Beh, il calendario dice 16 di maggio.
Ne è passato del tempo dalla nostra ultima apparizione via web!
Il fatto è che a fine marzo due su tre dei nostri computer, stesso identico modello anche se comprati quando ancora neanche ci conoscevamo, dopo dieci anni di onorato servizio tra università e lavori vari, ci hanno abbandonato praticamente all’unisono.
And then we were so taken by this fast-paced subequatoriale late summer it was natural that we hold off and abandon any technology even more to our life barefoot, punctuated only by the flow of tides and by the succession of the equinoxes.
Now we finally have word installed on the PC and the third, the two laptops, with an operation worthy of dr. Frankenstein but more modestly entrusted to the good that Tony's last name is "Tell us" as they say in these parts, we obtained an apparently functional.
Throw out that my mother, with contempt of danger, he started a course to learn how to use these gadgets hypercomplex, making me very proud and happy.
And what's more, with the arrival of autumn rains, back the pleasure of staying at home with a cup of coffee next to the keyboard to tell, for those who had the curiosity, as there we spend here.
The first thought that escapes from the meninges is the confirmation of the fact that the time is not the same everywhere and that, in some ways, each of us is the clock itself.
not an hour, at these latitudes, lasts 120 minutes, mind you.
And yet if only those things, although not exceptional, we have done or that have happened in the past two months, probably, when setting our clock biorhythm native time zone, would not be it took two years to see happen.
Our little bungalow has various and colorful and pleasing attendance and gave us the opportunity to make new friends and make pleasant knowledge, more friends have passed on the island and overseas friends I had not seen for some time, even when we lived a few miles of each other and In short, the company is not there.
There were even illnesses and ailments:
I, after I smashed the little finger of his left foot due to a samba a little daring with a friend of ours who is a caterpillar, I started taking anti-inflammatory drugs to limit pain and so I did not reso conto, essendo sempre mezzo anestetizzato, che mi stava andando a fuoco un’orecchia a causa di un’infezione o qualcosa del genere, fatto sta che da un mese mi porto appresso un’otite e da non so quanto non mi faccio un bagno a mare in libertà. L’infiammazione in corpo ed i medicinali che sto prendendo, ovviamente, mi hanno garantito una quindicina di stiramenti muscolari e di ematomi ad ogni colpo rimediato jogando capoeira.
Poi, visto che c’ero, ho fatto un salto a Salvador per un paio di giorni ma sono capitato in un ostello con i letti infestati di pulci del materasso di quelle che, per intenderci, found in almost every house in London shared by students and foreign workers. I fled in a hurry but I still spent the next week to scratch against the bark of palm trees and skinned alive.
Giancarla, not to be outdone, fell trying to fit a fan on top of a closet and was played for about twenty days, the right big toe, all good blood trail, to Later, he took a couple of influenzette much to like: it's beautiful even while vomiting into the toilet and in the brief pauses between spasm and the other, raises the little head, brushes her hair, she looks at me and upset me (yes) reassured that fortunately is not that bad and is pregnant.
To date, however, by the debts of luck, we seem to be on the road to recovery and certainly are not complaining.
Fortunately, just before it started this chain of small disasters, we supported the "Capoeira Batizado!
This event, which deserves a whole post was so important to us, is the celebration of our School of Capoeira and is the opportunity to give students the strings that indicate the graduation of capoeirista and play and sing together the music accompanying the fight / dance / game and in fact celebrate the tradition and love for this wonderful Brazilian fight.
During the ceremony, which usually takes place every two years, the number of pupils of the school, starting with those of three years up to adults, they fight against various "Mestre" and " Professores " showing off what they have learned of this ancient martial art.
The outcome of the trial, and if this has been satisfactory, the pupil is handed over the "cordao" to tie in life, whose color indicates the graduation of capoeirista.
advancement to a higher grade is not at all obvious. Indeed it is not uncommon for a poorly trained practitioner, at the Batizado, see lower class, at least until it has returned to a decent enough shape for wearing the color of the cord.
