Spirit in the Night
Montevideo Staying in Montevideo ... strange. I arrive here Monday night around 21:00, is about to get dark, so I decided to take a taxi instead of a bus to arrive at the Hostal reported in the Lonely Planet. I am well aware that at this time me and my backpack does not risk anything more than to shoot at three in the afternoon, however the case, perhaps (...) For convenience, I prefer to spend two dollarazzi for the taxi. The driver is initially funny: Let's talk football with great interest and asked me about las chicas italianas .. But then makes me angry. He pretends not to know at what height is the hotel on the long road Soriano (.. if I go to 1073 is obvious that there is still a lot if we are at 356 ..), try to waste time and traffic lights, looking at the various numbers civic. Mica me so I cheat! I am holding the map of Montevideo (also on LP) and annoyed the air show where I have to go saying "mas adelante mas adelante, por favor" with a clear and decisive gesture of his right hand thrust forward. I have never endured those who behave with me just because I'm trying to fuck a tourist (European). I know that many see the face behind our (necessarily) the effigy of bucks, but if you show respect and (as far as is possible) affection (As to any human being) and in return receive cunning .. bothers me .. I find it normal .. I also really do not seem to show the rich man who has come there to waste .. I see that are so ... ".. Low budget." He did not leave a single penny as a tip (from here it very often, even 20 cents of a euro is not just for them).
The hotel will cost more than twice as shown in the guide ($ 8 instead of 3.5), I try to go two blocks all'Hostelling International (should be 5), but for now it is full. Back to another. The lady at the front desk gave me a large room built on the roof (next to tanks of water) which is accessed by climbing up a long and ripida scala in ferro arrugginito. Sembra che l'ultima volta che una persona abbia dormito in questa stanza sia stata almeno 1 anno fa. Almeno... . Il bagno é al pian terreno. Mi sistemo un pó e vado a farmi il consueto giretto.
Mi siedo su una panchina nella Plaza Independencia, guardando la statua di un eroe nazionale (di cui non ricordo il nome...) sul suo cavallo. Mentre uomini e donne di tutte le etá mi passano davanti, tutti con i loro mate e termos in mano, penso a quel personaggio a cavallo.. Se hanno messo la sua statua nella piazza principale, che tra l'altro si chiama "Independencia", avrá fatto tanto per questo popolo.. normale no?? banale.. ..non é una osservazione particolarmente arguta.
Montevideo Staying in Montevideo ... strange. I arrive here Monday night around 21:00, is about to get dark, so I decided to take a taxi instead of a bus to arrive at the Hostal reported in the Lonely Planet. I am well aware that at this time me and my backpack does not risk anything more than to shoot at three in the afternoon, however the case, perhaps (...) For convenience, I prefer to spend two dollarazzi for the taxi. The driver is initially funny: Let's talk football with great interest and asked me about las chicas italianas .. But then makes me angry. He pretends not to know at what height is the hotel on the long road Soriano (.. if I go to 1073 is obvious that there is still a lot if we are at 356 ..), try to waste time and traffic lights, looking at the various numbers civic. Mica me so I cheat! I am holding the map of Montevideo (also on LP) and annoyed the air show where I have to go saying "mas adelante mas adelante, por favor" with a clear and decisive gesture of his right hand thrust forward. I have never endured those who behave with me just because I'm trying to fuck a tourist (European). I know that many see the face behind our (necessarily) the effigy of bucks, but if you show respect and (as far as is possible) affection (As to any human being) and in return receive cunning .. bothers me .. I find it normal .. I also really do not seem to show the rich man who has come there to waste .. I see that are so ... ".. Low budget." He did not leave a single penny as a tip (from here it very often, even 20 cents of a euro is not just for them).
