Thursday, September 28, 2006

Foreskin Strip Search

Small Obtuse grow

Discutere riguardo svariati temi definibili come sociali è una mia innata passione, adoro il confronto con altrui intelligenze, mi affascina sapere in che modo viene visto il Mondo osservato da molteplici differenti prospettive. Opinione piuttosto diffusa al momento è che il citato Mondo se ne stia andando ostinatamente a puttane, per giunta consapevole della cosa, e probabilmente anche con gratificazione. Non starò a tediarvi con cosette alla moda, tipo religione - poltica - terrorismo - fame nel mondo - guerra - topa (che non è affatto un male del Pianeta, ma che è sempre di gran moda, un po' come i completi neri), e sarò invero per nulla politically correct .
We are culturally
sbarellando . The new generations are concerned about, a lot: do not generalize, I hate those who do, but most kids grow up spoiled, rude, ignorant, devoid of ideals, obtuse. Vellum and player want to do large, but not declare it in 8 years, they tell 16 ... The parents 'fault, of course, many of them belong to a generation (mine) who already suffered from the unfortunate tendency to let go, and especially of guilt' environment, inclusive of factors intended to have a strong influence on the formation of an individual and of individuality, then school, friendships, social, television ...

be damned television. Be damned parents' associations, which in the early 80s have done so much to clear the Japanese from robottoni television programming, because they were violent and dangerous for children, no matter they teach, perhaps unrealistically, that the good always wins . With what we have done for it? With California's teen soap operas troubled? With Griffin and Simpson , adorable, brilliant, irreverent, but far more morally harmful of Great Mazinger especially because, in their grotesque genius, little understood by a child, since children are not to be addressed though transmitted (with exceptions) in time traditionally dedicated to the public very young age? We did maybe change with cartoons where four idiots with spiky hair strokes to make a fight monsters conjured up by playing cards (imagine four old men to Sports Bar, playing broom, and when one says "Primera" a black panther mechanics, called just "Primera", materializes out of nowhere and jumps at the throat of the opponent)? With reality show? Ahhh, how nice the reality show, you do not ask anything in return, which will offer free food to feed as the only neurons that, moreover, unless you have more and appreciate the show.

misbehaving children? Boys arrogant? Other must understand that basically I'm just a bit 'lively , two kick your ass and away we go ... Mica strong enough to be significant . Those really strong teniamoceli for adults supposedly aware ... Culture, culture ... That does not mean at all just head down on books, in fact, means traveling with body and mind, to exchange ideas, traditions and experiences. Confront. I'm not telling you is that they are only models wrong to rot in the souls: it is correct, I repeat, give the faults also as described above, but it requires above all the desire to go further, beyond the models, beyond the trivial addition the assembly line that seeks to standardize our lives. Do not tell me that today are worth only the fatuous aesthetic values, if you're beautiful and flashy does not count, balls. Bill Gates is beautiful? He never needed to be, but everything must be measured accurately in context: I have the choice to take me to read a racing or a witch pussy landfill, what do you choose? What's that got to do with the models? Little or nothing. And 'human nature. But live not let live, is waking from its torpor, is to be consistent with yourself, you get to the bottom. Firmly take the reins of the game. Or at least try.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Superbowl Lcd Tv Promotion 2010

Vitoz 3.0

Ok, I changed again template, but this time I have confidence in the possibility of not annoiarmici the fly ... Opera Blogger Templates as usual has been appropriately modified and adjusted to suit my taste.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Cartoon Wedding Program

11/09/2001 - 11/09/2006

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Nagapattinam Church Railway Rout


I also was not re-emerged from the sea of \u200b\u200bPuglia, and already those parts of the Gulf of Tigullio spaminvitato since I was damn in Casper participate in a background of St. pseudocatena piscologic-literary, that is OneBookMeme .

I will not go in to explain what it is, because you already know everything you need when you click on will be found in the Genoese nickname above. Then proceed in the story, with the premise that, unfortunately, I read very little, the time for not jumping out almost ever ...

1 - A book that changed your life: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. The freedom in your pocket. The more a child, and your imagination fly, I reread as an adult, and you understand to the bottom of what it means to feel free from everything and everyone. Essential reading, both simple and profound masterpiece, opens the mind like few other emotions.

2 - A book you've read more than once: Animal Farm, George Orwell's wonderful essay on human insignificance, written telling of sentient animals as agents of social issues that have little to do with the animal kingdom, it is indeed uniquely human. Of course, read and reread, and consumed, the aforementioned adventures of Jonathan Seagull.

