Thursday, February 25, 2010

Untucked Dress Shirts

O carnaval

Morro De Sao Paulo, 17 febbraio ’10

Ebbene sì, è arrivato il carnevale!

Ed era pure ora che altrimenti qua i locali mi si deprimevano!

In Brasile, e con un piglio del tutto particolare in Bahia, questa festa scatena le passioni più incontrollate e folli, ci si riversa nelle grandi città al seguito di carri enormi e gruppi immensi di ballerini di samba per una festa sfrenata e incontenibile che dura quasi una settimana e dove, tra sfilate, concerti e megafeste, una folla enorme, accaldata e compressa vive un’esperienza stravolgente.

L’isola, in questi giorni diventa un incanto: i più esagitati vanno a Salvador e i turisti ed i viaggiatori stranieri che fuggono dai prezzi spropositati del Carnevale cittadino ed i Bahiani in cerca di pace approdano sorridenti sulle nostre placide coste.

E’ così che abbiamo conosciuto un altro italiano trapiantato in Bahia il quale, essendo un disegnatore, per qualche giorno ha preferito il Bungalow che io e Gianca abbiamo abitato fino a gennaio rispetto alle comodità della sua casa di Salvador.

Il bello è che avevamo in casa un suo disegno e non lo sapevamo! Vedi alle volte il caso.

However, even here the festival is not as the glories of the capital, in our tropical village let us be done to ensure a dignified celebration.

Last year we had embellished the honor of having been part of the "Bloco Que Onda brother!" Put together by the good Sena, which met anyone who wanted to drink, dance and sing in the streets of downtown after provision of commemorative T-shirts in pure nylon social cost.

This year, not to be outdone, we have taken the final step in del “Bloco” che forse più ci rappresenta e appartiene.

Quello delle “ pirighetas ”, credo si scriva così ma non ci giurerei, termine utilizzatissimo per descrivere coloro i quali e le quali, un bel giorno, “ virano ” a fare la vita...

ossia un misto tra prostituzione e accompagnamento neanche retribuito, spesso giusto per garantirsi una vita più agiata o per continuare la caccia a quel gringo che magari ti sei bella/o che sistemata/o.

Caratteristica del Bloco delle Pirighetas, e qui casca l’asino, è che tutti i componenti debbono agghindarsi in maniera tendenzialmente oscena travestendosi da donna se si è uomini e viceversa.

Carlito non era neanche male con quella parrucca rossa alla Jessica Rabbit, peccato il pizzetto ma tanto dopo la quinta cachassa nessuno ci fa più caso; faceva comunque meno impressione rispetto a Marcos (l’insegnante di Muai Tai dell’isola credo si chiami così): un metro e novanta di massa corporea imponente e testa lucida come la sfera di una zingara costretti praticamente in tutù; quanto a me minigonna e cappellino, che ho rischiato brutto un paio di volte in capo alla serata.

Manco hoping to go unnoticed since the Bloc was opened by a shimmering Giancarla, back at the top of his revived stilts edin largely composed of boys and girls from the school of drums of Morro de Sao Paulo.

Appointment to the house of Charles, the Capoeira Mestre to the island, next to the awarded Pousada Varanda Do Sol to 4, in fact do well 4 a quarter.

actual departure of the Bloc, 6 and a half hours, after dark.

better because the media had already faces disfigured by alcohol and tricks, after two hours of waiting at the pace of samba, when starting del'effettiva were now pitifully cast on sweaty bodies and powdered.


Also because, except for members of the school of drums, statutorily required, they are not willing to be a lot of people around the village in greppier, because in a small town in Bahia which is our , people are full of machismo as to be a superato giusto da quello riscontrabile in un baio di bracci speciali a San Quintino.

Alla fin fine è un atteggiamento quasi innocuo, totalmente naturale. Qualche tempo fa , in spiaggia, a dei ragazzi è partita una pallonata che è andata a fermarsi contro Giancarla, allungata a prendere il sole; il tipo si avvicina ed invece di rivolgersi a lei, molto educatamente, si scusa con me che rispondo che non fa niente, che è un modello vecchio che comunque la dovevo portare dal carrozziere e che stavo anche pensando di cambiarla con qualcosa di più recente. Non ha capito e si è allontanato un poco frastornato.

But so much so that at the beginning we were only the most hard-core (ie those who now no longer have a reputation to protect) to peck at the mockery and malice of our fellow countrymen.

I noticed that the most wicked are the children who live in these streets and Giancarlo and I know by name. They laugh in taste, they do so loudly and do not know even begin to show a little compassion.

A follow everyone else.

Well, we enjoyed a lot ' ed alla fine abbiamo riscosso il plauso della comunità di cui, senza passare inosservati, facciamo parte.

