Friday, August 4, 2006

Write Letter Not Renewing Contract

Star Trek by JJ

It speaks for months. Confirmations, denials, new confirmations, wise manipulations to stimulate curiosity. Recently it's official: Star Trek risorge, per mano dello sceneggiatore al momento più ambito (e forse più pagato) di Hollywood, J.J. Abrams , ideatore di serie televisive e pellicole cinematografiche di enorme successo e buon valore, come l'avvincente spy-story Alias e il più recente e innovativo Lost , nonchè del bellissimo e commovente A proposito di Henry , film del 1991 interpretato da un superbo Harrison Ford.

Rick Berman , A brilliant mastermind of the whole saga from the masterpiece series The Next Generation Enterprise to the appreciation, through blockbusters like First Contact and Nemesis as unwatchable disaster, had long since run out ideas and resources, a situation quite understandable after countless of faithful service to find imaginative saga invented 40 years ago by the great Gene Roddenberry . Right there was need for a radical change of course suffered as much (at warp speed ). Abrams is certainly a magician of the script, lively, innovative, able to maintain a high flame attention and tension from start to finish second, although it may perhaps be repeated (even in the continuous plot twists) when considered with a view on a television series of long duration. But we are talking about at the moment of a single film, the historic revival of Star Trek: we expect a great achievement worthy of many authors.

from several interested parties have tried to destroy the Federation , but not as dangerous as the Borg turned the heads
Paramount ... In 2008, pending renewal, which is rumored to be oriented to describe the background to the original series, the return of the likes of Captain James Tiberius Kirk e dell'immancabile e impagabile Spock . Conoscendo lo sceneggiatore, non escludiamo peraltro alcun tipo di sopresa: comunque sia e qualsiasi possa essere il risultato finale, lunga vita e prosperità, Signor Abrams.


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