Sunday, January 29, 2006

Budget Hotel Near Nuh

Medley: Mansion on the hill-
As Tears Go By

Punta del diablo
26.12 - 28.12
Ante Scriptum
this blog page is published with the changes since the first version.
The Medley in question was complicated and the first test had some bad key changes.

we take our backpacks Ernesto. We are a bit 'them' .. still Drinking coffee 'and looking around looking a bit' lost. We all three still months before the trip but, paradoxically, it actually breathes an atmosphere of "end of the holidays." We have to decide what to do. Maicol certainly remains and try to "get us in the middle"; Jorja think it is safe now to reach Brazil. I would have a meeting tonight in Buenos Aires, Argentina to begin the tour with North furgoneta rented together with the young relatives of Helios (including good food and her sister Mary) and other friends, all Pietrone Vecchi. We will be a dozen. The fact is that I'm still here at noon at the Punta del Diablo. Join them 'later.
Ernesto asks us to worry about "the last favor." There are two pairs of tourists who asked him a "Inglese breakfast." In the kitchen there 's just toast and coffee. How many times have we to money and a note written on with things to buy. In a hurry .. types wait .. The only care that you need to have and 'return to the restaurant by entering the back door .. The viejo does not want customers to see that it lacks almost everything.
"Downtown" meet Manuela and Nicole, this morning there was more 'spot on the bus to Montevideo-Castillo: take the 14:00. We explained our sad and inescapable wake-up, we are told that their Cabana and 'free until tomorrow. Take us by the owner but that 'do not wants to leave .. He needs time to clean it .. Clean it with that? E 'immaculate, there were two girls for a half day !!??!! Insists .. We try to tell us that we clean it to him .. "No! I know them, me, these guys!" Then, laughing, "with this business tell me that you clean me?". The dueña melts when I told him that we basically have just thrown out at home .. "Okay .. but tomorrow 'the need to leave at 9:00." Hugs and kisses with sciura. We also ask if he wants to be our mother laughingly say that we now need to introduce into his house for lunch and dinner and if by chance we can 'wash something .. We are sympathetic to the lady tells us that really, if you will, tonight we can eat by yourself. "Thank You" but last night we make it from Ernesto.
accompany the two German to the bus and at some point in Maicol the eye falls on the bag that holds Jorja ... "Shit !!!!" "Ernesto's the stuff!" Saran spent almost two hours ... We welcome
fast Manuela and Nicole and we rush out of breath in El viejo y el Tues The two couples (avran fifty years) are eating fish. Ernesto and 'very quiet, he says "both temporada' and begins, certainly does not throw it all 'that stuff, do not worry," offers us a beer. Really ... I think there can be only one thing. There are few restaurants where you go and you do not care anything about what you eat, and the only thing that matter 'and simply' be there '. " Moving from an "Inglese breakfast" in a shark fillet, and without waiting for two hours of protest, I think it's an example ... I do not know how many other "restaurants" in the world can afford it. "El viejo y el mar" has this privilege. Pablo
pass in front of the restaurant, Dolphin and June and we invite them to make a grilled fish. We are up to mid afternoon in their cabaña, eat a lot, to tell our (mis) adventures, as they are resolved, Xavier arrives to rehearse with Pablo. La temporada has officially begun, tonight we will tour the premises to rack up something.
Piuú later I go with Ana to give me a ride. We buy almost a kilo of ice cream (tastes I choose me, preposterous- tranne il cioccolato e lo zabaione scelti da lei) e andiamo in spiggia a mangiarcelo. Stiamo benissimo, scherziamo tutto il tempo, mi tira il gelato addosso, la infilo nella sabbia, ci picchiamo anche un po'... Mi chiede anche che "onda con la alemana", ieri le sembrava andassimo tanto d'accordo e aveva deciso di andarsene.. "Va be'.. scusa... Però tu sei scema" le dico, "Sei tu lo scemo.. non lo so, avevo pero' voglia di andarmene via" é la risposta. Continuamo a prenderci in giro e a giocare.. Prima del tramonto deve tornare a lavorare.
Vado a prendermi il biglietto per domani mattina presto.. La signora del market, prendendomi in giro mi dice: "allora non ti é piaciuta Punta del Diablo..." "Quanto sei stato qui??" "Nearly three weeks." Laughs.
We are in our new home .. nostalgia for what it was. The new Cabana is on the other side of Punta del Diablo, the "tourist". E 'with hot water, electricity and even television. Jorja the lights, Maicol rebels, agree that "only for the Simpsons." We look at them and then we throw on the beds (true). There 'noise .. There is no 'silence .. Unplug the power of the refrigerator and water heater. Gestures that make you feel very powerful (in Milan I feel like a jerk here .. .. "powerful" in fact) .. How much is' ugly and artificial light .. with candles and 'really something else. At night
viejo y el Tues there 'full house. The three of us eat and drink and toast to capacity for this last night while since the last test to convince Michael to stay. Good Jorja is also made three "bombs" (as we call us ..), pancakes with honey and dulce de leche, the true and genuine blows. Diego we "invite 'a bit of wiskhey, George does not like .. is forced to drink it .. Jorja is really beautifully crafted, insistte in going to the Cueva Luna, there will be no one but today is "La Ultima Noche" .. Ernesto to say that we spend the next day to say hello. We
them 'out, sitting at a table to joke assuming what will be our next "travel stories, ask for the last time the small German if you really want to go to make the New Year in Rio. He says it '.. if part of the morning to 31 should make it convenient ("..."). The old hard Romagna and you also run an "I miss you." We continue to laugh saying "I'll miss you," Ana's face looks at us with "good." From inside the room goes "As Tears Go By", Rolling Stones, 1964. Let's go home.
Before going to bed, Jorja gets to roll up and put away a bit 'of cigarettes that makes people laugh. "Fuck you!??" "I am for the American, asked me this favor, he is not capable, so I'm leaving tomorrow" ... aahh ... aaaaahhh Maicol and now I understand what was going on dear alemanino most afternoons at the client yankee sessantenne.. Si guardavano vecchi film davanti al mare fumandosi gli spinelli!! E chi l'avrebbe mai detto!!! Il tipo c'ha sessanta e passa anni!!! Michele e io ridiamo di brutto.. per due settimane non ce ne eravamo accortidi quella sua abitudine pomeridiana.. ora capiamo anche il perchè di quella fame incredibile verso tutti i tramonti (se noi mangiavamo 1 o2 empanadas, lui almeno 5..).
La mattina ci svegliamo e troviamo Jorjito che fa il suo zaino, parte. Sensazione strana vederlo mettere tutte le sue cose all'interno di quel sacco nero... Lo accompagna Micheal con "il suo bmw" fino alla frontiera, al Chuy. Prima di salire in macchina ci saluta da lontano per quasi un minuto. Ciao Jorjito.
