundaries are marked. As if one took a map of the Alps in Italy and the area across the border suddenly became white, with nothing. The Backpacker's seems to be a French colony .. on Routard is "strongly consigliato" e sono spesso i francesi quelli che usano questa guida (per lo piu' poco attendibile e con mappe e cartine approssimative, a mio immodesto avviso). David -mezzo brasiliano ma che vive a Parigi -é qua con Francois, un suo amico di origine vietnamita. Sta facendo uno studiop sull'immigrazione croata da queste parti. Mi porta al club croato, conosco la presidentessa e il console. Mi sembra di aver capito che c'é un'altra ragione perché Davíd sia qui.. David ha conosciuto in questo ostello la sua ex ragazza di cui parla spesso e con un pó di rimpianti. Lei fa la guida al Torres del Paine e lassú ha visto piu' volte dei puma. Quella dii David mi sembra un pochino una "operazione nostalgia". Coraggioso (io non tornerei ora a Cuzco), although I understand his desire to "recapture" of this place. You know when you spring the girl and one of your favorite songs became "his" song because that song too many times have you lived near or with her many times have you thought about her in those notes and words? Ti "recovery" of that song as you have new memories and emotions to which the delict. It takes a bit 'but when you rediscover that this is again a "your" song .. well .. then you're happy and you know that another beautiful piece of road has been done.
A beautiful character who sleeps in that week in the hostel and Luis, from Chile, 38, works at the municipal market in Santiago, Chile. It is the first time traveling only and does everything to convince me to make the trek to the Torres del Paine together. I also said that he bought here in the Zona Franca (where I acqistato a new tent, thanks to a gift "stretched" by a famous Roman aunt) a bottle of aged whiskey to be drunk in front of those beautiful glaciers .. Actually it seems a bit 'too compelling, so much' I doubt whether it is ... When he shows me the photo of his girlfriend I feel a little 'more' quiet .. I remember the first day has arrived .. slept for 18 hours straight. I really like sharing my space with people who travel .. is a nice feeling when you get people who are upset by the journey and see it fall asleep at 3 in the afternoon and wake up the next morning. It means that traveling standard, which are destroyed, they are alive. E 'fatigue other than the "work" to which we witness in our lives "normal." By Luis
talk a lot of football, I actually often happens-not only with him-because most of the questions' who are often is "When you return to your country?". My answer is always "I do not know .. at most for the World Cup." It 's inevitable to mention him in Italy Chile 2-2, Francia'98. He reminds me of the great goals from lla Salas, I am passing on our Baggio Vieri 1 to 0. Then there was the rigor of Baggio (regalato..). Within the group of friends there that penalty, he is remembered well.
Metá giugno del 1998: per molti (ma sempre minoranza) era il primo anno di universitá. I ragazzi si ritrovano quel pomeriggio a casa di Alice (in realtá era lo studio del padre). Milano, via Ausonio 7, primo piano a sinistra. Non siamo tantissimi.. al massimo una ventina. Solite scene di gente che arriva con sacchetti stracolmi di birre e qualcosa da speluzzicare, gente che protesta perché qualcuno porta le birre non giá fredde, gente che arriva in ritardo e citofona per minuti. La voce di Brunone Pizzul rimbomba per il Paese. E' il tempo della Baggiomania. Passiamo tutto il tempo a inneggiare "Roberto".. "Se segna Baggio mi butto giú dalla finestra" "Se segna Baggio mi faccio una sega" "Se segna Baggio prendo a testate the wall "" If Mark Baggio, Alice, I will destroy the house "" If I run naked Baggio marked up in the Cathedral ". 40ĩm the second time .. we are losing 2 to 1 the first in the world .. .. Roberto is on the rigor diskette.
Baggio scores.
A roar. and the delirium, the real one. People go crazy.
In back of the room there is' a window with a gorsso sill under the window and down a long radiator. Urla primitive, T-shirts that start to flutter, we rush to the window to shout to the world the joy of our bags while walking with some ladies from the elegant street perpendicular DeAmicis. We look astonished. While we boys are uncontrollable but I can not see to hear a friend of ours indicates that the heater. Micol yelling something but you do not understand what he says. Note that we're standing on the radiator, all with their feet on a white cloth that covers it. With our feet we move it further to avoid staining. We continue to celebrate. Micol was not pointing to the canvas. After a few moments, the radiator is disincorporato it from the wall, falling to the ground.
Fortunately it was winter, it was switched off and e'uscita too much water. We waited for the end of suffering and we have worked to put po'-a-bear. Pietrone Vecchi, as usual, he begins to fiddle with Lorenzino, as usual, assists closely watched. Alice promises us that it is the last time he invites us home. Needless to say, after a few days we were again '.
