Friday, November 24, 2006

Anyody Know Of A Game That Is Like Mount N Blade

IE7, ADSL, any other business ... Getting sick is cheaper

From geek to AIS is a short step. While you're at a bit 'of factors: feeling of contentment, operating systems less and less mysterious and more functional (good thing, but drops the fun), computer viruses, old love, who have passed from weapons of mass destruction trivial broken cyberpalle , season with a wedding and a newfound passion for body building , and we get to the point where I find myself, that is, use your PC to make purchases, manage your bank account, bouncing a few blogs and some forums, book a holiday. In practice, how they should use it just about anyone who can get beyond the dramatic procedure called power, to be truthful fortunately that is quickly becoming a category.

I came to the choice of not having a desktop home, I just moved all important data on external support USB, I just only use the outdated Toshiba Satellite Pro 6100, adequately equipped with the second bank 256mb RAM so as not to make him suffer extremely. Since è rimasto in me un pizzico di amor proprio informatico, ho peraltro provveduto a formattare il laptop per poi successivamente reinstallare XP e aggiornare al SP2. Fatto ciò, rimangono alcune considerazioni di varia e casuale natura, che vado ad elencare.

  • ADSL. Beh, ormai colleghi giusto il modem o il router al PC, accendi il tutto, e in pratica sei già connesso ad internet. Al momento del lancio di XP ero fra i non moltissimi in Italia ad avere una linea ADSL, navigavo con Win98 e il modem 3Com HomeConnect DualLink, in grado di gestire il PPPoE via scheda di rete e il PPPoA via USB tramite un perfido software chiamato Enternet , capable of drilling (if not perfectly installed more than) a few moments in an already shaky structural integrity of Win98. Obviously better connect through network card rather than via USB (the time it was often difficult to manage, rather than convenient peripheral connection protocol), but this detail Win98 seemed very reluctant in the digestion of 3Com. I wanted at all costs in high-speed link with XP but, of course, the protocol Enternet (thankfully) was not compatible, and native support for PPPoE connection via network card was not properly implemented (also guilty of foul and pretentious modem. ..) on Release Candidate 1 of XP that I was using dual boot in . I saved the good Robert Schlabbach with his excellent ADSL connection protocol RASPPPOE , driver at the time rather than craft and want to configure manually, previously successfully tested on Win98. I installed the RC1 for about an hour, never seen before in XP, and surfing tranquiillamente with my (slow) connection.

  • Windows Internet Explorer 7. While I was, I did the dear old digest the brand new Toshiba Satellite browser Uncle Bill. Amazing. Non starò a raccontarvi come funziona, cosa sia cambiato (in pratica, tutto), quali interessanti caratteristiche siano state implementate, mi limito ad invitarvi alla prova. In navigazione? Explorer 7 è veloce, davvero molto veloce. Razionale, semplice ma allo stesso tempo sofisticato. Intanto aspettiamo il primo serio bug conclamato e vediamo un po'...

  • Windows Media Player 10. E meno male che mi son fermato al 10. WMP è uno dei pochi programmi che più avanza nello sviluppo più peggiora, ingombrante carrozzone filled with baroque frills. But how, IE has a policy of rational and streamlined, and this property is enhanced increasingly quaint trappings of questionable utility? VideoLAN VLC wins 4 to 1, no contest.

  • avast! Home Edition. Simply the best free antivirus (domestic) in circulation, and probably at high levels when compared with noble and expensive competitors. avast! is practical, reliable, versatile (can be excluded one by one all the protection modules resident), in Italian, uses an acceptable amount of resources and not a nuisance more than necessary. Like all other products dedicated to anti-viral protection probably is of little or nothing when used by a power user able to sniff the dangers a couple of hours before the antivirus, and less than nothing if used from a naive fool clickers on anything except the steps under fire on nice small button that would update the program.

    Ultimately, I enjoyed it. For a couple of evenings I've tasted to dive back into a boundless sea where it is long since puciavo buttocks. Now I can peacefully return to play the part of the AIS information.


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