Se ne e' andato, probabilmente (Despite the usual proclamations) we shall not see more '. E 'a sentiment double what you take in these situations .. On the one hand you feel sad, on the other you have the immensity of what we are experiencing .. Go Jorja "you planeta you espera" .. go, my friend. Go

is ... oh well "go" ... Jorja has forgotten here (some habits have contraindications ..) glasses, map of Uruguay, purse and wallet (only folgietti card type and universities, metro ..). We send an email to tell you, we hope the law.
Now me and the Romagna. In theory (and practice) I have a ticket for the bus in the morning. Still in theory, I Pietrone appointment at 9:30 this morning all'aeroporto di Buenos Aires (comunque andrà Elios a prenderlo). Ana pero', prima di andarsene, mi aveva chiesto se sarei rimasto anche oggi, "Si" le avevo risposto... Non posso partire. Se le ho detto che sarei rimasto, devo rimanere. Va bene.. l'altra sera mi attardavo a parlare con Nicole.. e ora cambio addirittura la data del viaggio??? First of all: ho passato piu' tempo con Ana, mi piace, e' carina in tutto. E mi 'e piaciuta, ho apprezzato, comunque, la sua reazione. Certo però che non ho perso la testa per Ana. Non posso perdere la testa per lei. Sarei fottuto. Me l'aveva detto anche con bieco cinismo maschilista il buon Romagna vedendomi contento la mattina di Natale. "Stai attento.. rischi di ritrovarti tra tre anni, in machine in the casino of Milan, returning from work, at home waiting for you and your daughter is not a girl Uruguayans that there is more 'in and wants to leave ... You then think back to these wise words peasant and think .. "What a wanker, that time in Punta del Diablo !!"...". much easier for such eventualities must be prepared, at this moment are not prepared for everything '. I am not prepared to die for. Maybe I lose it tomorrow, in this situation do not find it feasible.
the fact remains that if I told Ana that I would stay, I stay.
One last thing. Why I decided to write this stuff a little 'private and even some '"counterproductive"? First note that these 'true and my travel journal and not a game to bring up people and situations better or different than they are. And if something happens to more 'hard' at the bottom part of the journey. In theory, things are intimate ... Well .. I think I've already written something much more intimate .. I am the son of my time. It is not my fault if the sex was "duty paid" (some might say!), If we were "thrown into this kind of pornography" (F. De Gregori, Children come parvulos, Miramare 1987. 1987 !!!). This is not the occasion to explain my theory on "figacentrismo" of the world (how sad that is all-around one-turn), the esmpi find them easily by yourself: just open our eyes to the Western world. Also, is there to say what I tell 'that actually seems to me "beautiful, lively, beautiful scenes, like Ana, the first morning we woke up. It 's just life. Life of a 10000 km trip to Italy, a journey in which they are completely and utterly free. And this (perhaps in spite of myself) I am writing this distance. Don `t 'is absolutely nothing wrong with what happened. In fact, I think that is far superior to what many people are used in many of our dismal experience .. but you think with all the people who travel with (often) the sole purpose of doing pocher as possible, I feel guilty-I-that I've been here for 3 weeks?? Punta del Diablo?? with Brazil at 40 km? Just for being honest, writing my diary? No, sorry.
Finally: my "stronzaggine" story for the self-irony, to make me look less good, more bbestia, more 'human maschilemnte, the average man. But above all, to take the piss. I would like to see the vast majority of the boys would behave as in my own (identical) situation. With all that the only thing I did was talk a bit 'more' with Nicole. If I wanted to try it with her, just do not invite Ana ...
That 'all folks!.

Micheluzzi insists on going to sleep nell'alberghetto 5 km from here .. is the most 'economical, 150 pesos for a bed in rooms of 6. But I keep telling myself to bring backpacks Ernesto, then something will happen .. at worst we do last night on the beach under the stars at Punta del Diablo. Not bad, right?
I return to the market to change the ticket .. La señora seeing "but you did not have to leave this morning?" "Ma'am, excuse me ... but it is not so much that I can 'change the ticket tomorrow morning?" "The party bus is 2 hours ago .. How do I change it? You must pay the ticket." "Señora .. .. por favor por favor" .. nodding and looking like an idiot makes me gesture with his hand di darle il biglietto vecchio "GRACIAS!! Muchas Gracias, señorita!!" "Señora..." "Gracias, señora!!" mi da il nuovo biglietto e guarda sorridendo come chi dice "dai.. vabbé..".
Al pomeriggio c'e' la festa di Sara. Compie 3 anni. Sara é la figlia di Xavier e Andrea, lunghi capelli biondisiimi e crespi (un pochino sporchini..), una vitalitá incredibile, riso continuo e una bellissima panciona con un ombelico all'infuori con cui giochicchieresti per ore. La festa é fuori dalla loro tenda, in uno spiazzetto davanti alla casa di un pescatore. Saremo una ventina. Giochiamo a nascondino, un due tre stella, strega comandacolor, ci "imparo" bum bum bum mago libero e finiamo con il piu' classico the "you've got it." Really we had bad. How long is that you do not play one of these games? Try it, 'and really nice! Pero 'try it!
The sun is beginning to lower .. -we look a bit '..- by Ernesto asking us if we sleep tonight, then to him. "No thanks, Ernesto, go to the beach" "Guys really .. sleep here!" "No thanks, which, makes us really like to sleep on the beach. Michael and I want to sleep on the beach" "Do you want to sleep on the beach?" "Yes!" "It is prohibited here .. I am sending you a nice place." He takes the keys and asks who is behind him on a sort of open macchininina 4 for 4 Diego bought for Christmas. I'm behind Ernesto, with il sole al tramonto, su le dune della spiaggia dopo che il paese é giá bello che finito. Dopo una duna, Ernesto mi dice "é quella".
Una palafitta di tre piani, sulla sabbia, tra le dune, intorno non c'e´´ nulla. Solo mare e arena, e l'arancione del cielo. Semplicemente non ci credo. E' un sogno. La casa super pettine (tutta vetrata, con luce gas e tutti gli elettrodomestici) é di due francesi, arriveranno dopomani; ci sono tutte le loro cose. Domani a mezzogiorno arriva una signora per pulirla: entro quell'ora dobbiamo essere assolutamente fuori. Dopo un po' arriva anche Romagna accompagnato dal padre di Diego. Neanche lui ci crede fino a quando non apro la porta con le chiavi. Ridiamo ridiamo e ridiamo. Siamo contentissimi. I never thought of being in a place like this .. Only seen in American TV show .. The sunset from quass'u is something indescribable. And 'our. Around anything. When did this happen so ein travel means that you own is going well.
smettiemo the evening, never to thank el Viejo (everything 'purpose only please), and the restaurant is full .. we also have to wait. How many things have changed in recent days .. Ana we recommend to take as "accompanying mashed potatoes because they are finite, that there 'is in an envelope and she made a mistake and poured into an envelope which has the yeast instead of pure' .. the people around him is eating .. Okay Ana .. do you .. I never said but Ernesto, there is no menu .. a card .. prices also vary from morning to night .. 'And the price you pay (willingly). For those who had not-yet-understood, this is not your typical restaurant. People go away from
Viejo y el Mar. We are Michael, Ana, Ernesto, Diego and I: we talk about travel, dreams and future drinking red wine. Diego I ask if I find a permanent marker, I want to leave your guitar and What write a dedication on. Diego is very happy, he tells me that he thinks Ernesto begins to cry. Even goes to her house to take him. I put on the word "esta es .." (See intro), Ernesto is moved and gave me (also with a dedication), his shirt wiskhey "Dumbo." Now I'm moved. I promise (and faccio credendoci davvero) che non so quando ma "qui io ci torno", ci rivedremo.
