Monday, June 26, 2006

Liverpool Ambulance Control

outraged dignity

Many events lead us to the motions of outrage, often justified, sometimes children del sentimento immediato, quasi sempre scaturiti da sincere reazioni.

Nel mio piccolo, per tante cose non posso proprio fare a meno di indignarmi...

Io mi indigno per:

- i morti di fame mentre me ne sto davanti a questo monitor a pensare come buttare via un po' di soldi
- i vip (?) che partecipano a sontuose raccolte fondi per i suddetti morti di fame, il solo costo della serata coprirebbe il disavanzo del PIL del Burundi
- quelli che pensano che tutto sia loro dovuto
- quelli che credono che avere una radicata fede politica di specifico orientamento li porti ad essere culturalmente e civilmente superiori (sì, i comunisti; certo non tutti, parecchi)
- quelli che hymn to the swastika, a Hitler, or peeled Romagna (no level playing field, is evidence)
- those who have allowed politics to Silvio (casserole dish, you were so good in your field, you could well stay there, no, we would any happier?)
- those who believe homosexuals and people second-class citizens, if not the sick to be removed
- all those fags from movies and lesbians from roadhouse that the gay-pride parade, I doubt it means to be homosexual
this - the dear Fausto is in the House for twenty seconds and fired as before proposing a week of leave per month for MPs
- for peaceful anti-globalization protesters that devastate the streets of cities across the world
- Totti filthy slut who can not stand there and play the World Cup 10 against 11 ... Wake up France!
- for the ignorant and stupid (I know, not all their fault, but do not like them)
- for the interference of the Church, more and more pressing as more and more veiled
- Maddalena Corvaglia Enzo Iacchetti horn (ok, envy rather than anger ... But such a waste, filthy slut ...)
- by the grace Bompressi a prelude to further outrage insured (thanks to Sofri)
- to the scandal in Italian football, the stuff of mafia. At least the real mobsters certain things you expect them, and however Provenzano is certainly less stupid Moggi (Writing paper and calling card)
- the Mafia, and the real one still standing. Do not lower our guard ...
- for all men of the police who believe in their work and they will fight against the criminals first and then the judges
- for those (and there are many, even close friends) has pretended not to when you had the chance to abolish the medieval law on assisted procreation and scientific research
presumptuous for - for that wonderful caricature of Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, who is guilty or innocent
- for Giuliana Sgrena (yes, lowercase, uppercase suits More Nicola Calipari and Fabrizio Quattrocchi)
- for those who believe that race, color, religione, ricchezza, povertà, salute, malattia, possano rendere un essere umano migliore o peggiore

Potrei continuare per molte ore, potrei diventare noioso fra pochi minuti...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Bloom Cream Blush Swatches


Privo di argomenti di eccelso livello culturale :p, mi dileggerò nel proporvi qualche suggerimento per le imminenti vacanze estive. Troppo tardi? Avete già prenotato sdraio ed ombrellone a Cattolica? Beh, se così fosse, avete due ottime ragioni per interrompere al volo la lettura: vacanza già stabilita e tipologia della medesima lontana assai da quanto potrei suggerire.

Premesso che adoro viaggiare as much as I hate to be a tourist in the last 12 years I have wandered for more than half of Europe, often by car, half inappropriate for long distances, but excellent all the way to probe the countries we cross. There is in my personal taste is the ideal holiday, I always welcome change and experiment without making me miss almost anything, ranging from luxury cruise to the jeep adventure with tent like roof and the river as a bathroom.

Three travel ideas that I am going to submit to public opinion, trying to give an idea of \u200b\u200bpetty pros and cons as well as to stimulate the most of your initiative.

Iceland, the stark nature. unforgettable experience, especially se affrontata in fuoristrada con guide esperte in grado di portarvi a scoprire le meraviglie delle disabitate zone centrali dell'isola. I ragazzi di
Kailas sapranno farvi vivere questa avventura nel migliore dei modi, ma preparatevi (sempre che a distanza di qualche anno il programma non si sia addolcito...) a vita spartana, notti in minuscole tende da montare e smontare ogni sera e ogni mattina, freddo, insetti, pioggia... Per diversi giorni scordatevi la doccia, l'acqua corrente, l'energia elettrica, non sottovalutate la necessità di una discreta preparazione fisica in vista di lunghe e talvolta impegnative camminate. Ne sarete ripagati da qualcosa di unico: paesaggi vulcanici incredibili, geyser, natura incontaminata (assenza totale di inquinamento al suolo in tutto il territorio), ghiacciai, cascate, pozze di acqua calda naturale da dove non vorrete uscire più, lo spettacolo del deserto di sabbia rossa, tramonti da cartolina, piccoli paesi dall'architettura semplice e ordinata, luce solare fino a tarda sera...

Bretagna e Normandia, la Francia più bella. Viaggio da fare assolutamente con mezzo di spostamento proprio, camper, moto, auto, quello che vi pare, ma niente alternative. Scoprirete villaggi da fiaba, foreste dal fascino medievale, litorali sconfinati e scogliere senza eguali in Europa, città bellissime e perse nel tempo, l'unico e imperdibile spettacolo dell'arrivo della marea a
Mont Saint Michel . Places that will surprise you for their undoubted aesthetic value, both as a gift from Mother Nature, both made by the human hand. Order and cleanliness everywhere, most beautiful streets, glimpses of landscape change curve after curve, while passed through the winding coast road as well-kept the bay of Mont Saint Michel, until you get the ideal boundary between Normandy and Brittany, between Cancale and Saint Malo, the city of pirates, and then push you to explore the dramatic cliffs of Brittany. Do not forget, in Normandy, the fascinating and poignant visit to the sites of the Allied landings in practice decided the fate of the Second World War: Omaha Beach makes its mark. Spare not return a trip to Paris, I recommend ...

Cruise, tasty lust. What, you dream to enjoy a week of pure relaxation in a beautiful luxury touring? Would you like to eat to bursting, be pampered in every way from morning to evening, attend fun entertainment, listen to great music played at all hours, participate in interesting excursions, throw away a bit 'of money in the casino? Go on a cruise. It will not be the ultimate adventure, you will not be the top of the increased cultural, but once the trip will take a couple of good days to see the smile disappear from stupid stamped on your lips.

Where do I go this summer? Tremiti islands, and do nothing for a few days in a place where there are no cars, traffic, stress, pollution ... Sun, sea, nature, sports, hiking, relax: this year I can not complain.