3 - A book that you want with you on a desert island: anything specific, any collection of jokes, something to keep happy, humor barracks would be fine ... Looking back, the island is deserted desert? Ok, then something erotic, almost pornographic, type Emmanuelle, Emmanuelle Arsan. Read and believe. Less onanistic speaking, also an extensive collection of aphorisms of Oscar Wilde would be fine.

4 - A book that made you laugh: and here I have to reiterate what has been written by Casper, Three Men in a Boat JK Jerome is a wonderful and delicious portrait of how often the banal everyday life, though sometimes distinctly romanticized (if not completely reinvented from scratch), but especially when described with the right amount of cynical umorismo british , possa risultare assai più divertente della ricercata comicità volontaria.

5 - Un libro che ti ha fatto piangere: Se questo è un uomo , di Primo Levi, racconto della prigonia in un campo di concentramento nazista. Nulla da aggiungere.

6 - Un libro che vorresti aver scritto: Il codice Da Vinci , di Dan Brown. Chiariamo: il libro è quello che è, l'autore pure, e si vive benissimo senza averlo letto. Ma avete una mezza idea del giro di affari multimediale generato da tale mappazza?

7 - Un libro che non avresti mai scritto: Le confessioni di un italiano . Non I was like the Ippolito Nievo, has been being forced to read it for educational reasons, it was the fact that a kid does not understand certain things, but two balls ...

8 - A book you are reading: The head of the Italian , hilarious essay by Beppe Severgnini, complete tourist trip in the mind of the average. Clichés, contradictions, excesses, genius, spaghetti and mandolin ... As always, the author does not betray, engaging humor, from time to time you will also consider how certain behaviors typically national sock us with a brush at first.

9 - A book you'd want to read: But the Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? , Philip Dick, also known in Italy under the title The hunter of androids an issue now outdated. What will will keep some of you ... Since this book was one of the best science fiction film ever. A clue? " I've seen things you people would not believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion ... I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate ... All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain .... It 's time to die. "

10 - Now pass the torch to five other people: I do not know if I arrive at five, well, hair ...

  • (mentioned by Casper. .. repetita iuvant , so hurry)

  • (at least the link is dead ...)

  • Thursday, September 7, 2006

    Pinochle Bidding Strategy

    Vitoz 2.0

    Grafica totalmente rinnovata e volutamente minimal style . Il template originale è opera di Cristina aka Pannasmontata , template a cui mi sono permesso di apportare alcune personalizzazioni grafiche, nonchè minime modifiche alle impostazioni di base. Grazie a Cristina per il prezioso e ottimo lavoro :)

    Tuesday, September 5, 2006

    National Home Mortgage Finance Corp.

    Gift Dad

    Il rapporto con i genitori talvolta è idilliaco, spesso conflittuale, la via di mezzo è forse la situazione più ricorrente. Con mio padre always has been, a bit 'of love, a bit' of acrimony. Hard worker, my father, often to the point of emotional neglect, although only in certain small things. But then the little things to annoy, especially when you're a kid. Like the time, Dad, that in the Christmas play in fifth grade, you are arrived half an hour late. The same hour that often exists between the bell and you arrive to take to school in the early years in elementary school. Who knows how angry my mother ... When

    really need but there are always a tireless also played in 75 years. Work hard, turns like a top on Monday morning, the day banks, including bills, receipts and number of payments, short visit by the accountant, and the time to go to supermarket, as long as you do not already gone on Sunday, with mum.

    've always done everything to meet my wishes, though you might have hoped for a university course for me that I never completed, perhaps disappointing, but he won my foreman from utopian. Did you graduate at 23 years in the distant 1954, you won everything that you've had in life, after I have often lived on their laurels and merits of others. Now I am proud to be good at what I do, thanks to you, stubborn old man.

    you helped me buy a home, let it go to 27 years for study, not for work, not to change their lives, but only the desire for independence (and here too ...), mom helped me move house now that I have almost 34 years and I have a beautiful wife. Maybe you have some 'paid work and serious about trying to be a nice person , difficult thing, especially for a cynic like me bastardaccio. After so many gifts, you get one myself, maybe stupid, maybe insignificant, but it is a gesture of affection, and if that signal arrival at the unnecessary wasting little something for the sake of giving, I can stand well on those legs that have contributed to make it stronger. I bought you a car. I hope you like it. And not just scratch the parking, I recently took this viziaccio. Thanks Dad.

    Sunday, September 3, 2006

    South Park Pokemon Stream

    After the free ride

    'm back ... You miss, is not it? To forgive me, especially the ladies, I enclose a picture of the beautiful in bright Vitoz put resort. Modesto, right?

    hedonistically Less talking, harbor the pleasure of having some beautiful shots the fascinating Tremiti.

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    As cover the actual updates of the blog, written under a couple of full-bodied just find the time to present them nicely, stay tuned.