Il bello è stato che, nonostante la passeggiata in programma non andasse al di là della zona turistica e centrale dell’isola, sulla spinta delle persone che si erano via via unite a noi e che ci accoglievano nelle strade,abbiamo finito per percorrere in lungo e in largo tutto il villaggio, finendo la nostra festa, quando era oramai notte fonda, in cima alla collinetta iper affollata che ospita il popolo nativo.

Qui la gente ha riserbato per questa visita inattesa un calore particolare, sorpreso e spontaneo; and even those who had gone to bed here in the morning you get up early that they are all workers, he jumped down from the mattress, grabbed a beer in the fridge and threw himself dancing to drums around screaming.
Giancarlo was spectacular and made a fool of Morro children who have long been dubbed "Perna do Pao" (literally "Wooden Leg"): walked and danced so much on top of stilts those left by now a year gathering dust at the end of the evening had the wounds along the shins.

Now we just let the Carnival, and now there is little hard to see that organized Gamboa, where do things seriously and instead of relying on the inventiveness of a group of evil as we are without hope there is a carnival with floats, parties organized and rich cotillons.

Thank god the photographic material on the parade is scarce and hard to find the save to my father that another hard blow. However, if I find a picture which would preferably not obscene for publication, I shot and put it back.

Guys, a crash, a pupa of the past, stuff you would not believe.

well and I managed to quarrel with Giancarlo that I ruined the tricks!

All this, also thanks to the generous Brazilian dancers who accompanied the group, without altering the perception of heterosexuality that I had, about myself, before the night in a miniskirt and Topp.

With a psychoanalyst would take you a century and a bundle of money here, just a bit rubbish ', take a taboo the pellet and throw it behind you.

will be the samba!



Ps for Luke, 40 years approximately Naples

Stella, I have at my house a white bra, size fourth, I believe you, and in any event I do not like When Giancarlo returns home to his bag and pulls out underwear belonging to another man!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Brazilian Wax Garland Texas

Tramonto al Morro di questi tempi....

Without words ...

Barska Gladiator Spotting Scope Reviews

I (cuoricino) Bahia!!!

Dai, racing the clock is ticking!
Then, our unique cartridge to play at the shooting range with a chance, since yesterday, is home to Stephen, of Naples, when not sailing around Palermo and runs a bar in Bologna creative (he has a room dedicated to yoga, activities circus and I do not know what else) goes for a walk in hot ... and that for privacy reasons, from now on, we will call S.. And then what
ravine migliore che il Morro De Sao Paulo, perla della Bahia, nel cui guscio,tra pochissimi giorni, prenderà vita il Carnevale, seguito dalla consueta “Ressaca”, la quattro giorni no-stop in cui Bahiani e buongustai di mezzo mondo vengono a strascicare le membra, sfiancate dalle sfilate di Salvador, fino sulle nostre spiagge per un ultimo spasmo di festa.
Ad accompagnarlo alla nostra porta alcune amicizie comuni, peraltro piacevoli, e Giancarla, che al momento del suo arrivo era a famelica caccia di clienti per il rifugio di nostra pertinenza.
Certo, tutto questo trambusto con il nostro unico cliente ha scombussolato colei che mi conosce la quale, in un solo secondo, stile matrix, ha visto scorrerle sotto gli occhi tutte le mie indolenze past experience on the skin during handling of the glorious Pousada Varanda Do Sol (posterity will also ask around certain items that are hard to fall into oblivion ...) ... and now we have to do projects on the future ...!!
Basically, in remembrance of an exciting experience forensic passed, the charge is substantiated in the identification of myself as an individual tend to be unreliable and lazy, poorly devoted to the activities of common task! Practically a
Principe Torlonia, as my grandmother would have said Santina, who with such grandchildren rest in peace!
I do not know, maybe he is also right on your point of view, however, and dramatically, it is not my ...
A prince then .., I!?
paraphrase Tom Robbins,
say that maybe I'm not a prince, rather
bait to dragons ... gay!
And what the heck! Mica
only entitled princesses and medieval punishment of being relegated to the role of romantic morsels for terrifying creatures and phantasmagorical!
So, I say, even a prince, you say, to all intents and purposes as I should, be entitled to use the more appropriate name as there may legitimately aspire!
I say, just 34 years old, soldier and own car-free (in Italy, here I have a wheelbarrow), I do not drink, do not smoke (... as if delete here !?!?...), graduate (serving always), with various interests in his spare time ...! But it does not stick with Giancarlo

... So just shit that I'm going back to mopping the kitchen that can only be recovered somewhere.
Maybe the gift of a pair of shoes.
'Geez here we go barefoot.
Oh, it's a little that I do not turn one!

