Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wikipedia Images Pink Bedroom

Dreams in early spring

And go back to writing,

with a great desire to do so ...
Our thoughts fly Fast,

lightened by thinning of the clouds that have accompanied this hasty and unfinished season change ...
The Morro,

as we know it today,

is fast stripping of his winter clothes and even the last bar open again after months of patiently working on the reforms slow rhythms of the tropics.

in our small,

we discussed the first steps of a commitment to finding a pleasantly unexpected annoying that

in the not too distant, for a while, not once,

would be perfectly have to pay an excessive nervousness and outbursts of temper
has revealed, however
the best chance to observe struggling with the typical physiological mishap in this work,
and more side by side with men and cute local boys, all
"buried" in the resolution of that problem.
A sort of proof, fire or false alarm
such as those that are made on the first night on cruise ships.
But here's the shit that the overflowing manhole was true, and
anyone could remember, rather, the merry little band of the Titanic,
able to happily and unabashedly also invited to enjoy the four days passed between those tubes, manhole covers, water pumps and lime ... while the vessel appeared to sink into the "sand" underneath his heavy furniture and flooded hull.
It all ended with a beautiful eggplant parmigiana and "alleged" local
baked by Giancarlo at 10 last night of work and relaxation gobbled up by us, and Everaldo
good taste, which some
which allude wizard island of hydraulics and that,
presented himself with a bold proposal for the recognition of a plump reward for successful intervention
(date, therefore, taken for granted),
had to get a more merciful when we saw the impossibility sua,
della pompa ad immersione da 2 KW, degli alambicchi e del tank,
di stappare le arteriosclerotiche tubature che corrono sotto la pelle della nostra pousada non più ragazzina!
E così noi altri,
novelli Homer Simpson di Buddista tempra nell’affrontare siffatti lavori,
abbiamo fatto la nostra parte (alludo soprattutto alla parmigiana) e,
tra un racconto di cantiere ed una birra a fine giornata,
ci siamo sentiti,
in qualche forma,
un po’ più parte della comunità locale ed un pizzico più brasiliani.
Naturalmente non credo ci sia bisogno di suggerire che,
in un villaggio iperturistico,
ma dove non ci sono neanche le strade figurarsi gli smorzi,
possano accadere cose del tipo andare ad affittare la pompa con un viaggio di un ora e un quarto di 4x4 all’interno del mato,
dal cugino di un tale che conosceva Everaldo;
per il tank è stato più semplice,
è bastato convincere un intraprendente residente locale a concederci in uso il proprio serbatoio dell’acqua ed a rimuoverlo con scale e funi dal tetto di casa,
provvedendo preventivamente a svuotarlo ed allagando dunque la stradina di sabbia dove tutti noi abitiamo con grande gioia degli infradecenni accorsi numerosi;
non ultimo imponendo l’astinenza igienica ai propri coinquilini e/o familiari a cambio della onesta somma di una ventina di vecchi euri giornalieri che
ci hopes (but no oath)
was earmarked for only a small part of the immediate translation into the national liquor of poor quality and high BAC,
better known as "cachaça." Among the nice
visits pleasing pair of travelers, such as Maurice and Monica, Ciara, and Jeff, our Priscilla and Daria and many more,
and thrown behind a little as instructive episode in the "Cape Fear", prune the branches and
excessive jets of palms, flowering plants and vines that adorn many of our inn,
oliamo polish the plates and the woods that surround and sustain,
to be ready to calm the wave of warmth,
with the quiet of the events and the thinning of the rains,
wrap brilliant clarity of the views of this bit of Brazil.
spare a thought for the house, screaming all the monsters that are coming to keep us company and the world that will, we can not embrace strong
friends Andrew and Sabina in Vicenza,
with people who find it hard to imagine this unit as a simple and polite pair of travelers,
peacefully protesting the construction of a huge military base in the middle of town, simply because it reflects Placing an
how dangerous mess that is going to do and asking that people be left to the choice use of its territory, and
heavily beaten by the police are now enslaved to everything except the law.
An evening like this could only be driven from the soundtrack of "In to the wild and the same Eddie Vedder,
with the cover of the only major" Redemption Song "that
here as well and in our microscopic ,
dare we occasionally shouting at the moon,
pays homage to the great poet of reggae and beyond.
Sweet dreams to everyone.

Morro De Sao Paulo, Bahia, 27/09/2008.


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