Saturday, March 21, 2009

More Than Usual Discharge After A Brazilian

Buon autunno a tutti!

Eh sì,
la temperatura , dai 33 gradi secchi di ieri, oggi è bruscamente crollata a 30 gradi centigradi, forse meno;
ben due nuvole sottili e leggere come il soffio della brezza serale, hanno pensato di colorare di rossastro il tramonto appena calato sul Morro,
e anche i delfini, nella baia di Gamboa, sembrano stanchi dei giochi estivi e quasi annoiati dalla placidità dello specchio d’acqua che ne riflette le coste scoscese di argilla rossa.
La sabbia non scotta più come prima e chi ci ha fatto il callo può anche camminare scalzo senza temere di bruciarsi.
finchè l’autunno è così possiamo pure farcelo
be fine ... because we are exhausted by incredible summer, our first summer in Brazil all the way! First
visits we have received and continue to receive
... And they confirm that people
he had believed so long ago and where you store your continued respect and affection,
were the right ones and loved ones.
And with the awareness of how, despite a general consistency
everything changes, and
Giancarlo and I've added many other new findings interesting and pleasing to our staff "guest book".
Although we have virtually disappeared from the web, that somehow
kept us hanging on at home,
there are many people who think so,
especially those who have seen rich,
in one way or another,
your family!
And we know that in a country regressed to an impressive rate, as unfortunately we expected
find a better informed lifeblood recently landed in these parts, or in view of the runway!
thought, of course, runs to the nearest relatives and closest friends, but
also to avoid falling into lists always incomplete,
wanted to write a special feeling that comes from the fact that
probably one of
these buds was forged
and still accepted in our home in Rome, in our absence
entrusted to the care of a beautiful person.
We, in our small, we fed
Gasperino that being unclean.
He, by now, hung as a lamb and has become a highwayman caressing,
but does not mind at all the amenities of an Italian home and the vices that are practiced with delight.
So if anyone is interested in meeting this little opportunist of dubious reputation can easily find it for hours and meals during the colossal penniche that this leads tirelessly in the bed of the undersigned.
Say no more. The
nostro neoacquisto Paolo,
nel frattempo probabilmente in una precedente vita abitava al Morro tant’è che in poco più di un mese è diventato più popolare del sindaco,
ha 13 lavori e duecento progetti e si gode alla stragrande la leggerezza dei suoi 24 anni, passati in buona parte a lavorare in giro per il mondo.
dopo tre mesi di annunci giornalieri circa una imminente partenza,
ci ha spiazzati tutti riempiendo in quattro e quattr’otto lo zaino, legandoci stretto il sacco a pelo
e infine correndo al ponte per il barcone che dopo un’ora e mezza di dondolante trasferimento,
l’avrebbe depositata su di un pullman;
e dopo 3 giorni di viaggio praticamente ininterrotto( 3!! )
chronicles the mundane damage wandering through Buenos Aires,
already installed and integrated with the urban context and found
ready to chase their dreams of its strong blissful insouciance. As for the Morro
who say except that this has happened all
that despite the "Vera" it's great that the Brazilian killed by a piece of the island is full and the pousada also goes without saying ...
Panic New Year's Eve el ' enthusiasm for the season that explodes in all its energy,
the February sun and its full moons, the tides
summer and in the evening ...
capoeira carnival, with Giancarlo
to open the "loaf" from the Morro ' high its curious
the stilts ... "Resacca do Carnaval", the true characteristics of the Morro at which the Canevale Bahia moved aside to mitigate the island and a party that would never end.
And then concerts and beer on the beach,
clear waters and hot in the shade of a lush and warm and dry regardless of the situation. This
the frame, but you can not imagine the characters, namely the congregation of lunatics who are all those who, for various reasons, reside on the island.
If this place has received the gift of great energy is also true that they are to turn this tattered sleeve,
in one way or another, this
energy into something
And here it is from those who live eight years with what nature gives him,
in a house of leaves woven inextricably into a mangrove lagoon and golden beaches,
to face up to those who debts that bears his fate,
you sell her wedding ring, then finished
in our hands a moment before being disposed of by a allibratorucolo of the place.
Just to mention two events or characters of course.
But there were too many to tell.
will keep you updated,
back to visit us!

E. & G.