To make happy my friend Dario A., known zoophilic and intimacy of our Gasperino, we return to tell you some stories about the cat said.
Eh, dear Dario, I am sorry to tell you that Gasperino have bad weather ...
It is indeed passing one of those crises that can sign for the rest of the growth and life!
Gasperino, purtroppo, è vittima di quella che sta diventando una vera e propria piaga sociale almeno da queste parti, in Italia non so: il bullismo!
Sai com’è, si comincia con la prepotenza sulla merendina… vola qualche schiaffo… ed ecco che il nostro povero ragazzotto si trova in mezzo!
Ce ne siamo accorti perché nonostante lo riempissimo di cibo lui era sempre più magro… poi gli era presa che non voleva più uscire di casa nonostante here is the height of summer and make a hot Executioner!
In short, things went well: our land is one of the few where there is a dog that follows that all animals, including those who live this side of the hill, have trouble with sharp teeth, if they fancy a bit 'of peace, end to focus within our appliances.
Among them is he who has become the sworn enemy of Gasperino friend, that is bad Macchianera!
Macchianera Gattaccia is a black, a bit 'bigger than Gasperino, has yellow eyes and long nails and sharp, and to meet him at night does not leave peacefully. It 's so elusive in his step crouched beside you and pulls you do not see nearly! Not one managed to take photos, was not even a bad boss!
I wasters, down there at the bar, including a game of dominoes and a beer Macchianera blather that does not exist and is only a product of local impressionability.
A couple of my Ciufoli Dario! I come face to face there are a couple of times and I admit that I went sul'altro sidewalk, but impressionability popular!
However, as a Gasperino, all right at the beginning of the dry because the tank was always full due to a reflex to Giancarla that a device was not even float, filled it to him in the sun see it half empty so beautiful mama de grows.
So he do lo splendido con Macchianera e gli altri… “dai che ce n’è per tutti! Bastano due fusa e qua facciamo il pieno! “…
Purtroppo la bisboccia è finita quando Giancarla si è resa conto che avevamo a bilancio più whiskas che un gattile comunale.
All’inizio Gasperino aveva la fortuna di mangiare giusto se, all’ora della razione, Macchianera non era nei pressi, ma dopo qualche tempo le regole erano cambiate e Macchianera aveva iniziato a pretendere che non solo il nostro gli lasciasse il proprio pasto fino a quando lui non fosse passato a prenderselo, ma a quanto pare gli aveva anche imposto l’obbligo di fare la guardia al frutto dell’estorsione contro formiche, altri gatti, iguane etc… una vera ingiustizia come puoi capire!
Fatto sta che adesso le prende dagli uni e dagli altri. E che io non so cosa consigliargli.
Mi ha fatto anche litigare con Giancarla ma ne è valsa la pena: se non la fermavo per tempo quella matta voleva andare a parlare con la padrona di Macchianera!
Poor Gasperino, you know that figure, the subject would do for the next 10 years around here! I tell him to try to gain respect, but how to do that I will trample the grapes every time he opens his mouth to protest?
Mena first and do it well ... useless, these cats are strays and media have reflected that when Gaspare just starting to think about doing something like that, you have already nice that inflated again!
Growing up in a bell di vetro no!
Tra l’altro già puzza che fa schifo all’aria aperta…
Macchianera Why are around every night, you know pass on fields with the dogs know the length of all chains and which dog is tied up and what not, is a formidable hunter and not afraid of anything! It would be nice too short, sin is a type very hungry and abusive! And so I found myself not knowing what to say, without sensible advice to give to those in greatest need. It was not an easy time! I confess to feeling a bit 'old and inadequate.
But luckily, my Dario, it took an event that has solved all our concerns and, above all, allowed Gasperino to pull out of the corner where we had improvidently thrown.
E 'was enough to drastically reduce quality and quantity of rations Gasperino to ensure that the attentions of his peers move quickly on the new arrival. He did a great job in starting to make fun of this unfortunate and at every opportunity to highlight the flaws and weaknesses. And Macchianera and the other down and laugh at inappropriate quell'enfisema aggattirsi against the harshness of the wilderness of these wooded hills!
is to be hoped that the latter only resist for a while '.
cynicism is not my friend, but a practical sense very Italian brand that I am proud of my puppy learns!
For, as Homer would say, remember: the important thing is you can always download the problems on someone else!
Or saying the same thing but with the prose and the class that one can write:
"In this world there is always the same amount of luck and bad luck. If bad luck does not happen to one, is quiet that happens to another. There is always the same amount of good and evil. We can not eradicate evil, we can only evict him, forcing him to move elsewhere. And when that moves is always the hereinafter referred to as a bit 'of good. We can never alter the relationship between good and evil but we can only keep things moving so that neither the one nor the other will solidify. Why is it then that should be afraid. Life is like a stew, you have to stir often otherwise all the scum rises to the surface. "(Tom Robbins, Still Life with Woodpecker ).
And this is it, dear Dario!
P: s.: aho, but it is true that in Italy as there are now elections have suspended all broadcasting policy and even those are 4 items that had been silenced!?!? But it is true that even a player has cursed in the field but then they realized that was not true then and now we all want more? Oh but it is true that a hundred parliamentarians mostly Catholics have volunteered for a drug test, then it is a positive result and now they do not want Who's to say? Aho, but it is true that the Vatican was a chorister from pimp to those within the Catholic Bertolaso \u200b\u200band Freemasonry? I think if we do not eat shit, what happens elsewhere, is that it never even give a mescolatina. Must surely be the fault of bullying, also said the tg, I think. When do you want here, for you, a hammock and work hard if they find time. See you soon my brother. E.
Ps2: solidarity with Jonathan even know, come to Morro two suitcases with vinyl for djing and then find that on the whole island, tell the whole l’isola, c’è solo un piatto/giradischi! E che quindi lui non può mixare un bel nulla. Siamo al Morro vecchio mio, bisogna sempre fare i conti con l’imponderabile! Sempre! E via di questo passo….
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