Ci salutiamo ora, domani lui deve andare al Chuy dal dentista. Ci incamminiamo sulla spiaggia per giungere -dopo 20 minuti- alla nostra lussuosissima "tana". Luci soffuse e ultima "buonanotte"; l'alba da quassù e' indimenticabile. L'ultima alba a Punta del diablo.
La mattina ci svegliamo, docciamo (acqua calda!!) e dobbiamo fare in fretta ad andarcene, in venti minuti arriva la tipa per pulire, assolutamente non puo' trovarci qui. Facciamo l'ultimo salto da Ernesto a berci un caffè. Nel tornare indietro vediamo che c'e' Diego sul 4 per 4 che viene verso di noi con dietro qualcuno di conosciuto.. "nooooo" "non puo' essere!!" "It is!" "Nooo it can not 'be him!" "Yes yes yes and 'him!" "JORJITOOOOO !!!!!!!". Take it, embrace it and do a lot of parties .. he is not very happy .. "Do you have my passport ????, no ?!?!".. "...", "...." "Oh shit ..." "No Jorja, you left a bunch of stuff here, but no passport .., Do you have at least one copy?" "It is that '.. but you do not have it? Really?" "No Jorja .. .. I'm sorry." Jorja is halfway between the angry and desperate. Accompany him to call the embassy. Will be with me in Montevideo. But first he must revise the Chuy, left the backpack there, the dumb. No Rio, I smell ..
I will be seeking the issue yesterday. I had a ticket for the early morning and would like to begin in the afternoon (if not, I can not join the others in the province of San Cristobal-Santa Fe-by tomorrow night). The lady when I see myself: "Still here ????" I have to explain the whole history of "Canadian" by saying that I could not miss the sunrise in a place like this .. "Yes. Okay .. but I can not change once the ticket. Among other things always change it after the bus has already left ..." "Ma'am ... I swear this time I'm leaving." Meanwhile Maicol behind me says that the "Canadian" was a sign .. We must stay here in Punta del Diablo, according to him. I tell him to come with me, but he does not move from here .. La temporada has just begun .. ". The Canadian for me was a sign .. but the ultimate sign of a wonderful experience over as best he could not. Rarely do I find the courage and honesty to finish something before that something is finally "finished". It is not easy to put an end at the right time .. Not this time, but I have so much inside, it's time to say good bye .. "Maybe more review 'in the'..." I tell Michael. "So what do you do?? Parties?", You hear the voice of the lady who in the meantime and 'become impatient. "Yes, birth." "Parties really??, Look, I swear that I will not change more 'the ticket!" "Yes, ma'am. Parto".
Passo da Ernesto per salutare per l'ultima volta. Il Viejo non è andato al Chuy perchè non si è svegliato in tempo, ancora abbracci.
Mi accompagnano alla parada. Ci sono tutti, saranno una ventina, da Pablo con June e Dolphine a Xavier e famiglia, il bagnino, il surfer, Micheal tutto lo staff del Viejo (Ana ha in dote un ciddì). L'autobus arriva con 1 ora di ritardo. Perfetto. Nel frattempo passa ANdrea che indossa il mio pareo. L'avevo lasciato appeso fuori dalla Cabaña e una notte di pioggia e ventissimo se ne era volato via. Andrea l'aveva trovato e anche ricucito. La ringrazio, ma non glielo posso lasciare, è il Mio Pareo (arancione giallo verde e rosso= bellissimo), preso un po' di anni fa dall'armadio della mother. I really can not let him, she understands very well and starts to laugh, "Do not worry." Wait for the bus even entire northern European large group. They are alone. A great satisfaction to think .. "This is how you travel chicos! Learn ..". Slowly return to their other occupations, is Michael.
Here comes the bus. The last hug. Forte.
Hello my friend, the two of us we'll see.
The bus closes its doors, the figure of Michael disappears behind the panaderia, the guy in front with the most typical gesture South American throws the seat fully back and look outside.
In these days use two birthdays.
01:02 Elios, my more bbestia friend, John Belushi look-alike, in rugby. Thanks again for the great moments of the holiday nordargentina. From Tucuman to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bvia Tarifa Galliano and '98, only one cry: "TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA !!!!". The Dianmo Ravizza you extraño mucho. Amsterdam had to come ..
1.30 Maggi (ko), known in September of '84, when we started our brilliant school careers. If you happen to read these lines you remember (because you are-still-friend) two bets. For 40, the greater height on the ID card (which I'm already looking at 184 ..). Within your 30 remember that you must do the marathon in New York! (In an excess of beer in front of the sboronaggine Tipota, bet 700 thousand pounds, now 8 years old). I smell that dynamic training is not enough, Captain!
Congratulations guys!

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Jester Baby Hat Knit Pattern

Happy Christmas (War Is Over)

Punta del Diablo
23.12 - 26.12.

Ana 'a girl of 27 years. Ana and mother, lives in Montevideo with her baby of seven years ago, the teacher of yoga. E 'divorced for 3 years and 7 is always on holiday here in Punta del Diablo, but for now, and' here alone, for New Year will come 'his whole family (mother, daughter, sisters). She 's the new "ayudococinera" Ernesto. The description that Pablo had done, coincide.
know it the morning of December 23, she opens the door of the restaurant (closed to keep out the wind too) when we introduce ourselves as each morning to drink that water from the dirty coffee taste, with his feet Pampita feeding the her cubs. He sits at the table with us and start talking. With Ana, more 'we laugh about that. E 'smiling, an' incredible energy, often takes around when it comes to serious stuff always shows curiosity and measurement. It tells us that for her this and 'a pueblo incredible .. by a force that crazy and that he needs to go here at least 2 months a year. Last year was not here because cenuta 'avceva made a trip with his daughter up to Macchu Picchu. Welcomed our decision to remain in this place and continues to ask, laughing, "But what you have done here, since the beginning of December? There 'nothing!". "We've been here. Simple."
are already working for two years by Ernesto temporada this year to earn a little something extra 'is a bit e'portata' of dresses, sarongs, necklaces and bracelets made by a friend of his craft, to be sold outside the restaurant de el Viejo. Overall, Ana is pretty. Back at the start
cabaña "gimme five (s)" means pollicioni rise, barracks style jokes, bets. Typical things to males. Among the observations better and more 'polite' fuck, oh! And ' pretty bad! "" Too bad your ass! "" Well! mica and 'so' bad! there 'very much worse! "" Look at the mica and' a bad ass! Have you seen my tits? "" E 'Latin! "" Of course, however,' is also mom! "" Shit there cares! "" Boh .. I do not know .. "" Look, first I'll try .. "" I just want to see you, asshole !!".. Jorja tells us that he does not like, "Mom is." Let's say that if Jorja wants to indigenous mothers fall below 18 .. .. remains of his idea
Party challenge Milan-Romagna. Coppini and old ladies to handcuff ringalluzziti by the new presence. 2 idiots, Jorja laughs and says, "Voy a buscar chicas a la playa. "Obviously ' all in very, very self-deprecating joke .. Certainly, however, that 'after more' than two weeks ago here in cabaña his first official appearance .. hormone. That's true.