The hotel will cost more than twice as shown in the guide ($ 8 instead of 3.5), I try to go two blocks all'Hostelling International (should be 5), but for now it is full. Back to another. The lady at the front desk gave me a large room built on the roof (next to tanks of water) which is accessed by climbing up a long and ripida scala in ferro arrugginito. Sembra che l'ultima volta che una persona abbia dormito in questa stanza sia stata almeno 1 anno fa. Almeno... . Il bagno é al pian terreno. Mi sistemo un pó e vado a farmi il consueto giretto.
Mi siedo su una panchina nella Plaza Independencia, guardando la statua di un eroe nazionale (di cui non ricordo il nome...) sul suo cavallo. Mentre uomini e donne di tutte le etá mi passano davanti, tutti con i loro mate e termos in mano, penso a quel personaggio a cavallo.. Se hanno messo la sua statua nella piazza principale, che tra l'altro si chiama "Independencia", avrá fatto tanto per questo popolo.. normale no?? banale.. ..non é una osservazione particolarmente arguta.
Ma che fine fanno these characters in our Western cultures? What of the story in our cursed Western cultures? What place is reserved in the memory more and more individualistic cultures? There was a beautiful phrase written on the wall of the waiting room of the bath in the South, a cultural circle in which I spent the nights between 21 and 23 years. Often happened to wait for some other young man gets rid of excess fluid, so ', sometimes a little brilletto, if nobody was in line with which to say a few crap, I used to admire that sentence. He said something like "Memory is the first civil liberties, you can just dominate people without memory." But we ... We are free? We have a memory? We are a people? I always thought that Italians are still a great nation, or at least have a duty to be. Where is the problem then? I do not know ... but I feel people only during the World Cup or European football. Where are we, the Italian people? What are we to make of our history? We learn from our history? Why all these saws mental, not too useful? Because I happen to think, in this pre-Christmas atmosphere, that prior to December 25 is coming on 12. For the history of the Italian
dodicidicembre was "the day of the massacre of Piazza Fontana". From "day of the massacre of Piazza Fontana" Our story has changed .. Imagine you explain (if you ever faced the problem) your storia (se la sapete, se ve l'hanno insegnata a scuola, se almeno un poco vi interessa) a un bambino, a uno straniero: che importanza ha avuto il 12 dicembre, in tutto quello che e´successo dopo??? Beh.. la storia italiana é riuscita nella straordinaria impresa di non mettere mai fine alla vergogna. Il 12 dicembre é cosí diventato "il giorno della vergogna". Nessun altra parola mi viene in mente per definire l'avvenuta istituzionalizzazione (vedi sentenza definitiva della Corte d'Assise di Milano) di un concetto tanto tremendo quanto fottutamente attuale e tangibile.
Il concetto che a pagare non siano i colpevoli ma le vittime. Non é forse cosí???? a pagare non sono sempre i piú deboli?? Non é forse true that most are honest, you have more chance to take in the ass? There 's some guilty paying for the injustices that is subjected to other human beings? From boy daily conned by tim or Omnitel or checazzoneso, the African peoples who see themselves die because there is someone who does not want to give vaccines because they want to earn more and more ... (I apologize for the disrespectful approach but need to make it clear that there is an invisible thread that binds all quetso).
Piazza Fontana was a symbol, as the process itself is a symbol .. in any community. The symbol of the symbol says that the dead are members of their families to pay. Shame shame. But the point is right here. The shame is essential, we need if we are to our history, our memory, our freedom. Without feeling shame for these things there can be no future for our people. Shame then. December 12 that becomes very "day of shame" .. for all of our injustice, our shame (which are many, many).
E 'NECESSARY because Italy-finally-"is destined."
the evening I start to listen to quiet music room, a bit of acoustic recordings of Mr. Springsteen's last tour (above all, Tougher Than The Rest of Milan, Tuesday 07:06:05), having lit a small lamp on the bedside table . At one point the lamp burns out by a grand slam. PPAAMM!. All dark. And 'perhaps the time to sleep, I remove the earphones from his ears (small speakers that I had promised myself to buy I have not bought yet) and goodnight. ... Goodnight!?? While I sleep I am awakened again and again by squeaks, pops (leading to drop something on the ground) and some small steps that stop just turn on the light (the great) and then start over again becomes black when it all black. I know what you think some mischievous player ... Rigiuro and I swear that I did not drink one beer and certainly not-I would say the mothers, "Spinelli".