finished the story, Luis laughs a lot and knock on the door at that time. Mili is output, Sama is not found. C'improvvisiamo dueños. They are all German girls who seek shelter. As true masters of the house, we see the rooms, bathrooms, common areas and to inform you that the price is 3500 pesos chilenos ($), one of two in piu'economici ciitá. After half an hour back Mili (with Sama), they talk to her and decide to place in the "triple". C''e a triple?? In the living there 'a little door. In there there 'triple. Soopalcato a kind of closet where it is not clear-as-we have entered three mattresses. One can see that were "impressed" by a tendon mo 'walls! The next day the girls show us a design that made the wall of the "triple". It will be great at least 120 x 100 cm. Everything there is colored 'cone on which are marked South American destinations that have touched them in 3 months. For each city there are little drawings depicting the highlights of the days in each place trawscorsi ("all" the highlights). Raga .. truly a job well done. When we wanted to show him I was a bit '"crooked nose" .. In fact I did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bsomeone smeared a white wall in people's houses. (La Cabaña in Punta del Diablo seemed almost uninhabited and talk of walls-there-seems excessive to me). ("Every time are not consistent ..."). In reality .. I really like the design and I also liked the idea of \u200b\u200bbad. Really nice. If invited to my house one night and it draws me to her on a journey wall a bit 'hidden (like behind a door), I would not mind.
Their triple in the next few days is occupied by Ludo and Debo. He was a salesman in Lille, she does the translator English, English, French, Portuguese. She is the first person I know who comes from French Guyana, there is a slight influence brasileira.'re traveling since March, have made Nepal, Southeast Asia, New Zealand and five in South America are arrivbati gorni ago. They have time and money until October.
One feature that has Debo, is to speak with many words. I never liked those people who speak a foreign language with many "maleparole, maybe just to show that they know the language. Already they are often not particularly fine, if we are called by an alien sound even worse. There 's also say that perhaps clash against her because Debo e'di a courtesy only. Every night she does practically everything for dinner. And save add tons of hidden salt in the pot you can 'say that it is a good cook and beloved.
David, Francois, Debo, Ludo and Isabel (a girl from Lyon who has been with a guy in Milan) depart Monday 'for all together il Paine. Io mi dirigo verso il porto per riprovare Ushuaia Mission da Porvenir. Lunedí é l'unico giorno che il barco delle 7:00 non parte. Bisogna aspettare domani. Meno male che avevo anche chiamato l'ufficio del turismo.. "Si si, tranquillo!! C'e' tutti i giorni!". Cosí mi sono ritrovato sull'unica strada che collega Punta Arenas a qualsiasi altra destinazione.
Mentre aspetto di lasciare la punta piu' a sud della regione di Magallanes penso al sogno sfumato pochi giorni prima. "off the beaten tracks" diceva un foglio che due ragazzi avevano appeso nella cucina dell'ostello. I due tipi vendevano per 1550 iuri il loro giallo furgoncino Wolkswagen, con tutti i permessi, le robe per cucinare e docciarsi, 7 sedili totali e due materassi. Anche impianto hifi con cavo aux. Pare fosse perfettamente funzionante. I tipi l'avevano portato ad aggiustare da un meccanico che conosceva Mili. Una sera c'era una cena a cui un'amica di Mili s'era presentata con il papa' (spesso qui ho visto giovani e non che escono con i loro genitori). Beh.. questo signore, anche lui amico del meccanico, si era incuriosito ed era andato li' a vedere. Dopo che i ragazzi se ne erano andati lui ha iniziato a parlare con il "capo" e quest'ultimo, in totale confidenza, gli aveva garantito che il furgone sarebbe arrivato tranquillamente dall'altra parte del continente. "Se ti interessa davvero, contattali subito! Sono passati di qui 2 settimane fa!" mi aveva detto. Avevo giá scritto ai tipi. L'indomani the terrible news. "Gorda Bella" (the name of the truck) had a ticket to accompany one of two owners in Australia. I already saw on the Carretera Austral, appalla music, at least one person on the continent for seats, the way to eat and stop wherever it happens to place the tent in the middle of "nowhere." Then I arrived in Caracas and resale, would be the end-to-more 'economical bus and hostels. Furthermore, people who travel on mica aggratis loads. A little 'I'll give you. Then when I reached € 1550 Gorda Bella would divenuta4 free. If I have a blow job and something similar happens to me I did not lighthouse 'escape. While I these thoughts, I stop in front of Samuel.
... more ..