Towards lunchtime I go to the Internet Point .. I have not picked up the diary from Montevideo .. Robette written two, I give myself a call. Peroli name is Luca. That father of Luke Peroli. My scout leader. I call on the phone, and he replies that 'on the toilet, came home from work. Bursts out laughing, we do a Christmas card and tell him to embrace all children of the Community Heads of our scout group (MI 17, ole!) And in particular his partner Carlodibi (my compatriot). He says that Milan is a cold "appalling" (As they say in Milan), I greet him with wrought (and that I 'liked a lot and re-use'!) "Lucone! I greet you 'cause I've got the ice in the cocktails and' I'm alone, if no, it melts me! ". Too good sometimes call friends by surprise when you travel and start making the sucker! A week ago, 15:12, Frenk and I also called Magdalene, two "my" scouts that day over 18 years (aanche them as the Gringo in Cologne on the day of Live in the Promised Land, I would never forget.). I caught him "perhaps maybe" tipsy, she seemed to be trying to finish. I had called too late just to be able to find at least "talking", capable of formulare frasi di senso compiuto. Ce l'avevo fatta!! Mi aveva fatto davvero piacere sentirli e quella sera me ne ero tornato in cabaña pensando a loro e a come era compiere "diciottanni".
Invitiamo nel pomeriggio Ana in spiaggia (non che ci fosse bisogno del nostro invito...), stiamo li' un po', parliamo un po' di tutto (vita in Europa vs vita in SudAmerica, come sempre..) e pian piano si aggiunge altra gente. Conosciamo anche Diego un amico argentino di Pablo, anche lui violinista, che si appresta a suonare il tango nei locali quaggiu' in Gennaio Febbraio. Sembra abbastanza indurito con noi europei, Ana prova a smorzare i toni, Maicol so incazza e si mandano vicendevolmente affanculo. Poi li facciamo far la pace (prendendoli per il culo) before a birrone empanadas and the other beach. The beach of the port begins to suffer from the incipient temporada .. enormous wide beach as well as some body seal (do not know why 'but come here to die), you see groups of tourists (including northern Europe who are jogging), someone doing some surfing and punteño that, as in the best traditions, "the child learns the game of football. In a beach of hundreds of meters there will be about fifty people .. perhaps someone more '.. La temporada makes itself felt on our habits. Everything is fine, but the risk of going from "downtown" and find our belongings looted (passport & cash) would be to end our trip. Anyway, also lose cameras, audio players, and (my) camera would not be pleasant. After two weeks, our house is equipped with a padlock.
While we are getting dark by Ernesto who is conversing with his friends who are there 'to make a whiskey. The saying is, proudly, as he thought of organizing the restaurant and dinner for tomorrow night. There will be 'a special menu, and' this morning that is cooking, El viejo y el mar sara 'SOLD OUT. We finally have learned and we sufficientissima confidence to reject the frequent and embarrassing (like a whiskey before noon) "call." In the afternoon talking with Maicol bet that we would not be able to provide, in time for tomorrow night, a Christmas tree to put Ernesto. Punteñi I ask where can I find a pine wood striving to pull away without the risk of being caught by the forest. "Behind the houses on the other side of the pueblo!", "I'll take you there. I'll see you here tomorrow morning at 10:00. "Bella." I think.
Before going to dinner, go home and put a little 'to place the Cabaña. It 'really a mess, there are around the brush and colors, bags scattered many papers, coins, Jorja things (how' messy this blessed boy!) Are everywhere, you do not know if batteries charged or not. Also there is' a thick layer of sand and dust that covers the floor and rolled insettacci (including 2 beautiful scorpions). From Marisa when he and 'round us boys we left a little' go ... Put in place by listening to Dire Straits, illuminated by a multitude of candles, all beautiful and cheerful 'a beautiful scene. The only part of the house that does not need to be put in place and 'a bath.
few days earlier, in fact, Jorja was angry with us. It was the afternoon when we had a haircut. He did not and the result (a cross between Lucchetta, Elvis and Lino Banfi) not just thrilled. After a bit 'of time (me, Marisa Maicol and we never stopped laughing) decides to go to the bathroom. Back in the hard way and asks us (with the crucial help of mime) if we do the pee 'sitting or standing. "In feet! "Maicol responds," sure! .. standing, "I say." As in the foot! So how do you do when you poop? "" Clean the toilet before you sit still 'The important thing is to do a poo in a long time that someone went into the bathroom and clean up a bit' the edges of the toilet, "We try to answer. "Then when I feel wet is not 'always water (the shower splashing on the toilet) .. and' your pee '." Jorja looks angry and says that 'a lot better if we did all the sitting down .. Unfortunately, more and more 'altered, try to explain it by saying "Yes, yes, you pee Porque' no es mi pipi'!!". Had never used that phrase ...
Joy, delirium, and standin 'ovation in cabaña. "YES! MI PIPI 'ES TU PEE'!!!" "You PIPI 'ES MI PIPI' y MI PIPI 'ES TU PEE Jorja'!!!! YES! YES !!!". At this point, even mocked by Marisa (who apparently expected these customs from these animals -ipse dixit), Jorja is angry. We can not stop laughing ... if you look at each other we can not be serious because of her hairstyle "brand new" .. As soon as someone tries to apologize to him, there's 'someone else whispers from behind "Porque me pee' es tu pee '" and the rice and' rampant again, we are with tears in his eyes. After fifteen minutes we apologize-for-good with him, and I promise to Michael to try to remember all the times we're going to the bathroom (After 27 years is not 'so' automatic change their habits). Since that day, the bathroom is affixed, immaculate. But we say 'that could also raise the issue before .. would have been better. For him, certainly.
the evening we eat by Ernesto (.. but how strange!) And Ana know best. When the other three tables are left sitting with us while Ernesto plays some songs on the guitar left them 'from a few nights before. Rumours say that today there is the inauguration of a new restaurant, a disco pub! Ernesto wants to go bad, Diego we load all on his car, Ana goes home, and says that 'tired. the new local and 'empty. Are we more 'other 6 people. We offer each other a drink e.. to bed.
