Monday, February 14, 2011

Congratulation Letter For A New Baby Disablity

Valentine - Valentine's Day

Oggi potrebbe essere il giorno adatto per mostrarvi alcune partecipazioni di wedding that I realized.
Participation is the presentation of the marriage.
From the same if they can immediately understand the style.
Mine are painted by hand, or prints of my original painting.
Every detail of color, form, subject is studied along with the bride and groom. What is born is something unique and original that will complement and enhance existing or new idea which will be developed that all the coordinates you characterize the theme of the ceremony.

Today Could be the right day to show you some custom wedding invitations that I create . Invitation is the first glimpse that guests have into the wedding to come.
T hey can immediately gather the ceremony style from them.  
Mine are hand painted , or reproductions of one my original painting.  
Every detail of colour, form, subject is studied along with the bride and groom. It' s something unique and original that will complement and enhance the couple's wishes. Many times starting from handmade invitations coordinating accessories   are developed.


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