Greetings to all!

Finally after many adventures I managed to cross the border to reach the Chilean island of Navarino.dall 'other part of the Beagle Channel.

I am very happy.

I'm leaving for a 5-day trek along the marked path (I hope) Southern pi'u the world.

I apologize for the email community .. but here the only intenet an individual is very slow and I was 'already' blocked 3 times.

I just wanted to tell you that I thank you for taking me to pieces (those who long short) street.

really hug each of you.

Hello everyone, good and bad
excuse me again and hurriedly communal dimension ma ci tenevo a salutarvi in questo momento.
A presto

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Online Russian Handwritting

Medley: Old laughin' lady-
Elderly woman behind the counter in a small town

Lungo la costa argentina che da Buenos Aires corre fino al Sud del mondo, c'è un isolotto dalla forma ottagonale (decisamente irregolare..) collegato al continente da una sottile striscia di terra. È la Peninsula Valdes, nella parte Nord della Patagonia, sul 42imo parallelo australe, dopo che il fertile verde de La Pampa diventa prima il giallo sporco di Rio Negro e poi l'arido color senape della provincia di Chubut. È a piu' o meno due quinti della strada che bisogna percorrere per arrivare dalla Capitàl Federàl a Ushuaia. La città più grande nelle vicinanze è Puerto Madryn, centro urbano deputato al commercio via mare ,all'industria pesante, siderurgica in particolare, e all'estrazione di petrolio. Verso gli anni settanta tale città contava quasi 3.000 abitanti, adesso, almeno 30 volte tanto. Da Puerto Madryn si parte per giungere, dopo un centinaio di chilometri, al cuore della Peninsula. Peninsula Valdes è una riserva faunistica, qui vengono a abitare da giugno a dicembre la grande maggioranza delle balene franco australi, questa è la casa di leoni marini, elefanti marini e foche. Punta Norte, l'angolo più a nord dell'ottagono, ospita durante tutto l'anno alcune colonie di pinguini di magellano, un pò piu' piccolini rispetto a quelli dell'Antartide. In questo territorio è realmente possibile incontrare guanacos, volpi grigie, alcuni armadillo, rheas, mara e anche dei piccoli nandù.(!).
Per arrivare alla Peninsula Valdes si passa per un posto di controllo; qui, dove il bus si ferma per molti minuti, si paga l'entrata. Il costo è di 1 peso per gli abitanti della provincia, 10 per i sudamericani, 35 per gli altri. L'unico centro abitato è Puerto Pyramides, sul golfo che congiunge la "striscia di terra" all'"isoletta" nella parte sud della Peninsula. Il paese si sviluppa lungo un'unica strada asfaltata. Non ci sono parallele o perpendicolari. C'è solo questa strada, le poche case sui due lati non hanno più di un piano. Qualche cabaña ha al massimo dei mezzipiani rialzati.
Indubbiamente questo luogo risente moltissimo del grosso afflusso turistico che prosegue quasi ininterottamente per tutto l'anno. Questa è una fermata -praticamente- obbligatoria per chi voglia avventurarsi verso la parte piu' meridionale del'Argentina. Gran parte dei turisti viene qui con escursioni in giornata organizzate da Puerto Madryn, raramente rimane qui a dormire; se lo fa, è molto molto improbabile che si fermi per piu' di una notte. I costi all'apparenza sono proibitivi: per mangiare il classico sandwich con milanesa (panino con la cotoletta) si pagano 12 pesos, anzichè i 2 o 3 ai quali si è abituati.
Niente paura.. nessuna nostalgia per i Our Autogrill! Quite simply this is one of the foods most 'cheap .. It must be said also that the 'Apollo' is no longer 'like a good time, then those two slices of tomato beaten them'-which in reality are often one slice more '3/4..- are actually sad ... and finally .. what happened to the glorious "Rustichella Mediterranean"? .. And the luscious "Panchito"?.
There are many restaurants and hotels, all quite expensive souvenir shops and the gadgets (especially no trash ..) raging on all sides, as you can 'speak for the agencies that organize excursions, tours to admire the naturaleza. Puerto Pyramides actually does not invite travelers to stop quaggiu' per molto tempo. Sarà causa o conseguenza ma anche i vari propietari dei negozi non colpiscono per la loro gentilezza.
Il paese ha iniziato a svilupparsi dal 1901, quando la ferrovia riusciva a portare qui i materiali che sarebbero serviti ai primi abitanti per viverci e essa stessa costituiva l'unico mezzo per raggiungere il resto del continente. Tutt'oggi è possibile vedere le primissime rotaie e i primissimi vagoncini. Sono rimasti li', completamente arrugggini, dove ora c'è la "piazza" principale, uno spiazzo d'erba (bruciata dal sole) a lato dell'unica strada, in fondo, in alto, dove il paese sembra finire, prima che la ruta si esaurisca scendendo verso la punta tra lo spiaggione principale e la grande spiaggia piu' isolated. Next there are the 'hospedaje and the bar "El español," the most' ancient and the most 'economic possibilities, here are the villagers to drink something (else `not even the coffee machine). In 2009, El español compira'un century of life.