How about t-shirts:
I (little heart) Bahia!

ps: for all men in ambush
that rag!? quiet boys (and, often, girls), I return to my stereo and Argentine wine!
Soon after, that is ...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Titleist Ap2 Craigslist

Bungalow for rent/ em alugo/ en alquiler/ insomma, in affitto!

Alugase bungalows (rent daily, weekly, monthly) in the center of the Hill for 2 / 3 people (with Double Bed single or blessing to bed), bathroom, TV , small stove, refrigerators , churraschera, fan, hammock, sofa, overlooking the sea.

If alkyl (for days, weeks, months) Bungalow en el centro del Morro de Sao Paulo for 2 / 3 personas (Cama doble + cama singular or oscillating), cuarto de banho, TV, pequeno heat, cooler, barbacoa, ventilador, heirs, sofa, view por el Tues

Bungalow for rent (diary, weekly, monthly) in Morro de Sao Paulo: for 2 / 3 people (or double bed + single bed) with bathroom, TV, camping kitchen, Frigidaire, BBQ, fun, hammoc, sofa, see view.

Bungalow for rent diary, weekly or monthly, in the center of Morro de Sao Paulo, for 2 / 3 persone (letto matrimoniale + letto singolo o culla), con bagno, TV, cucinino, frigo, barbeque, ventilatore, amaca, divanetto, vista mare.


Enrico e Giancarla

(75) 91678103 – e mail: - Blog:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Russian Physical Traits

Luna, vodka e botte.

It must be said that it was a yellow moon and swollen to bursting point! A pustule
round and lumpy, lost in a sea of \u200b\u200bsparkling freckles, which gave rise to the beaches was not even a day, has nailed down the tides, was the terminus in each samba who has danced on the island, ha accompagnato a casa anche l’ultimo nottambulo ciondolante lungo i sentieri che risalgono la collina fino a congedarsi, sfacciatamente vanitosa, con un fugace riflesso in ciascuna delle gocce di rugiada che, alle prime luci dell’alba, se ne stavano ancora aggrappate alla propria foglia, quiete e penzolanti nell’attesa dell’inizio di un nuovo giorno.
Gli influssi lunari su me e Giancarla sono stati i più vari: insonnia, variabilità umorale intensa con esaltazioni mistiche alternate a depressioni cosmiche, fenomeni di lucenazione in Gianca, una puntina di licantropia verso la mezzanotte per quel che mi riguarda che ad onor del vero avevamo anche mangiato pesante.
Ma con la luna nuova non potevano che arrivare le novità: with a moving hand that lasted a whole day we left the bungalow and we moved into the new house that will house up to the end of June.
It 's really beautiful with lots of wooden parts, full of bright windows and balconies overlooking the format.
Together we have taken possession of the house of another cream-colored bungalows that have already started to rent: a little nest with veranda and hammock.
esserselo awarded to the first two students were in their early twenties in Santiago, Chile, Valentina and Mimi, with whom we converse about music and go over a little 'in English.
Ben arrived, after we see who gets! Obviously we
inaugurated this new task in the best way receptive, that is shutting the door behind the bungalow with keys and luggage of the guests inside. They
, even if they had any doubts, they had to stop and it touched me remove a piece of roof and put myself in the house mouse type of apartment.
Giancarla, meanwhile, expressed in alternate encouragement and derision for this christmas without chimney and out of season now.
Even without it we immediately said it was exciting to meet, after a few months and everything that has happened since then, to welcome new passengers to browse around to discover their stories and ideas rather than taste. So
to share, albeit fleetingly, a moment of existence that the fate of those people, arm in arm with our karma, decides to bring up to us.
Well, we were missing much.
Perhaps there we realized just yesterday.

And then start again. Maybe
giving our readers the same advice we gave to our first visitors this evening: Take a ripe mango and do it in pieces, with the skin; Maracujà an open and extract the contents with a spoon, add a spoonful of sugar cane, ice, and blend all at medium speed flows as obtained in a strainer, pour.
Now two important recommendations: know that is empirically tested as the seeds of Maracujà (Passion fruit, or if you prefer), sweet and spicy at the same time, give habit and take away the desire to work in case if he were suffering, then avoided the second to add to the mixture of vodka on ice unless you have already done a full meal (breakfast is fine as long as abundant, such as coffee and cigarette).
Beat your child (we do not we go back to having Gasperino).
leave home, take a deep breath and savor what may be your day wonderful.
Oh, I know, they say that it works here.
Kisses and a river of energy on all of you.


Ps: If you do not know where the hell to find mango and passion fruit take two oranges, a coca cola or the cough syrup, does not count, I recommend the vodka though.