There is a student of Mestre Dede, the founder of our Group in 1973, who trains da qualcosa come 25 anni ma con tanta discontinuità che è ancora cintura verde-amarella, cioè la seconda corda.
Mestre Dedè è semplicemente incredibile: avrà 65 anni, viene alimentato a birra gelata, fa lo scaricatore al porto di Salvador, alla sua età gioca una capoeira divertente ed efficacissima, in 4 giorni al Morro (giorni di sport,non dimentichiamocelo) ha fatto due volte nottata ed ha animato ogni singolo evento, dall’allenamento che precede il Batizado al banchetto che lo chiude. Un personaggio con cui non potevo non stringere immediatamente una cameratesca amicizia.
But one who, when it comes to capoeira, no discounts.
Not bad for us, being our first Batizado and having no graduation to lose, everything would have happened would have been, at most, featherless decide to leave until the next event of this type.
Not bad for us, being our first Batizado and having no graduation to lose, everything would have happened would have been, at most, who decide to leave until next featherless event of this type.
And instead we have it all set to bring up the faded colors, and although the springs and the vices that increase continues unabated, we still managed to shine a little color from our faces unusually pale Bahia here in the heart of darkest Africa and there is, that where capoeira was born and where we have come to learn.
I say frankly, was one of the satisfactions that the most beautiful memory of having lived in my life. The fight went well beyond expectations and what we perceived by all those who then came to compliment, was a strong feeling of affection and respect for our efforts.
We were just baptized and entered officially part of the glorious Kilombolas Group, proudly, bordered by shining a green cord.
The party, which of these strings tighten it, it went really well: El Salvador came from some of the best mestre of this ancient discipline, and among these, many belonging to our Group , one of the oldest in Bahia, and then the world, time has helped us by giving us two days of beautiful sunshine Contrary to what was happening in the rest of the state, plagued by rain, and after the fighting and the traditional songs, have opened up the libations and dancing.
On the occasion of which I have precisely a dislocated joint.
Suffice to say, to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe climate, the most capoeristas, which are also usually true athlete, he knows definitely appreciate the pleasures of life, especially in liquid form. Add here that almost everyone, but especially the capoeristas, can play at least three or four different musical instruments, a samba that leads to another and here we just want to make morning, swim in the sea and that quick nap at noon began a modest churrasco (barbecue) a few hundred pounds of red meat to restaurateur 'the mythical "ice factory" of good Chico, indomitable capoeirista semiprincipiante, age and moderately overweight enough. The landlord, perfect in fact.
And so on.
And with this we are at the beginning of April ..
Well There are things happening but without dilungasi same! As previously announced
with a dry-proclaimed video, we rented this wonderful place that until now has been called El Sitio and soon will have a different name. As planned, with a calm that embarrasses even the same Bahians, we began the restructuring of place in our own image and likeness and to do this we decided to involve only local artisans and workers, and among these, a number of friends known during the management or pousada in recent months here at Morro.
And then way around per la terra ferma a comprare legname, teglie, cemento, a contrattare trasporti e consegne, a mettere in fila conti e note spesa.
E poi aprire ufficialmente il cantiere.
E’ veramente divertente starsene a spremere la fantasia per cercare di inventarsi il locale, trovare soluzioni agli intoppi, scatenare l’immaginazione lungo sogni tanto irrealistici quanto spesso fondamentalmente irrilevanti.
Soprattutto mentre gli altri lavorano.
Nel senso che abbiamo questa squadra of kids who, besides being a people, are like trains and therefore my presence in vivo work is unnecessary.
And then, the pattern laid down by the good Jerome K. Jerome, I can give space to my heartfelt and sincere adoration for the job.
Exactly easily trimmed on the beach front of the room.
And do not think this will annoy you guys! They do not care to much what I do, I think are funny but nice. Anyway, halfway through the day I come often something cool to drink at least that bitch can not tell.
But there will be time to talk about what we're trying to put on and the countless events that, on the other hand, as expected, are brightening after all this small work of reform .
also because, even though they future of our home and our next job, this is nothing next to the incident that saw more than anything else, lately, has already disrupted our lives samberecce .