The last census said that Puerto Pyramides is "home" for 348 persons. It should not be at all easy to live in this place. The strong wind hits you without interruption, the sun beats down (we are also close to the ozone hole .. .. .. always someone pays), the day we can be 40 degrees. At night, no wonder you if you fall below the ten ... .. And we are in February, the height of summer ..
Mabel lives in Puerto Pyramides. Mabel is a lady most high 'or minus 1 meter and 65, light brown-gray hair pulled back falling on the forehead by way' of fringe, but important to build "agile." It is not "fat" is simply not lean .. has the air of one who is bursting with health, it seems pretty toned, here. The meeting in the morning I'm looking for somewhere to stay in Puerto Pyramides. I open the door of the bar 'Hospedaje "El español," is very dark, the television on, some colored fabrics hanging on the walls, dusty old bottles on the shelves, there on the counter' of everything (clothes, newspapers, medialunas Vecchiotti) , the case is like the ones that you could meet in the remote village in the 'Italy of 20 years ago. The wooden floor creaks when we support your feet. She is cutting her hair to a man. He turns abruptly and rude tone, almost intimidating, asks me "What do you want ??".. "Let me know if you can sleep here, Mrs. .. please .. thanks ..". "To share a room costs 12 pesos, but you have to wait because I have to clean now is not ready .. .. occhei ?!!?" Yeah ... a question please ... " "No kitchen!" "Okay .. thanks .. I just wanted to know if ..." "The bathroom is shared!" ".. Mrs. Perfect .. thanks .. but I 'just want to know if in the meantime I leave the backpack here .." "Do as you like .. pero 'now stop asking questions because I have to finish his hair cut in Juan." Mabel is hard .. Direct .. does everything to make you uncomfortable. Mabel
do not know why but I like ugly, is very nice to me .. I've never met someone so 'crabby .. is not rude .. But surely 'you do not feel at ease .. While pronunica those sentences can not help but laugh .. Then there 'to say something .. Mabel has a very good side. Dura .. but very good. After having supported the backpack in a corner, trying to hold the rice and I rejoined her, raising the right index finger. "I'm sorry to bother you again .. lady - do not turn, continues to cut hair-.. I wanted to know if there is drinking the bath water" turns fast, looked at me for a moment and sketching a quarter of a smile I said, "Yes yes. quiet qui la usiamo per bere, cucinare, lavare i pavimenti...". C'e' da dire che questo accostamento non lo riesco a capire a fondo. "Adesso basta pero', Tano!! (ha capito che sono italiano) se no dormi nella camera sporca!". Vado in spiaggia.
Quando finalmente ritorno e mi butto sul letto lasciando la porta aperta, appare lei. "Tano! pagame." Chiaro! sono qui da poche ore ma ho capito che cio' che dice Mabèl è un ordine. Mi alzo, pago e le chiedo fino a che ora si puo' rientrare la sera. "Se io sono già andata a dormire devi entrare dal retro, là c'e' una stradina che ti porta alla calle" "Scusi.. dove??" "la'.. -facendo il gesto con la mano- poi te la cerchi" "grazie signora". Davvero non posso help but laugh every time I talk to her. Reminds me of my prof. Latin and the graco Berchet: estimadisima the prof. Maristella Ceva.
The rooms are on the back of the bar, around the flower beds of geraniums bounded by an infinite number of green bottles, upside down, stuck in the ground. Here you can 'make friends with other travelers who have had the luck (and tenacity) to meet this place. Can 'happen that while talking with some of them appear suddenly señora Maria, 85, proudly shows you the photo of her with her grandmother, taken right outside the door of the bar 70 years ago. Mary complains about the fact that none of the two children has given grandchildren. If you try to say something practically useless: it is almost deaf. Pero 'makes you always have great smiles. Mary is the mother of Umberto and Alberto. Umberto is the "companion" Mabel, with her handling the hospedaje, Albert manages the bar. The second day I asked Mabel who was mod the most 'economical excursion in Peninsula. She tells me that usually a more '"barata" and do so with Umberto for 50 pesos (instead of 90) .. pero 'had quarreled that morning, so I recommend to put a hitch but do not tell anyone. Here we live with the excursions. Lead me to the intersection of the road to Madryn. Look for 4 hours for someone to lift me up to Punta Norte but .. nada. Remain at 40 and 50 km from Pyrmides by penguins. Change the side of the road and after some 'me back to a family home.
in all rooms and bar are on fabrics and wood with hand-drawn artwork. Mabel Li's paintings, some "so .. so much to beautify, others following a course of painting which he attended for one year to Madryn. Mabel is at pains to explain all the work of "chiaroscuro" and proposed that he should have followed in the paint. Near the bar there is one that depicts a house on the edge of a lake at the bottom of the mountains and the sun. There 's also a tree on whose branches there are two swings. It is the house where she grew up Mabel, near Esquel, in the area of \u200b\u200blakes in northern Patagonia, the Argentine Chilean border. "See these logs near the shore of the lake? There were four different heights. When the water covered the third, I remember my mom took us all and we went to bed in the plan more 'high. In those days you could not sleep, she was frightened and spent the night watching the water level in the moonlight. "Mabel's dark eyes are beautiful, heavy loads of humanity. If you ask why it is coming here, you responding "Tano! What do you do? want to write a book about me? "" I moved 20 years ago, have never returned the'..".
Talk Mabel, after she made you realize that like you, is a real privilege. Even when you down a bit 'of complicity does not lose never takes his air, but 'laughs with pleasure and makes fun of you constantly. Not everyone with confidence .. more 'you see that we still hurts when you respond in a rude .. worse. The first two days I slept in a room with two French. They were angry with her: "we are traveling for two months .. there's ever been treated so '.. We are" very sad ".. this is our last stop and did not want to end like' Here it is ... dear all, there are whales and dueña is unbearable. " I was laughing my bad ...
who attended the bar is-roughly-friend of his. It does not take so much .. as I said we live here in 348 .. If you stop to talk with her knitting while watching television puoi conoscere Pino, un vecchietto di quasi 90 anni a cui piace tantissimo il calcio italiano. Un pomeriggio lo vedo mentre si sta bevendo una birra davanti alla replica di Lazio Milan.. "Pino!! guarda che ce la siamo vista insieme due giorni fa!!" "Tano.. lo so.. 0 a 0.. ma il calcio italiano mi incanta.. sempre". Lazio-Milan io l'avevo ritenuta "inguardabile". Mabèl non me la voleva far vedere, poi le ho detto che il giorno dopo avrei pulito io i bagni e lei ha acconsentito. L'indomani non ha voluto che li pulissi io.