The truth is that I'm shitting below. Here is something animated, can not be only moths or mice .. I hear footsteps and Robin fall to the ground and then I can not wait. I'm seriously tempted to go down and ask to change rooms ..
and if you follow me?? if I understand fear and then starts to make me the "mischief"? I could talk I would tell him that I will not bother .. and apologize for the intrusion into its habitat. Really: I'm afraid. But I do not want him to understand. Then I get back my headphones in my ears, I do not want to hear. Get back to sleep. But the music ends. And I wake up, yet something that falls to the ground and those still crunches that follow a direction unknown, but never in one place. Another CD, another snoring (everything inside the sleeping bag with just his nose out). Dawn breaks, la luce. I rumori man mano diminuiscono. E' andata.
La mattina sono un po' piu' tranquillo, penso che alla fine mi ha sopportato, se non gli fossi stato simpatico me l'avrebbe fatto notare. Vi assicuro che non mi capitano spesso queste situazioni (o paranoie..) ma stavolta veramente mi son cagato sotto. Rimetto a postissimo la (sua) stanza faccio lo zaino e ...ciaobbelli!! me ne vado all'hostelling international.
Verso mezzogiorno passeggiatona ( piu' di 3 ore..) su tutto il lungomare di Montevideo. Al ritorno ho il coppino e il frontone croccantissimi e violacei. Gia' non posseggo un folto pelo, poi il giorno prima di partire sono andato a pranzo dal mio caro amico Paolotto (all'anagrafe Paolo 40, figlio di Maurizio 38 e Grazia 39 George and brother of 41 - a wonderful family-) I cut my hair almost to zero, leaving even more 'air my (s) time. For the first time in my life I buy an after-sun (sunscreen is not needed now more 'for nothing): But what the hell is it?? How much they spend on the sea for all the girls' ste crap?? Boh !?!?!
I'll be back in the hostel, I shower, I impomato, I do good and go to the place where I had breakfast in cuiil owner told me that I could have seen Milan-Shalke 04: if Milan does not win and 'out of the cup. Stan by seeing the whole (including the game inutilissima, both equipos already 'qualified) .. Milan are not there '. Should I wait for delayed tonight. Other ride e. .. I bump into something?? In a small demonstration against the new laws that reduce or even eliminate the hours of school geography dall'orario ... But are you?? Even here?? In Uruguay?? (Nb URUGUAY ...) Raga: Son of your! I speak with some 'professors who really do not credonpo when I say we pass the same in Italy. I really do not believe it! Just seeing how it warms me arguing my ideas are starting to think that we have. Ma. really ... how the fuck 'and may in the XXI century, in the middle age of globalization, someone (dramatically with government posts) can only think to remove the geography courses offered by the new generations? And the story without explaining how the geography? (Note the importance of the story .. see above) I can always learn the boys through football .. but the ladies?? What awful arrogant man and can 'expect to feel the geography (and knowledge then the world that hosts us) something superfluous? He personified by our minister Letizia Moratti. The one that always wishes to children of being "protagonists".
dodicidicembre was "the day of the massacre of Piazza Fontana". From "day of the massacre of Piazza Fontana" Our story has changed .. Imagine you explain (if you ever faced the problem) your storia (se la sapete, se ve l'hanno insegnata a scuola, se almeno un poco vi interessa) a un bambino, a uno straniero: che importanza ha avuto il 12 dicembre, in tutto quello che e´successo dopo??? Beh.. la storia italiana é riuscita nella straordinaria impresa di non mettere mai fine alla vergogna. Il 12 dicembre é cosí diventato "il giorno della vergogna". Nessun altra parola mi viene in mente per definire l'avvenuta istituzionalizzazione (vedi sentenza definitiva della Corte d'Assise di Milano) di un concetto tanto tremendo quanto fottutamente attuale e tangibile.
