Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Facts About Pep Guardiola


Ecco giunto il momento dell'estrazione. Scusate il ritardo, ma ieri Andrea non è stato bene. Ora si sente decisamente meglio e riesco a postare i nomi delle vincitrici.
Prima voglio ringraziare tutte voi che avete partecipato e che mi avete fatto calorosi auguri!
Questa è stata la mia torta di  compleanno, al cioccolato farcita con marmellata di arancia e decorata con tanti mezzi baci di dama... il mio dolce preferito.
Immagino di averla condivisa con tutte voi!
It's time to draw the winner names. I'm sorry, I'm late but Andrea has not been well yesterday. Now he is feeling better and I can post the names.
First I want to thank all of you who have participated and wished me Happy Birthday! This was my birthday cake: chocolate cake with orange jam filling and decorated with  ladies'kisses biscuits cut in half.  M y favorite dessert ... I guess I shared it with you all!

Here are the names and Andrea dealing with the extraction.
Here is the names and Andrea dealing with the draw

The three other decorations to heart were awarded to:
The other three felt heart ornaments Have Been Awarded to:


Thank you again all for participating. I wait for my next give-away!
Thank you very much. See you again in my next give-away!


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