Monday, December 8, 2008

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Tanti auguri a me!

What a great birthday, I'm really happy!
I like those birthdays in a few years later you remember! This
not forget, if only because
although I've on several occasions to spend the anniversary away from Rome,
perhaps for the first time happening to me in a place that feels like home in some form.
The special days are never as you imagine them
... The only thing on which I had guessed, fortunately, when
few months ago, just arrived, I thought about,
was that on the day of my first birthday there Brazilian Giancarla was near me.
Of this I was certain.
It was not something as obvious as,
live together 24 hours a day every day and share, maybe
with joy but for strength,
private life, work, rest, friends, everything ....
is not easy and can put a strain on even the most close-knit pair. We're taking out the
there, I hope.
And she was very sweet on this special day ...
and not just because it is produced in cakes and pastries baked nutella ...
the goodies we have cooked and dedicated
accompanied with appropriate Chilean cabernet, are nothing next
lightly delicacy which has covered me with affection,
filling the void created by the inevitable remoteness of many loved ones with which
in Rome, I probably spent
December 7.
The rest of the day is calm last, among the small
commitments arising from the management and various lodging, friendly meetings,
more or less every day, you happen to do in this island.
So, for example, I have enjoyed a beer with Nestor,
irrepressible and crafty Argentine boy who runs a hostel for several years in which we are healthy, brotherly competition and that, on 11, completed his 44 years
( looks at the dark times).
even though I've never mentioned earlier,
is one of the persons whose attendance,
since we are here, most
reinforces our belief that the choice made.
It 's a good person,
always full of advice and a positive charge and teasing in the gray days that picks you up morale.
It gives you the feeling that behave well in life towards your next pay.
full circle,
the evening and have dinner with the participation of our lovely Natalia inevitable and that disappears when not in
company Gasperino (....?)
is committed to weaving their handicrafts and to teach Giancarla macramé techniques to weave bracelets, earrings, butterflies and whatever their imagination suggests.
The "Columbian" is part of the family now lives here with us and we have fun together.
In the midst of all this the many messages of congratulations that I received, thanks to the Orwellian
channels facebook,
by so many friends
and get even more pleasure to be here ...
And, of course, an unforgettable link via Skype with my family,
celebrating the 33 years of my twin sister Maureen.
The link webcam,
in the best tradition,
was preceded and hampered by various technical problems that
hanno contribuito ad aumentare la suspance per questo evento tecnologico che di botto ha spedito la mia famiglia,
tradizionalmente affezionata al videoregistratore a cassette,
nell’era del digitale applicato!Sembrava un po’ di assistere al filmato del primo uomo atterrato sulla luna anche perché,
a causa dei capricci del lap top – blue tooth di mio padre
(chi l’avrebbe mai detto che mio padre ne avrebbe mai posseduto uno collegandosi addirittura oltreoceano con Skype?!),
l’intera comitiva è stata costretta,
alle 23.00 ora locale,
ad effettuare la connessione in giardino al freddo e al gelo e circondata dal buio.
Che altro…nulla,
only thanks again to those who have turned this part of a loving thought!

Congratulations Maureen!
Did you see that this year I have forgotten?!

PS: For those who ask news of Gasperino:
our spent a difficult period during which came first to jump from the terrace of the Pousada, a flight of 3 feet
(he is 12 cm at the withers ... quiet, all right, all that remains is just a scar, he also feels very sexy, lip lower left);
dazed by the fall, but in one piece, then decided to close in the fridge, where we accidentally found semigelato and frignante. Fortunately, this seems
periodaccio past and, perhaps
the young man,
these days,
you let go without a bohemian existence of pleasant distractions, vices and girlfriends. He
portrayed here in the arms of Natalia,
sends you a timid greeting.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

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Il Morro de Sao Paulo, di questi tempi…

Both were taken to tell our affairs that, lately, we have a little 'neglected to describe the place where we live and the gentle evolution of the Atlantic that this beautiful island is living in harmony with the seasons.
are the first of December this hot spring and summer to take over the next 21 days: with her hordes of tourists who come, even with the belly full of Christmas delights, is on the coast in droves to get the party started!
And then sharpen the weapons to be ready to "Revelliòn" which, in addition to ferry in 2009, will give the "there" in three months we hope that intense!
Another date to keep in mind, here at the Morro, is February 25: In fact, the day after the end of Carnival, crowded
El Salvador,
thousands of people reach our happy island for what is always called the "Resacca!

This term,
which usually indicates the feeling that identifies a serious hangover,
when compared to the Morro,
the meaning of a four days in which, instead of letting
dispose of excess Carnival celebrations and with the excuse to reach a place of relaxation and healthy life, we shall continue
party till you drop.
In other words: the worst patch the hole!
The recent rains, very heavy, cool air for a few hours again and wash the sand that makes up spiagge e viottoli del villaggio.
Una mezza tromba d’aria ieri sera, sulla nostra veranda, ha fatto volare sedie e tavoli imbanditi, per non parlare della”Churraschera” carica di pesce che avevamo genialmente deciso di attrezzare per goderci la notte di lampi e pioggia,
in compagnia di alcune amiche e di un buon Souvignon argentino!
Ovviamente la inaspettata violenza degli agenti atmosferici ha determinato un immediato black out con il risultato che,

nel buio della notte tempestosa,
le uniche cose visibili a terra erano i pezzi di carbonella incandescenti che cercavamo di non calpestare,
scalzi come always
in a desperate attempt to recover the pieces of fish scattered around!
do not know if we were successful,

fact is that Gasperino,
particularly active in research who have committed until late the next morning had a nice grin spread over his face,
stank more than usual magnificence and slept on the couch,
panzetta the wind and open mouth.
But now the sun is shining again!
And then all at the beach ...
(by the way, this is the Segunda Praia, which is the garden of our house, as it appears di questi tempi)