Un giorno eravamo sdraiati sui letti. Fernando, un argentino, ingegnere agronomo di 38 anni, Michele (si legge Miscèl!) uno svizzero di Ginevra di 28 anni, e io. Michele di mattina era andato da una tipa a get a massage because it made him very bad back. At about 7 in the afternoon the girl, named Mirta, comes to visit Michael and asked him how it goes. He stops for a bit 'in the room talking and tells us if more' Later we go out to eat with her friend. Mabel goes out of the room, calls me and Fernando. In its own way. Walking in a split second point the finger at him first then to me, snapping his fingers twice and with a fast wrist movement beckons us to come out. Squirting standing and reach. It tells us to beware, that Mirta is a (half) alcoholics and not to quarrel with her friend.
The evening is really strange. Mirta not touch a drop of beer and talk about ideas such as Zen. The Her friend, Sonia (we discover to be representative of the Peninsula Valdes in front of UNESCO), the non-stop drinking before and it's really annoying. We three are stunned and eager to go home. We feel strongly uncomfortable. The next day, Mabel tells the sad story of Mirta and tells us that Sonia is on trial because he had a fight with a girl working at the pub Pyramides. She had gone to protest the loud music, the girl (who apparently was very nice) had responded rudely (but not that much, according to Mabel) and Sonia with a stone in his hand he had split his face. When we told her all the various scenes of the evening Mabel laughs.

