More gifts! Today there's a new package. At the end of summer, I participated for the first time in a swap. I liked it because the theme was the "color", ie 6 items that had to send the color selected by the partner assigned. I was paired with Lorraine , New Zealand resident in the UK.
Anyone who knows me even a little, you can imagine what my favorite colors: brown / maroon / burgundy and orange / rust ... you know ... the colors of autumn ...
Another Day gifts! Today I got a new package. At the end of summer I Took Part, for the first time, in a swap. I Did It Because The theme Was The "color", Meaning That We Had To send gifts of the 6 color selected by the partners. I was paired up with Lorraine, a very lovely lady kiwi living in England.
Anyone who knows me even a little, can imagine what my favorite colors are: maroon / burgundy and rusty orange ... you know ... fall colors ...
And this is what Lorraine has created for me
And this is what Lorraine has created for me
The photos do not do not do justice to all the work done by Lorraine. Each gift represents a letter of the word "COLOUR". So let's start with a beautiful and original crochet scarf with the letter C (English Crochet Curly Scarf), the letter O is represented by an adorable owl (Owl), for the letter L there is a fragrant Heart (Lavender heart), for the letter O original two potholders oven fan-shaped (Oven mits). In the letter U is combined with a purse (Unusual purse) that you see only in the first picture because Andrea has decided to take him by his grandmother this afternoon! R as roses and specifically the beautiful roses Redouté (Roses book). The contents of the parcel is not done here: In addition there are also two pins, one by hook and the other in tweed fabric, because I love Lorraine knew that the pins of this kind, and also a gift for Andrew, with a nice copriborsa hot water bottle attached.
Lorraine was very generous and attentive to my gusti perché so che ha avuto difficoltà con i colori, ma soprattutto perché in questo periodo non sta molto bene. I doni ricevuti sono quindi ancora più preziosi e cari.
Photos do not do justice to the presents received. Each gift represent a letter of the word "COLOUR" . So let's start with a beautiful and original C urly C rochet Scarf, O as an adorable o wl, L is for a sweet l avender scented heart, O for a couple of gorgeous fan-shaped o ven mits. The letter U is for an u nusual purse that you can see only in the first picture because my son has decided to take it with him to his grandmother this afternoon... R as r oses, or better, as the amazing Redouté's roses all in a book. But the content of the package is not done here: in addition there are two brooches, one crochet and the other in tweed, always handmade by Lorraine that knew I love this kind of accessory, and also a gift for Andrea, a hot water bottle felt cover with hot water bottle inside.
Lorraine has been so generous and kind because I know she struggled with my favourite colours, and mostly because she is not feeling very well during this time. The gifts received are therefore more precious.
Il suo colore preferito è invece il BLU. Una vera sfida per me, che invece do not love him very much ...
Here's what I made for her: Her favorite color is
BLUE. A real challange for me because i do not love it very much ...
Here what I sent her.
C (chocolate) a little 'of chocolate treats - O (olives on fabric) fabric Provencal - L (Lorraine) carries a photo album because Lorraine has a passion for photography - O (oil lamp), an oil lamp miniature found in a flea market at the sea - U (useful treats) a clip rectangle of felt with painted for her long blonde hair and some scented cuddle a bag of satin, R (ribbons and sewing items) Lorraine is another passion of sewing, so I thought ribbons, buttons, paintings, needle holders with paper of needles, a pair of hinges .. . a whole world blue!
C as c hocolate ... no other words to say - O or lives on fabric - L as L orraine, even hand-painted photo album Because She has a passion for photography - O thumbnails or found the lamp at a flea market When I was at the seaside - U u seful treats: felt hair barrette with one of my buttons in the middle of it plus a blue satin bag full of scented body cream samples - R ribbons & sewing items ...
Sono stata veramente fortunata ad averla avuta come compagna in questa piccola avventura e di aver avuto la possibilità di conoscere il suo mondo attraverso il suo blog . Grazie Lorraine e grazie a Lisa per l'abbinamento!
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