Il concetto che a pagare non siano i colpevoli ma le vittime. Non é forse cosí???? a pagare non sono sempre i piú deboli?? Non é forse true that most are honest, you have more chance to take in the ass? There 's some guilty paying for the injustices that is subjected to other human beings? From boy daily conned by tim or Omnitel or checazzoneso, the African peoples who see themselves die because there is someone who does not want to give vaccines because they want to earn more and more ... (I apologize for the disrespectful approach but need to make it clear that there is an invisible thread that binds all quetso).
Piazza Fontana was a symbol, as the process itself is a symbol .. in any community. The symbol of the symbol says that the dead are members of their families to pay. Shame shame. But the point is right here. The shame is essential, we need if we are to our history, our memory, our freedom. Without feeling shame for these things there can be no future for our people. Shame then. December 12 that becomes very "day of shame" .. for all of our injustice, our shame (which are many, many).
E 'NECESSARY because Italy-finally-"is destined."
the evening I start to listen to quiet music room, a bit of acoustic recordings of Mr. Springsteen's last tour (above all, Tougher Than The Rest of Milan, Tuesday 07:06:05), having lit a small lamp on the bedside table . At one point the lamp burns out by a grand slam. PPAAMM!. All dark. And 'perhaps the time to sleep, I remove the earphones from his ears (small speakers that I had promised myself to buy I have not bought yet) and goodnight. ... Goodnight!?? While I sleep I am awakened again and again by squeaks, pops (leading to drop something on the ground) and some small steps that stop just turn on the light (the great) and then start over again becomes black when it all black. I know what you think some mischievous player ... Rigiuro and I swear that I did not drink one beer and certainly not-I would say the mothers, "Spinelli".
The truth is that I'm shitting below. Here is something animated, can not be only moths or mice .. I hear footsteps and Robin fall to the ground and then I can not wait. I'm seriously tempted to go down and ask to change rooms ..
and if you follow me?? if I understand fear and then starts to make me the "mischief"? I could talk I would tell him that I will not bother .. and apologize for the intrusion into its habitat. Really: I'm afraid. But I do not want him to understand. Then I get back my headphones in my ears, I do not want to hear. Get back to sleep. But the music ends. And I wake up, yet something that falls to the ground and those still crunches that follow a direction unknown, but never in one place. Another CD, another snoring (everything inside the sleeping bag with just his nose out). Dawn breaks, la luce. I rumori man mano diminuiscono. E' andata.
La mattina sono un po' piu' tranquillo, penso che alla fine mi ha sopportato, se non gli fossi stato simpatico me l'avrebbe fatto notare. Vi assicuro che non mi capitano spesso queste situazioni (o paranoie..) ma stavolta veramente mi son cagato sotto. Rimetto a postissimo la (sua) stanza faccio lo zaino e ...ciaobbelli!! me ne vado all'hostelling international.
Verso mezzogiorno passeggiatona ( piu' di 3 ore..) su tutto il lungomare di Montevideo. Al ritorno ho il coppino e il frontone croccantissimi e violacei. Gia' non posseggo un folto pelo, poi il giorno prima di partire sono andato a pranzo dal mio caro amico Paolotto (all'anagrafe Paolo 40, figlio di Maurizio 38 e Grazia 39 George and brother of 41 - a wonderful family-) I cut my hair almost to zero, leaving even more 'air my (s) time. For the first time in my life I buy an after-sun (sunscreen is not needed now more 'for nothing): But what the hell is it?? How much they spend on the sea for all the girls' ste crap?? Boh !?!?!