Yes, because in all this chaos, however, said Giancarlo to the quiet, in essence, was the decline of the events and how, ultimately, our lives, accomodatesi definitely a bit 'of time now, they have nothing to fear in terms of serenity, as the substantial increase in commitments was not able to disturb them too much.
And what ever accident at that point would have put hard-won harmony in turmoil?
Exactly forgot my own interlocutor and compagna, apparentemente normale in questa foto.
Ed ovviamente il suo bis -pensiero circa la maternità che, se da un lato (e cioè quello del letto dalla cui parte dormo io) rappresenta una chimera lontana che ci attende alla nostra prossima giovinezza intorno ai quarant’anni, dall’altro è una esigenza incomprimibile che la mente della mia dolce femmina non può pretendere di scacciare facendo perno unicamente sulla mia presunta inadeguatezza paterna.
Una siffatta compressione determina inesorabilmente l’insorgenza diseases clearly related to the node in question, except that Giancarlo, instead of somatization all with a beautiful hysterical pregnancy prefers to rely on his specialty: the pseudo maternity hypertension.
This seemingly innocuous condition, we said, the door did not simulate using exteriorizations natural conception, during this rather difficult and rather boring to be honest, but to appropriate the fruit of conception occurred elsewhere in the form succeeding sudden and without giving any sign of hesitation on the farm and the growth dell'impubere chosen.
The point is that even in Brazil in possession of a human being can make some great bands and then my wife very balanced, without batting an eyelid, he casually decided to refer the animal world without sacrificing educational due to prerogatives a mom and therefore no jurisdiction to settle for those basically a mammal.
Giancarla Optimistically I thought, having been hit by the pseudo maternity hypertension in a very aggressive at times when subtracting one box Gasperino, was now immune to relapse and instead here is that, while making those thoughts circa la serenità e la pace e tutti e due ce ne zoppicavamo allegri lungo la familiare segunda praia, che ti vedo arrivare al nostro cospetto?
Una bambina che, sotto un sole rovente trascinava ed offriva per pochi denari uno dei due cuccioletti di una misteriosa figliata nella sua disponibilità; cuccioli di cane, off course, che puzzano molto peggio dei gatti.
Si chiama Cajù, come la castagna che si trova in cima al frutto della Cajà (viva la fantasia bahiana),buonissima se tostata ma altamente tossica se non trattata adeguatamente.
I will not say more for now except that as we guessed.
Giancarla only place a picture on one of his attacks: we are at the start of the school, with her trying to get it accepted asylum in the small hall just opened at the Great Source, under the incredulous eyes of the schoolmaster .
Luckily there was also our friend Sebastian, former tutor of Gasperino, carrying asylum Petala the beautiful daughter of his girlfriend Morgana.
These, realizing the situation, convinced Giancarla about the opportunity to give a more complete training and multicultural teaching in Caju to small home and preventing him to lose time in the notoriously inefficient local public structures. And so once again, we managed to give a scandal after all content.
Now you understand why I do not write. And 'there's also shame at times ...
But what can you do, this is the Morro de Sao Paulo and we made it!
Indeed, to quote the great Groucho Marx,
"These are our principles!
But if we do not like the others. "
So stay tuned we still have to scribble it too!
Kisses and living life!
1, ps: Mila, moved me to see you, you're beautiful, fantastic belly, tel'ho said, much amended, only a little 'less proud of her tits that are dopate.
2 ° ps: for the good old Cacini Piero, from 'na Caci polished the brass', that now I see that you take me up to' sti lace! Anyway, for the record 'll turn off the computer and, like most days, I'll do ' ' na detour before Bigonzo my imagination! You see, you I love you, see you soon. E.
3 ° ps: in the photos and films that followed: the first customers arrive at the bar ... we hope to be Italian at least tell me I Vianello's funeral live on the network with four big screen next the coffin and the people who take pictures with cell phones to celebrities on the catwalk. Shit I missed an event of epochal social media, I wanted to be the day we fell so low .... (W Monicù, then we'll talk of this thing, you always resist the meantime !!!).
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