A Puerto Pyramides breathe "history." Not just because we know that dinosaurs lived here, the climate is right and the same naturaleza that inspire you this feeling. In the enormous Spiaggione isolated, there is' a point where the sand gives way to the smooth rocks that appear at low tide. On one there are two big names engraved with a date: "Carlos y Maria 5.11.70. It 's strange what' you try to see this writing on escompare with the tide but which remains forever 'for 35 years ... Excursus
.. : November 5 .. This date is very easy for me to remember. On November 5, 1980, and in fact 'one of the best concerts of all time Bruce had begun 32 days from the "The River Tour". Since this concert was made "Badlands" five times for vinyl, "Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band Live 1975-1985." Unfortunately it was cut the phrase with which Mr. Springsteen introduced the song .. It was the day after the first election of Reagan as president of the United States of America .. "I do not know what you guys think about What Happened last night .. But I think it's pretty frightenin '." He did not say more 'or less like this' .. He had used exactly those words. That concert, then went down in history as the "Heart and Soul" - 34 songs including one of the best versions of "Drive All Night" (the sax of Clarence ... "hello ..")-, was hosted from the State University in Tempe, Arizona. Here I come. (Yes.. I took a bit 'wide ..). In this place-if I remember correctly, he had played one of three televised debates between Kerry and Bush in October 2004. I had watched. To my bad luck. I remember very well that feeling of anger I felt enormae to see that those who should "lead" the planet, saying he faced more 'or less the same things and talking to absolutely fucking slogan (especially Yankee habit). Well .. I never knew it would be easy to come to something worse. Every time I look at the sites of the Italian newspapers. I'm just sucks what 'is happening.
First of all, I think, for the sake of a community of 60 million people, is not so 'wrong intern in strength and maybe without a fair process (it's just a process in which the accused himself can 'change the rules?) someone like Silvio Berlusconi. He who for that community itself and its institutions did not show anything but absolute contempt. I'm sorry .. about certain things "Bentham, utilitarian .. I prefer the utility of 60 million people with the usefulness of a .. You can find it "absurd"? The absurdity is that in Italy some irreducible "guaranteed" going to make you go through an "executioner" .. This same "guaranteed" has brought us to this situation .. (Requirements, with acquittals ad personam "laws, a welfare state is collapsing etc.. Etc. Etc..) E 'to these, in my opinion-fake-, "guaranteed" I spend all my heart with Italy in recent years.
I know that the concept can 'be confused .. I apologize. If anyone had not understood I write .. I'm eager to make me understand better. In this time-maybe-not been able.
That said, I find it disrespectful, mean and lowest for the Italian community that the election campaign, in theory, decide the fate of our country is taking place all on the "I win" - "No I win." Manco we were to elect members of a fourth class school! With all due respect to those who go to the fourth high school .. Ie '.. Explain .. how does it work? If you say you win, you win and if you say you lose, you lose? And 'that's what brought the culture of the protagonist e del "vincente", di cui avevo parlato in un post precedente??? Penso pero' una cosa. Che tutti noi siamo colpevoli di questa situazione. Piu' o meno consapevolmente. L'individualismo di cui sono pregne le nostre società non ci ha permesso (e non ci permette) di vedere dove si stava (e si sta) andando.. tutti a badare ai cazzacci propri senza porre un minimo di attenzione al "noi". Solo all' "io". Non penso che questa situazione ce la siamo meritata, pero' in un certo qual modo ne siamo stati complici. Magari avendo solo un ruolo di "spettatori strafottenti". Qualcuno dirà "no, io no!". Mi dispiace, magari potrei dirlo anch'io: il fatto, la realtà, e' che cio' a cui siamo arrivati è questo. Non siamo stati able to do enough, perhaps the result of the work and attention of many (because they are however many) people will see in a few years. But, I repeat, this is the reality. You say "win"? Then you vote. You say you "lose"? Then you will not vote.
Cynically, this is what we have before.

Not to mention the tremendous history of these "communists" in 2006 threaten the serenity '(presumed or otherwise) of the Italian people .. "Silvio! Shit! The Cold War is over! The U.S. have won! Trust! I remember! Really! If you want I've got at home with the videotape recorded on an episode of Samarkand with the collapse of the wall! I do not know if you pay why do not you trust me a lot .. Pero 'I let it get a copy. "I can remember being curious as one born in 1978 has become aware of the cold war ..
I was 10 years old, was in June of 1988. It was the Europeans defeated the Netherlands. The training me I remember even today in memory ... More 'to Russia's goal, Van Basten, I like to remember that in the semifinals to Germany: 2 to 1, one minute from time, in a slip, in anticipation of the stopper 3 cm German (I do not know if it was Kohler). Unforgettable. Even if you do not like to Real (10 months). excursus finish the football mind of a fine goal that Vialli had stuck to Zubizareta '78imo Italy in the second game. It was the 'year of the championship di Sacchi. In quell'anno ero andato per la prima volta in Curva Sud, accompagnato da Umberto Gay, a vedere Milan- Como 5 a 0. Donadoni aveva aperto le marcature verso la mezz'ora del primo tempo.
Come detto, era giugno del 1988. Ero sul divano di casa mia e parlavo con nonno Roberto che teneva in mano il mio sussidiario; io avevo un pigiamino estivo, blu, con Braccio di ferro. Dopo pochi giorni ci sarebbe stato il mio compleanno, lui, mi aveva regalato la mia prima radio. Bianca e gialla. Mi parlava della Storia che aveva visto, come fanno i nonni con i nipoti, con affetto. Non mi ricoordo come eravamo arrivati li', ma mi parlava della guerra. Poi aveva iniziato a spiegarmi cosa era successo dopo la guerra.. ad un certo punto mi aveva per la prima Once informed of the existence of a third world war, called "cold war". "The Third World War has won the America and it lost the Soviet Union." This sentence I remember her well. I remember those words because I felt there was something subversive than the walls that housed. It will be because I was small "someone" had put beside my bed the poster of "The Fourth Estate" (even now I have it on his desk). It will be because once I was watching with my mom at the end of Superman, where he is taking the world and turns back time (I do not know if complete with stars and stripes ..). My dad had fallen asleep on the sofa next and he awoke to the loud music of that scene. "Ebbasta with these Americans!" he blurted. It will be because when we did the Subbuteo tournament with the national, my father-between the various teams (24 teams were doing tournaments!) - Always took the USSR (and Italy ...). A memorable Brazil - USSR 5 to 2, after returning from a dinner at the "Sixth Continent" near the site of Civil Society. It was one of the last days of December, I had to do four goals in a young Romario.
I do not know .. Perhaps for these reasons the words of my grandfather Roberto played "subversive." After a few days at the table I had this new thing called the "third world war" America won and lost by Russia .. "Who told you these things? "I asked my dad surprised '.." Grandpa Bob "." Ah. "was the only answer.
The word of the grandparents do not argue. And I must say that I really like and I appreciate that.