On 24 I wake up early .. I have an appointment with the type to pick up the pine. No trace of type, within the restaurant to ask Ernesto if he saw his friend. The viejo has just woken up (sleeping in the attic) and is drinking mate. He tells me that probably the guy and he 'forgot. A Uruguayan that gives you an appointment and not 'the same as a Flemish .. Do not really know which is better (with a Flemish if later than 3 minutes, you have already apologized ..). The fact is however that I have to give me to do for the Christmas tree. So ... I get back in my sleeping bag, with the loft Maicol that tells me "there will never, Milan!" Po with a false accent, "Romagna vacagare .. but go" with great emphasis in Milan.
After some 'knock at the door. "You go!", "No you go, asshole!", "Come on, oh! Go!", "Fuck it cost you?", "I have a headache, I do not want to get off!" , "you do not have bad ass head!", "Milan, if I go down I'll give you many, many ..", "Romagna! by .. .. I'll wait up!". Knocking out again. We start screaming from our beds, and asking who is saying to enter.
"Permiso .." said two little voices of women. There
front of us, Manuela and Nicole, two sisters in Germany. The first, the younger sister, made the Erasmus in Buenos Aires and now makes a turn up in Caracas (in the Galapagos will go well with an environmental organization), is fluent in English, joked a lot, and a little pricey cicciottellina. Nicole is very beautiful. It 's not good it hurts, but it's really pretty ugly ugly ugly. (Please note the two highly cultured quotes). It 'a little higher than me, brown-red hair, green eyes, nose, beautiful legs and ass occhei. Tit few. Jobs in Management of business as important nonricordoquale chenneso. And 'here on holiday with his sister. On 29 December they flew to Salta from Baires. Nicole, on Jan. 2 to be in Berlin to work. They ask us if we can host it for today, tomorrow they have a cabaña reserved. Even sleep on the floor to make room for them ...
Top athletes from the playa and Jorja and 'enthusiastic dei nuovi arrivi. Oggi e' la vigilia di Natale. Mai avrei pensato di viverne una cosi'... apri la porta e hai vento, sole e l'oceano davanti. Per di piu', anche una bella tipa che ti entra in casa. Cosi'... aggratis!!! Io e Maicol iniziamo a pensare che forse qui in Uruguay Papa' Noel, arriva un po' prima.. L'alemano ci dice che l'americano (quello della Corazzata Potiomkin) ci ha invitato a pranzo a casa sua. Le ragazze hanno pero' voglia di riposarsi un po'.. non vengono.. le lasciamo la chiave del lucchetto. Siamo dallo yankee, ci sorbiamo i soliti racconti di megafeste con mega personaggi (il tipo era molto molto amico del regista o dello scrittore di Paura e delirio a Las Vegas) e mangiamo benone. Ci fa anche sentire la compilation che ha preparato per stasera da Ernesto, tutta con canzoni di Natale. Questa trashata non mi dispiace per nulla e ne approfitto per chiedergli se non ha voglia di venire con me a cercare un pino. "Senza Christmas tree che Natale e'?". La sua risposta é secca. "Andiamo al Chuy con il mio bmw a comprarne uno!". Andiamo.
Il senso di trionfo che provo nell'arrivare a El viejo y el mar con l'alberello sottobraccio e' inspiegabile. Michele e' seduto al tavolino fuori e mi guarda sorridendo e scuotendo la testa. Ana ride prendendo in giro il caro Romagna. Romagna paga il "tintito", un buon malbéc del 2003.
Mi ripeto.. ma.. realmente... pensare a cosa succede a Milano il 24 (e i giorni prima..) e trovarsi ora quaggiu' e' davvero strano.. QUi e' tutto equal, there is only 'a little' more 'of euphoria around. No decorations, no ipercaos, no nervousness, no cars at all (!!), last gifts, meaning no water in the throat (that feeling of having to do a lot of things before 20:00 on 24/12), no consumerism and above no hypocrisy (all good Christmas and then GO!! with inexhaustible desire to place it in the ass to the next then to be able to make the most profit). In this corner of the world "war is over", and "war" is not 'only the war in Iraq or other wars, no "war" and' our culture. All that huge mess with us in the days before Christmas. Call it "consumerism", call it what you want. For me now, part of the word WAR. On 24 December in Punta del Diablo war is over.
The only thing that now makes me regret my town and the happy little family and dear friends far away. I call home at about 21:00 on down there ', I feel Nandone, and Emiliuccia Andycapss. On the road to La Cabaña I feel so '... strange. Before dinner (after a shower) I'm going to call. At least cosi'faccio a surprise. Everything is fine, but receiving a call from your son or your brother for Christmas Day, not exactly call it a "surprise." Receive another after 4 to 5 hours, this is that It is a surprise. Did not expect. Member (and me) is so much pleasure. Among other things, to me it seems that the sister was my rather drunken. I did 1 hour and pass the queue to call .. not immediately yield the post. I try to make other calls. "I feel" 'cause actually the phone lines on the evening of December 24, rumor that they are a little busy. Name is a bit random 'number of old friends. I find Cascio, Poli, Lorenzino. Bello. When I arrive at
Viejo y el mar, the tables are gia'occupati is e'strettissimi. The tables are shared. You can find sitting next to Christmas dinner with someone you've never seen before. All the guests are happy. At our table we Maicol, Jorja, I, the Yankee, Nicole, Manuela and an Irishman whose name I am not able to understand. It also adds a Swedish last nineteen happened to them ' per caso. Appena ti siedi Ana ed Ernesto ti portano un piattone in cui c'e' tutta la roba da mangiare. Tutto insieme, tranne il dolce. Se ne vuoi di piu' vai in cucina e te lo prendi. Ernesto ha deciso cosi' perche' voleva gustarsi questa notte. "Non voglio lavorare, volgio solo versare il vino". Grande Viejo!! Come sottofondo il cd di Micheal l'americano, che a noi tre ha dato in regalo un bel Toblerone!! (la musica funziona grazie ad una batteria per auto sistemata sotto il bancone). Noi avevamo discusso se farci i regali.. Maicol non voleva.. lui dicxeva che era "contro".. a me in realta' non avrebbe dato fastidio, anzi.. sarebbe stato anche un bel ricordo per ognuno di noi.. Fatto sta che Maicol e Jorjito non volevano. Lo faccio pero' ad Ernesto. The gift is one of my compilation of some of Dylan's songs sung by Joan Beaz. Ernesto also puts it on for a while ', then return to the songs of Christmas.
