Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What Is School Like In Nicaragua

Cakes Irish

walk you happen to notice a bit of a shop window 'anonymous in a small street of Milan, near Porta Romana. On the sign read " Pastry O'Sullivan's," and you ask what source could ever have. Probably American, ultimately in the U.S. with the sweets did not fare Malacca, and would not be the first around here. From the name though ... Maybe Irish? Unusual, but possible. Well, quick consultation with my wife, and you decide groped. The guy behind the counter is a free and easy Irish thirties from good Italian clocked by a nice accent of the channel. The bar is populated by colorful cakes, largely based pastry, but also a lot of mousse, chocolates, cookies and crafts of various types. We leave groped by two small cakes, one filled with apples with a layer of cream, pine nuts, and berries and a strawberry tart and chocolate. At the moment it is any hesitation on the art of confectionery young man goes out in moans of pleasure unstoppable. Delicious. Eccellente il mix di ingredienti nella torta di mele, e a mio gusto inarrivabile il sapore del cioccolato della crostata, dalla perfetta fusione nel palato, con un tocco delicato e non invadente, dolce ma non stucchevole come il banale cioccolato al latte, amaro ma privo di quel retrogusto davvero troppo amaro tipico del cioccolato fondente di non elevata qualità.

Eccellenti i biscotti di pastafrolla con marmellata, impastati con farina di nocciole o mandorle, notevoli le scorzette di arancia ricoperte di cioccolato, sublimi i mignon, ancora al cioccolato, ripieni di crema al pistacchio, ottima la crostata di crema e frutti di bosco. La pastafrolla delle crostate è perfetta, corposa al morso, ma mai troppo dura. Il bravo Stephen Cristopher O'Sullivan will give me cause for greater commitment in the gym, but it is a pleasure to make a minimum of publicity, if it deserves in full.

Pastry O'Sullivan's, Milan, 8 Via Corio, 02 54123982

Friday, January 5, 2007

Loudspeaker Stands Project


You are the happy owner of an iPod , but the thought of having to manage through that awful abstruse repository of functions that matches the name of iTunes will cause intestinal contractions? You are firm believers that a tiny and handy portable multimedia content, mostly music, should behave essentially come tale, senza aver la pretesa di fare il verso ad un sofisticato entertainment system ? Desiderate gestire con semplicità i file da condividere con il vostro iPod?

La risposta a tutto ciò si chiama
YamiPod , scaltro e minimalista file manager in grado di trasferire contenuti nell'iPod con una banalissima operazione di trascinamento. Avete una cartella chiamata ad esempio Queen - Greatest Hits 1 (che non dovrebbe in teoria contenere canzoni di Reitano...)? Benissimo, create una nuova playlist con YamiPod (o in seguito selezionatene una fra quelle che avrete già creato), trascinate la cartella nel riquadro principale program, edit the tags if necessary, and you're almost done. You can also take advantage of the functionality of automatic creation of playlists by YamiPod under the name of the original folder that you wish to import, it is obviously possible also download individual audio files without having to copy an entire folder. Also very simple procedure to export files from the iPod to your PC: select the songs selected from the menu and run the command for copying to external media, plus the presence of nice extras like the ability to create on the fly to different folders and subfolders for album of the same artist.

only requirement to be able to interact properly with your iPod, the player is required to have at least one song that previously moved through catafalque of iTunes, then you'll have to use it at least once ... Read anyway
the wide and accurate documentation online (in English) in order to dispel any doubt about how to squeeze the best YamiPod, a program which does not require installation, is free (donations welcome by the author) , is localized in Italian (a translation of a dear old buddy ... Oh well). Not exactly suitable for the management of content from different audio files, it is an optimal complement of Shuffle and Nano models, to exploit the full potential of the models will touch iPod Video instead go looking for other alternative manager, or content to exhume the mummy of iTunes ...