Saturday, February 19, 2011

Apex Pill Side Effects

read and interpret the numbers

Sebbene ampiamente prevista, ha suscitato ampio scalpore la notizia che la Cina, nel 2010, ha superato in prodotto interno lordo il Giappone ed è divenuta la seconda economia mondiale. In termini nominally, in fact, China's GDP, amounting to 5.878 billion dollars, has exceeded U.S. $ 5.474 billion of Japan's GDP, while still well away from the 14.87 trillion U.S. dollars, therefore, still produce almost a quarter of the wealth world.

It can, however, easily be argued that this particular survey does not take into account important factors that go beyond pure economics. It would seem, therefore, more consistent assessment than the nominal wealth of a country, the possibility of every citizen to enjoy such wealth, whereas, therefore, the per capita income. In this case, China with $ 7,518 per capita, 92mo ranks in the world, then at levels similar to countries such as Bosnia, El Salvador, Albania and far, not only by the more than 80 thousand U.S. dollars per capita of Qatar and Luxembourg, or 57 thousand U.S. dollars per capita of Singapore (third country in the world) but also by 47 thousand U.S. dollars per capita in the United States (sixth), from 34 thousand U.S. dollars per capita in Japan (twenty-fourth), Italy from 29 thousand (twenty-seventh).
But another unique aspect to be considered: GDP is defined as the value of goods and services produced in a given country. It thus includes activities and there is growing thanks to their positive nature (pollution, social costs, environmental damage, criminal activity, or even television shows that emphasize violence), excluding a number of economic "free" (such as those within the family or related to volunteering) and not taking into account any quality of life, consideration for the environment, respect for human rights, satisfaction with their lives, the very sustainability of growth.
In essence, rather than passionate considerations which reduce these themes to banal sports tournaments for which you are compiling lists unlikely, it seems far more appropriate to develop sensitivity and attention (and if you want to, compile lists and charts) that considerino innanzitutto la sostenibilità dello sviluppo, la qualità della vita, perfino la felicità delle persone. Insomma, considerare innanzitutto tutto ciò che rende la vita degna di esser vissuta.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chelsea Charms Shower

Work in progress - work in progress

Una finta mensola per un finto camino...
I lavori, per realizzare il tutto, not yet been completed.
Meanwhile, this is the anticipation!
An hand painted mantle for a faux fireplace ...
Works Have not Been yet completed .
In the meantime take a look!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Congratulation Letter For A New Baby Disablity

Valentine - Valentine's Day

Oggi potrebbe essere il giorno adatto per mostrarvi alcune partecipazioni di wedding that I realized.
Participation is the presentation of the marriage.
From the same if they can immediately understand the style.
Mine are painted by hand, or prints of my original painting.
Every detail of color, form, subject is studied along with the bride and groom. What is born is something unique and original that will complement and enhance existing or new idea which will be developed that all the coordinates you characterize the theme of the ceremony.

Today Could be the right day to show you some custom wedding invitations that I create . Invitation is the first glimpse that guests have into the wedding to come.
T hey can immediately gather the ceremony style from them.  
Mine are hand painted , or reproductions of one my original painting.  
Every detail of colour, form, subject is studied along with the bride and groom. It' s something unique and original that will complement and enhance the couple's wishes. Many times starting from handmade invitations coordinating accessories   are developed.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Best Anti Inflammatory Medicine

ambassador of Made in Italy

La prematura scomparsa del padre ha infranto il sogno di Bista Giorgini di diventare Ambasciatore, ma ha dato all’Italia il pioniere degli “Ambasciatori del made in Italy”.
Giovan Battista Giorgini, detto Bista, era nato a Forte de Marmi nel 1898 da una antica famiglia di Lucca. La scomparsa del padre lo obbliga ad occuparsi delle cave di marmo di famiglia e a trasferirsi a Florence, where starts the export activity. He, however, lives this unexpected situation as a viable alternative to diplomacy, since it allows him to travel and promote the Italian genius in the world.
Bista goes, then, the United States with the dual aim of understanding the tastes and needs of that market but, more importantly, to introduce the products "made in Italy".

The rapid growth in its business - in addition to the promotion of Italian products in North America, opens in Florence "The Three Rooms", American craft boutique - is abruptly stopped from the terrible crisis of '29.
particularly sensitive to any news, Giovan Battista Giorgini contains different qualities in his personality to ensure success: an entrepreneur, he collects antiques, also became a fashion designer. With a strong ability to anticipate the times, he is to indicate the changes to be made to suppliers or colors to be enhanced. First introduced in Italy American shoe forms and understood the importance of clothing for leisure. But
Bista is above all a skillful public relations man: thanks to its origins and the friendships gained, winning new customers with elegant social evenings at his home in Florence. Nei saloni arredati con mobili d'epoca e oggetti d'arte, ricrea atmosfere che per i suoi ospiti stranieri diventano un piacere irrinunciabile. Sostiene la sua attività con balli, concerti ed eventi, anticipando una condotta solo oggi divenuta pratica comune.
Nel 1947 organizza al Museo di Arte Moderna di Chicago la mostra "Italy at work" ove presenta il meglio della nostra produzione tra artigianato e arte: vetri di Murano, ceramiche, paglie, tessuti, pelletteria.
Ma è il 12 febbraio 1951 che, nella sua casa fiorentina (Villa Torrigiani in Via dei Serragli) Bista Giorgini realizza il "First Italian High Fashion Show". Ne prendono parte dieci sartorie (Antonelli, Carosa, Fabiani, Marucelli, Noberasco, Schubert, Simonetta, Sorelle Fontana, Vanna, Venetian) and four retail stores (Emilio Pucci, Baroness Gallotti, Bertoli and Avolio).
was an immediate success and the amount of orders exceeds all expectations. The second event is held at the Grand Hotel in front of three hundred buyers and journalists. In July of the next event arrives at the Sala Bianca of Palazzo Pitti. She was born
High Fashion Italian ...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hyaluronic Acidosteoarthritis

Groundhog Day ... I START AGAIN WITH ...

... LORO...
... THEM...

for more info click here - more info here