We return to Puerto Pyramides .. Here, when there is' little wind, the bathrooms are spectacular. The water is too cold and is also clean, crystal-clear that you see the fish pass near the foot. You got 'ste whales? Mica fissured! Mica are like us who go there to live where the air is unbearable! .. I think they had the chance to govern ("...") maybe we would live all over the world .. .. I smell better but 'not all that have both' desire is to govern .. the only thing that I want to know is to be left in peace .. I can not blame him.

One thing that you can 'see in all of South America and Puerto Pyramides in particular here is that you divide your space with the children. Wherever you are you're likeable human beings around the most high 'one meter or less you spend on all sides. I love it. The other day, more isolated in the wide beach, there was a little girl, has had 3-4 years that went back and forth with his dog. She had long blonde hair, a white T-shirt from which protruded out of the belly, an API of tiny blue jeans and bare feet, a Labrador retriever follows her everywhere, she threw a stick and he reported it to him, she approached the water and he was always there 'with her. I think he was one of those bands a bit 'baggy to tie his hair was in fact a lot of laps around the hair rubio, before leaving with her young and cheerful steps. In the other beach had to do a little 'more' attention. There were three brothers. ("..." Older sister has had 6 years) in the middle, little sister on his right, brother, "medium" on the left. The sister gave her hand to her big sister, the brother did not want to "shake hands" and rebuked the sisters. Well .. I do not know why but I liked the scene so much .. When I saw the mother scolded the child (his sister must have had the light!) I burst out laughing .. It was all incredibly "human" .. I remember that shortly before leaving Milan, I was going to the home of Vera and Siusy Nipple .. attraversanso Via Morosini was on the left side in XXII Marzo going towards the center .. There were two sisters (small) crossing the road on the pedestrian crossing next to me. The larger sister (8-9 years), most likely to make the 'independent' did not want to shake hands with the child and was more 'on .. the more 'chasing the little crying, saying all-red face and his voice breaking with tears-"Vale! I tell my mother that does not give me your hand to cross the road" ... I had an incredible .. and tenderness-as-usual is not making me enough to affaracci I approached my-"Vale" and letting them knock knock on the shoulder, telling her that the accused had had to give her hand to her sister. I was also allowed a nod to my "protected". Nothing .. the most 'big then gave his hand to his sister, was scared and moved away quickly ..

Okay ..
are now almost three months that they are traveling, more 'or less than 13000 km routes .. after Uruguay, `c 'was the northern Argentina to Bolivia (best regards to great guys furgoneta-" Los de la JOURNALIERE furgoneta "come! Pietrone .. Te extraño muchisimo"), then a few days Baires between dentist and Monir, the Lake District Board-yet-superstar and now Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. It feels strange. People and situations can sometimes be lacking, though it has been wrapped in something that gives you immense strength, consciousness and spirituality to me, until now, unknown.
There is a game that I often do when I travel. And this time I went to refining the technique and procedures. I call it "the game of doubles." It 'easy, almost trivial, but I love it. 1st step: look around and find out down here 'people who look like much, some other human being living on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Currently in the top five women (I have it in High Fidelity!), That 'female impersonator met with many, there are Not-in-order: Sofia Lombardi (sister of Nino was born as me 24.06.) 'S lawyer. Laura Rossi, Chiara Fraschini, Aunt Carmela (though that 'wants to be called Lilli), prof. Stefania Pellegrini. Top Five Men: Gino (born Paolo), Jokes, the pope 'of Thomas and Camilla Albonetti, Giabba, Gaianino. The 2nd step, but is finding it easy to bring situations to situations for you "close". Some examples: When I saw the three brothers in the 'other beach "I had imagined my aunts with my dad' by children. On the lakeside Bariloche along I was in the company of two families (one was the one that hosted me, Maria and meals). We drank mate, there was a smiling young mamma, magra, con i capelli lisci e biondi che teneva tra le gambe un bambino paffutello biondo di piu' o meno due anni. Era uguale a me nelle foto di quasi 25 anni fa. Che sensazione strana!! Era come veder me bambino con la mia mamma.. quanto bene che ho voluto in quell'istante a quella signora quasi sconosciuta... E poi?? quando vedi gli amici che si prendono per il culo e nei loro sorrisi vedi tanta tanta vita??? A Puerto Madryn ero vicino al porto, è arrivata una macchina con la musica a palla che si sentiva a centinaia di metri di distanza. Saranno stati almeno sette la' dentro.. In tre scendono per fare la pipi' e la macchina riparte lasciandoli li'.. con le mani sui loro piselli, hanno iniziato a rincorrerla mentre dentro la macchina si vedeva che laughed a lot .. Then the car back, spouting "three" with the spray on the windshield, "the three" laughing fall and begin to "beat", while the machine starts up again, leaving behind a 'sound only music ..
understood more 'or less how the "game of doubles?? It 's easy and I like it. I enjoy tremendously. Why? Because everything seems more 'small and at the same time enormous. And 'of mankind as a whole. You feel great because it's so great what 'that we live every day, our habits, our relationships, our emotions. You feel almost infinitesimal because we are in 6 billion. And we are equal. We will have cultural differences but we are human beings, equal. Tiny and immense human beings.
It 's a game that I love .. is a great way to love, respect, learn about these creatures that inhabit the world.
good game of doubles. To all of you.
can now 'go, "Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town."
"I Seem I Recognize Your Face ...