e'FAVOLOSA atmosphere. At our table, and it 'very cheerful and talkative, Maicol seems well taken with Manuela (who wants to see ..). Jorja and I talk a lot with Nicole, even though the sixty americanazzo is very "good". Nicole regrets the ugly fact that he had found a job that does not allow her to travel, "I love this, but unfortunately 'this world I can' belong," he says with his hands showing everything 'around him, to tell the Nicole looks like a real little rigidina her. Let's say you see that is different from her sister .. here. Ana also sits down with us, knowing looks and challenge between me and the dear Romagna. Megabrindisi and toast and toast again, Ernesto says it 's time to go to the beach, "port" for a drink. We are in a small bar (open for the occasion) in the sea many many children and not all are delighted that they kiss and embrace each other to get their best wishes. As the situation becomes uncontrollable, you lose all, I offer to drink plenty of people. Classic situation of "we're all best friends." There are also the North European, very funny too, we are with them a bit of English boys' fashion. And more hugs, greetings. One has to drink each other, especially with strangers. Two little old me prendono in simpatia e mi offrono 3 cuba di fila. Io ricambio. Cerco di nuovo i miei commensali, incontro Ernesto che vuole "invitarmi" ancora da bere, riesco a rifiutare. Le due sorelline tedesche sono con Jorjito che traballa, Maicol non lo trovo piu', vado a prendere un po' d'aria facendo due passi sulla battigia.
In spiaggia, mentre mi dirigo nuovamente verso il baretto, incontro Ana.

La mattina del 25 dicembre mi sveglio in un divano letto sotto una pesante coperta. Ana mi respira tra il collo e la spalla. Quando apro gli occhi penso solamente "Tutto questo e' incredibile". Quando lei apre gli occhi, scoppia a ridere. Per non rischiare di pregiudicare la mia giá debole psiche non mi chiedo neanche per un momento perche' stesse laughing. Certain questions is better not to have them. That's it.
Ana gets up, goes bare mattress on the tape that separates the basin of the 'kitchen', pick up some oranges, cut in half 'and hand squeezes. Back with two glasses of orange juice. Handing me a says, "Hay esto .. you just tasted? Ricchisimo está!" with the low voice and with the typical intonation "Latin America". 'S official. At this moment I do not understand most 'anything.
The beauty and purity of this scene I love so much. I had never seen a girl (at this time would be better to call it "woman" or at least "girl") wake up to this natural and do something totally "human" as a squeeze of orange. In Italy already hear the sound of the "juicer" (which has made incredible progress the human race ..), the early morning, I would bother.
The walk from the house of Ana cabaña, under the hot sun of Christmas, is wonderful. Li 'and inside I find Jorja Maicol with faces .. I do splendid. Above all take the piss .. Romagna last night and 'lost on the beach, fell asleep and when the two e'svegliato Tedeschini were right Go home. They tell me that Manuel and Nicole this morning around noon when he went in the other cabña who had already paid. "How did you stay?" "See you later at the beach." "Perfect." Maicol asking questions .. and 'curious .. few and vague answers. Ana mind helping me, so 'I was not already' told you everything. It seems instead that Jorja has done something last night .. but he says nothing .. does so .. A good Christmas
Michele can not 'let us refrain from the egg noodles. It took two weeks of very strong psychological pressure to convince him. In the end, and 'enough for the mirage of a pussy and does not hold back .. Yesterday in fact, the German insisted Because in a lot of you put in the kitchen. He is the idiot and tells Ana that for her. They leave clear threats and gestures (such as the classic "titagliolagola"), on purpose-he-makes embarrassing questions. Jorja seems divertitissimo these gags, Ana too.
the evening, again from Ernesto, there are 2 large group and the North European couples. By its nature the three of us are sitting at the table with Nicole and Manuela. The noodles el hablador Maicol (Romagna does not speak often, but 'after a certain hour, more ..) are pretty good, everybody compliments to dear Romagna, Italian pride. At the sight of girls, are also added Diego, Xavier and Pablo. We decided to go all together to make four jumps in the disco cats, today stinks that there is' people. I say to Ana, in the meantime is working, we go to CuevaLuna and if she wants to go when it ends.
in place we can find the beer, we speak .. The climate is 'more d4ei' Arzilli, yesterday-whatever-it was a tough night. Good Maicol s'inspiaggia with Manuela, I speak with Diego (the friend of violinist Pablo, not the aide of the former) and Nicole; if Jorja fue a dormir. Ana arrives, take a beer and we drink all together. What happens? Ie .. almost .. I perhaps speak a bit 'too much with Nicole (raga' ... real nice ..) and not with Ana .. Okay, 'Ana goes .. occhei you .. "Did well" .. pero 'could at least say hello, from .. (I know everything that is typically male). The aun bit cos' annoys me, however, and Nicole is a "fucking in the ass." Yeah I know. I'm nervous. Nicole is not a "fucking ass", the only thing 'and that is not exactly the girl with whom you are easily proved. And then the "thing" Ana really pisses me off.
Jorja asleep Maicol be doing in the garbage or cabaña the girl on the beach ... I'm going back home. Jorja is not sleeping, playing music and is reading the Lonely Planet. We stopped a little 'fun talking and at one point comes Maicol. Gets a grin on his face .. "Fuck you doing here?" "Boh!?? Do not know!, Manuela tomorrow I'm back .. soon part!" Good Romagna is pleased to bad .. tells us all .. even of a piercing that the girl "wearing" but that we should not say to her older sister. I do not say anything about these new and Daprà generations.
Michael and I often talk about the fact that sometimes, when traveling, we must be able to recognize the signals. The
mattina del 26 dicembre, arriva un segnale. Inequivocabile.
Sto dormando nel living (il divano é molto meglio di un matereasso di gommapiuma su assi storte), Michele mi sveglia gridando "Sono arrivate!! sono arrivate!!" e si precipita fuori dalla porta. Dal vetro non piu' cosi' sporco (Marisa aveva pulito la finestra su cui qualcuno aveva disegnato un pisello) vedo che effettivamente "sono arrivate". La cabaña di fronte possiede due nuove belle coinquiline. Nel frattempo sento anche che Ernesto sta sicendo qualcosa a Maicol. E' il segnale. E' arrivato il nipote del propietario con altri amici. Anche se forse possiamo dormire qui, comunque cambia tutto. Decidiamo di andarcene. Sono un gruppo di diciottenni surfisti di Montevideo, sembrano simpatici. Non ci aspettavamo arrivasse qualcuno "cosi´presto..". Per certo, loro non aspettavano noi.. Sono sette, alcuni dormono in tenda fuori. Il tipo, tale Facundo, pare anche infastidito dal fatto di trovar gente in casa sua. (speriamo che le "migliorie" apportate gli piacciano).
La situazione é questa: le fighe sono arrivate. Noi ce ne dobbiamo andare.