I'll be back in the hostel, I shower, I impomato, I do good and go to the place where I had breakfast in cuiil owner told me that I could have seen Milan-Shalke 04: if Milan does not win and 'out of the cup. Stan by seeing the whole (including the game inutilissima, both equipos already 'qualified) .. Milan are not there '. Should I wait for delayed tonight. Other ride e. .. I bump into something?? In a small demonstration against the new laws that reduce or even eliminate the hours of school geography dall'orario ... But are you?? Even here?? In Uruguay?? (Nb URUGUAY ...) Raga: Son of your! I speak with some 'professors who really do not credonpo when I say we pass the same in Italy. I really do not believe it! Just seeing how it warms me arguing my ideas are starting to think that we have. Ma. really ... how the fuck 'and may in the XXI century, in the middle age of globalization, someone (dramatically with government posts) can only think to remove the geography courses offered by the new generations? And the story without explaining how the geography? (Note the importance of the story .. see above) I can always learn the boys through football .. but the ladies?? What awful arrogant man and can 'expect to feel the geography (and knowledge then the world that hosts us) something superfluous? He personified by our minister Letizia Moratti. The one that always wishes to children of being "protagonists".
That 'one thing that pisses me off bad: The protagonists of that?? The protagonists of that?? Every time I hear that word I say is an irresistible urge to punch into that little mouth rificcargliela Cock! Is destroying our great and glorious public school, taking care to make players even more than good people. Your child what you wish it? to be a leader or being a good person?? And 'the emblem of the protagonist who hate culture. And look at them the protagonists of our year! Winning, instead sopraffarre educate, to live with. I will not even imagine if he becomes mayor of Milan.
The event goes quiet, we will be more than three hundred, they treat me just fine, even I hold a banner start. Actually, this and 'a task reserved for "young" to "quatrains" (as they were called to the grammar school) in Italy is not' particularly coveted by the big boys (who are well-known politicians- unless there is a great lady tivvu 'to take-or foremen of the various collective). This time I'm extremely proud. All
'first loss last night of the match for Milan. I'm going to a restaurant near the hostel. Note that in Montevideo in the evening I go to see Milan and 'However examples of the fact that here is not' I have found a particularly "friendly" now and frankly I do not have the whole 'is willing to go to a beer berm alone .. Only just decided to stay with my Milan.
I order a beer (here and 'one-liter, big brothers Latin!) And a' salad, placed me high in the table in front of the TV and I taste the game in the middle of tables of people indifferent. On the second goal from Kaka '(the 3 to 1) explode. GGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL !!!!!!!! you '! fuck! you! From milan! come on!! SSSSIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!! At first people look at me shocked (note the quote ..), then they laugh, I apologize for decades, in exchange I get a beer from a nearby table. Toast, the German mark another goal, there 'to suffer until the last but then' done, we are in the second round, back in the hostel, you go to bed.
The event goes quiet, we will be more than three hundred, they treat me just fine, even I hold a banner start. Actually, this and 'a task reserved for "young" to "quatrains" (as they were called to the grammar school) in Italy is not' particularly coveted by the big boys (who are well-known politicians- unless there is a great lady tivvu 'to take-or foremen of the various collective). This time I'm extremely proud. All
'first loss last night of the match for Milan. I'm going to a restaurant near the hostel. Note that in Montevideo in the evening I go to see Milan and 'However examples of the fact that here is not' I have found a particularly "friendly" now and frankly I do not have the whole 'is willing to go to a beer berm alone .. Only just decided to stay with my Milan.
I order a beer (here and 'one-liter, big brothers Latin!) And a' salad, placed me high in the table in front of the TV and I taste the game in the middle of tables of people indifferent. On the second goal from Kaka '(the 3 to 1) explode. GGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLL !!!!!!!! you '! fuck! you! From milan! come on!! SSSSIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!! At first people look at me shocked (note the quote ..), then they laugh, I apologize for decades, in exchange I get a beer from a nearby table. Toast, the German mark another goal, there 'to suffer until the last but then' done, we are in the second round, back in the hostel, you go to bed.
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