Saturday, February 4, 2006

Good Basketball Taunts

I played the fool
(Steve Van Zandt)

So ..

Okay. . is my real diary, there are things more intimate, I am a child of my time is not my fault siamo stati scaraventati in questo tipo di pornografia etc. etc. etc. Sarà... però.. Se ti succede che durante in viaggio ti senti talmente libero da poter metter giù in internet situazioni e sensazioni che sono "tue" davvero, che in condizioni di normalità non ti metteresti lì a "sbandierare".. questo vuol dire una cosa: che il tuo viaggio sta andando bene vero, ti senti davvero lontanissimo da qualsiasi vincolo. Vuol dire però anche un altra cosa.
Che hai fatto una cazzata. Una bella cazzata. Mi spiego.
Ho pensato, ripensato e ripensato ancora sul fatto se fosse stato opportuno scrivere certe robe mie. Mi sembrava normale "Sono a 10000 km da "casa", scrivo un diario, scrivo più o meno tutto". E non ci sarebbe problem if my trip had not returned. As there would be no problem if my blog was read by a few friends.
The "theme" is just that. I thought that writing a blog diary could give the chance to tell the beauty of travel, to describe all the incredible events that can happen is all the nice people you meet. To do this I thought was enough to tell my daily life.
happens, however, that you realize that your blog (your "profile" I do not know how it works) has been "contacted" by 273 people. I tried to imagine today on the beach at Puerto Pyramides 273 people lined up, including people who perhaps had never seen .. Although there were 100 or 50 .. "I know that it's okay been to Punta del Diablo? "" mmm .. .. Yes .. "And they know that you lived with Maicol and Jorja?" "... Yes .." "And you know that emotions thinking about family or friends or scoutz boyz?" "Mmm ... .. "And they know that" you were "with Ana?"
... This is precisely the problem.
a) I do not know who I calculated that law and that sooner or later I go back there where I read .. The to perfect strangers told you that I am certain that never will know '.. or not come back at where they speak Italian ... "Never mind !!!".. continue to tell my stories of travel. However, things would tell me beautiful things "life." We would not be anything wrong ..
b) 273 people who know my stuff (All) are many, too many. The address I had given to a few people think about it and even some of questiultimi I do not have all the pleasure that I read everything I write. What a father!
We understand that you may have done just a "crap" on scirvere things more personal?
consequence of all this I'm forced to reassess the idea of \u200b\u200bkeeping a blog. There I was thinking when I decided to start .. Cheffaccio?
Certainly I underestimated the power of technology, I certainly underestimated the power of the 'effect journey .. I got caught .. in telling all .. planning to stay down here forever 'to make a life that never will be in touch with the law ..
course. I could have thought of that before. I did not. Unfortunately
are very "emotional", often act on instinct. I have to write the diary? Occhei! Why should not I write things (beautiful) I captain? Why not? Simple .. because then you come back and you get a bunch of people who know virtually everything about you. Given that "almost everything" in question is not "bad" or "bad" may not be a problem. For me, however, 'there is.
is true, I had thought of that before.
Now I think the only thing to do is, after acknowledging their mistake, continue to write about the trip. But knowing 'what is a blog.
A clarification. The fact that he wrote some things do not consider it a mistake because "not done" or because "not well". I consider it a mistake from me, how they really are, I do not want to be completely "naked" .. Faced with 273 people lined up on the beach, I am ashamed .. I do not feel proud .. yes .. are stories of travel, life, beautiful in my opinion .. but 'in front of more than 273 people' of all evidence of shame .. In front of some not .. it is clear .. pero 'are the largest minority ... that's it '..
That said I have to write much in the coming days .. so as to slide a bit 'down the back pages. When you make a mistake and 'how it's done, right? You learn and move on.