Facciamo colazione e paghiamo "l'affitto" a Ernesto: per quasi 20 giorni, ci dice di dargli 500 pesos, 18 iuri. A Punta del Este 300 pesos each night per uno sgabuzzino in 8. El viejo ci dice che se vogliamo possiamo dormire per 1 o 2 giorni in mansarda con lui, anche Ana (che mi saluta ridendo..ancora..) ci invita a casa sua fino a quando arrivano his parents, there 's also the cabaña of German ... now go away. To sleep no problem, but do sar'a backpack after all this time to leave La Cabaña is strange .. we take the piss out of each other and we do not think. Is ending. Jorja
perhaps already party tonight, I will tomorrow.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Godown One Year Lease Sample

Where the streets have no name

Punta del Diablo
9:12 to 22:12

E 'Friday' December 9, 2005, the 6 in the afternoon. The old coach Busquebus ending his race in front of a small market where he sells all including bus tickets. In 5 minutes to charge passengers to be carried over to Castillo, including a pair of northern Europeans who greet 3 or 4 rooms. She cries, embracing an old man. Time to close the doors (the motor spengone not even here to die), and a dense cloud of earth and dust I investing. I can just look around, I realize that seems to be in the Far West. We are on the sea, but in addition to the market there 'nothing. The few shops are all closed, with broken glass and well-covered by a layer consisting of dust and sand. There 's a strong wind which beat axes, windows and signs that time has worn away. Some native runs through the streets holding boxes of fish and follow-haired children blacks blacks and smooth hair.
I ask if anyone knows of huts to share with other foreigners or some inn. The only hotel on the beach is taking the left road (all roads are in the ground) but it seems to cost a bit '. For the huts they tell me to ask around. Who? Around where?? I take my backpack and I go to the right out to sea. The road is slowly in the sand. Step beyond the "plaza de comidas, a large open space surrounded by restaurants and clubs that seem to them 'for years. Some lack even the roof if it will be 'taken the wind. This is not 'a normal place, not often you stay in such places, I hear (and see) that here there is' something special. Keep walking, there are beautiful huts on signs saying "Alquila" but I would look for something cheap and possibly someone to share. If any bill tourist, I would ask compartir his home.
50 meters further 'forward, when the country seems to end at the beach, I am meeting Pampita. Before I bark, then I am the holidays. There 's a strange construction tut5ta wood, colored in blue green and yellow with two tables outside, next to a sign "El viejo y el mar, restaurante, diabluras gastronomicas. On the way I saw two arrows labeled "el viejo y el mar", but I thought something was decaying as any premises that I had met.
Diego turns out, a kind guy who tells me that it's cold and enter. I thank him, tell him I'm not hungry, I'm looking for something to sleep. "Come, drink something, then we find an accommodation." He said it .. He introduces me Ernest, a courtly man of 62 years but not trroppa confidence. E 'him "el viejo". This place really has something special. The restaurant 'built with boards and small logs. There are patterns everywhere, all naive style, on the walls, the tablecloths, ceiling, Ernesto has made them all. Old fishing nets, seal bones, shells and conchiglioni, old pieces of wood on colored seals, whales, instead of the mouth of the burn or preexisting cuneii, not made on purpose. "It 's all stuff that Ernesto was found on the beach and has rearranged" Diego tells me (which I find to be the assistant sporadic viejo). Around lots of photos and scraps left by men and women around the world, written poems, thanks and appreciation. There 's also a library with about thirty books (no pero' own book of Hemingway).
Diego tells me not to worry, the accommodation is located. "I'm not worried, but I would like to 'find something before dark." The darkness comes, Ernesto lit candles, no electricity and there '. Diego tells me that tonight I am staying in his cabaña the opposite side of the pueblo where there is' light and hot water. Perfect. Let us go together to his house, I take a shower and tornaimo the restaurant, he must "work."
will be the 10 .. I'm drinking red wine, sat on a rickety table homemade, I speak with Diego Ernesto and the cool wind that blows from the east, over our heads infinite 'stars. The only light that comes in and 'the candle inside the empty restaurant .. and the stars. I begin to think that I love it here. It 's the perfect place to spend Christmas. Much better here than in a ostellazzo in Florianopolis, Sao Paulo and Campo Grande (in fact here we are 40 km from Brazil and in theory I wanted to go to the coast or the South or the Pantanal of Mato Grosso). They are an amazing place. I think it's the dream of opgni travelers. I'd love to share this with my mum, my dad 'and Dora, will be' the first Christmas without them. "Can you imagine if we were here for Christmas?" I think. Unworkable .. but 'will try' to ask.
look set to arrive a few customers, talking about our lives and the "temporada" that will come 'after Christmas, with what' is earned in those days you live for one year: the sound of the sea in the background. Around 11 Ernesto says, "Today nobody comes, we eat," asks me if I fit a "pescado", "what you want, Ernesto." Let's go, it's cold outside: I golf and plush and not enough. I still talk to Diego who told me the story of the restaurant. We eat together, give a hand to the two to fix, I would pay, Ernesto tells me we do the next day. The next day Diego back in Montevideo. Ernesto
me the key of the hut blue side of the restaurant. To open the lock of the door just give it a tug, the key is not needed. The hut 'of a type that will not come' before Christmas, it seems uninhabited for years, there's no 'I light' gas, it 'hot water, a living impolveratissimo with a sort of couch, a table and three chairs ill harvest. There 's a bath (in bricks cemented), toilet, unarmed and with splashes of lime, a small room with two "beds" from foam bedding, and on a soppalchino with 2 beds. The walls are made of straw and wood, 3 windows so 'dirty from not being able to see through. "It 's yours for 100 pesos a day, if you find someone else there' problema". Ottimo.
Nei giorni seguenti arriva George, il tedesco di Punta del Este, e' il mio primo coinquilino. Ha 21 anni, mi sembra un po' sbadatello (e' uno spinellomane!!) e non tanto in grado di affrontare un viahggio di 6 mesi per il SudAmerica. Ogni volta ha paura che lo fottano, quando non ha paura ..lo fottono.Vado in giro dicendo che se qualcuno sente di gente che cerca un posto per dormire, di mandarlo alla cabaña blu. Incontro Michele, un ragazzo della provincia di Bologna, fa il contadino (raccogliendo pomodori o frutta) durante l'anno e poi si fa 4 mesi di viaggio in SudAmerica ormai da 5 anni. Un primo pomeriggio lo conosco mentre stava bevendo vino rosso, da solo,. nell' unico ristorante aperto sull'altro lato di Punta. And 'the second mate, and' happened down here 'and quite by chance and' in love with the place, it also seems very interested in this "temporada" which seems to bring up to 4,000 young people here, he plans to stay here until February and then switches 'Tahiti (gave him a ticket for an earlier "overbooking"). We are a strange trio but well blended. Michele I like but the beginning seems a bit 'suspicious, then we begin to think that fate made us find down here'. Usually I do not like to meet Italians, but with him down here 'and' far more 'than a pleasure. We mutually curious.
During the day here in Punta del Diablo there 'much to do practically passiamo le nostre giornate tra la spiaggia, il ristorantino di Ernesto ..e la cabaña. Mi piace fare il bagno al largo.. questo e' uno dei migliroi mari "oceanici"in cui sia stato.. ovviamente niente a che vedere con il buon caro e vecchio Mediterraneo. Un giorno decidiamo di andare a Chuy, la citta' a 40 km al confine con il Brasile per fare compere e andare in banca. A Punta del Diablo non ce n'e' una. Arriviamo in questa brutta cittadina di frontiera verso mezzogiorno e -ovviamente- scopriamo che proprio da quel giorno, in banca e' in vigore l'orario estivo (Lunes- Viernes 16:30 - 21:00 horas). Qui fa un caldo porco e dall'una parte la siesta. Tutti i negozi sono chiusi: aspettiamo seduti sui gradini sotto il sole cocente. Tra i vari "free-shop" buy Colour to "revive" La Cabaña, impressive portable speakers, a nice ball and I find anceh a classical guitar but with 'the steel strings. In return we meet Ernesto who had come here to the dentist with the car of a friend. As we go back we stop by a dealer .. let's talk about 'drinking the beer offered by el Viejo and I ask the guy in the place where the prices are battered er machines. There 's an old beetle blue and red: it would give me 750dollari. I know I could go down another 100 .. the problem and 'the Benz that here it costs little to nothing .. I do not know if I should .. .. And if you step out of Colombia? mica turn so I can think of 'tranky funky! Here in Chile Uruguay Argentina yet again .. but up there '.. boh .. I do not quite sure .. "I'll think '."
On the beach there 'too windy to play football, he just pulls a bit' unless we go to the wooden door to make an "eleven", usually someone else joins forever. We know so 'Xavier and Pablo. Xavier and 'an Argentine living in a tent pitched beside the house is a fisherman and his wife Andrea and Sara blonde three years ago the artisan here temporada expects to sell suse figurines. Pablo and instead 'French. E 'on the road with his wife Dolphin (a very shy girl Vietnamese) and daughter June (almost a year of a child who always does the wonderful smiles). He wants the musician, and then find something to Buenos Aires to work .. Are Their first "friends" in Punta del Diablo ..
One of the first day down here comes' truppona Yankees have to do a fashion photo of a fashion magazine. They will be a fortnight .. modellazze modellazzi two and two more 'a group of outstanding idiots. You know those guys with fashion glasses, fashion pants, fashion shirt, looking tough and cool because gait '... ", that' .. he 's too much of a fashion photographer"? Do you know those girls with fashion glasses, fashion makeup, shoes superfashion, hair fashion, fake smile on his face, arm binder-prime of their lives-pride, squeaky voice? More 'some yellow face (too hyper fashion) only to end up with 2 or 3 that gays do "locker room" (as they say in football). So .. gruppazzo imagine this in the midst of Punta del Diablo, who began to take pictures with the models at the homes more 'humble', certainly not among poor children playing in their midst, with the barefoot boys who do not Semra believe in the existence of this type to be feminine ..
One morning as we sat in the breakfast by Ernesto table outside, get them. Ask if they can take pictures in the restaurant .. I also ask us if we want to participate. Pablo replied a bit 'flatly that "as we can' be fine .. but 'how you do the photos here in the crowd, as if you were in a zoo .. that's not good." The result is una discussione, loro davvero non riescono a capire il senso del discorso, spiegato, attenuandone la durezza, da memmedesimo.. Non ci arrivano.. non c'e' niente da fare!! Non vogliamo pero' dar fastidio a Ernesto.. ce ne andiamo in cabaña. Ad un certo punto -non facendoci mai abbastanza i cazzi nostri- ci viene in mente che questi forse non lasciano al buon Che neanche un centesimo!! Mentre stanno per finire andiamo da Ernesto e gli diciamo che DEVE farsi pagare.. Lui non ha neanche idea delle cifre che guadagnano 'sti qua.. per ogni giorno passato qui a Punta del Diablo a fare delle foto.. trovano queste "location" (si chiamano cosi', no?!?) e non pagano un cazzo. Sono dietro il fotografo.. dico 'ste robe sottovoce in spagnolo ad Ernesto e I try to go back home. The type I shit the fuck back to where I was saying for the photos. I do not say it gently .. for nothing .. at least he said "please" .. As if he was the absolute master of the scene of the territory, he tells me "what do you do? You stand still I change the light!". The
Just fuck. Direct. In English, this might at least understand it. Ernesto also understand and some of his friends (who came to admire the pussy) that give me reason .. "You're in front of his house, you have to be more 'polite!" tell him .. A girl of the "staff" the means and what 'was said .. "I'm just working, guy!" I scream .. I tell him with equal kindness that I was eating breakfast at 10 meters aCasa and I'm gone .. "I have done more 'to 10000 km to finish down here' and find the American who usually tells me what to do!" Clara jot down the 'politics. Big laughter and applause perte timid friends of Ernesto, who seems amused. The usual chick reassuring the photographer that makes the latest photos and walks away looking bad while I greet him with her hand .. "Continues to make your life dimmerda .." I think .. "me while I'm here in Punta del Diablo." Gone back to Ernesto, I apologize. There is no 'need .. I said .. you have been educated, do not worry .. There 's still saying that Ernest and' happy. For 1 hour for using its beautiful, unobtainable restaurant gave him $ 40.
The day in Punta del Diablo, go slow. We try to restore a little 'La Cabana. Place a sort of wall in front, place the mettiamoa staccioantina around, pick flowers to put them out into the wine bottles used as vases, are beginning to color a bit '.. I play my guitar, Michael is sitting quiet, watching the sea, the Alemannic you read a book diUmberto Eco. Jorja is befriended by a sixty Aspen Colo. he is doing around the world. Masquerading as a billionaire, bought a house here in Punta del Diablo, where has the best technology and ingredients for cooking. Often invites us to his house, but Jorja and 'by him every afternoon to watch old movies .. Do you think that one day I found myself con questo tipo che in americano mi parlava della bellezza della scena della carrozzina nel film la corazzata potiomkin (non so se si scirva cosi'..).. Voleva invitarmi a vederlo a casa sua.. "Ho il dvd!!" Non gli ho detto quello che penso di quel film (pur non avendolo visto mi fido del commento del buon Fantozzi).. ma dentro di me ridevo di brutto per quello che stava succedendo..
La nostra casetta e' piena di candele, arrangiamo qualche candelabro (quello per il bagno e' spettacolare!), quando c'e' il sole mettiamo in spiaggia un po' di bottiglie d'acqua in modo che a sera siano quasi calde e ottime per la doccia, quasi sempre c'e' musica dalle potenti piccole casse. Compriamo anche una bellissima cartina dell'Uruguay che cover of 'drafts' a bit too obvious. At sunset we go to the other part of the country where there is 'the' port '(and much of the "life") to see if' someone come and watch the sunset drinking beer and eating fried empanadas "mariscos y queso. " In the evening we eat by Ernesto, let them 'closure, then we go home to make us "a laugh". Rarely, however, you go to sleep before a certain hour .. the three type three and a half four (ororlogio and the 'forbidden). If it is not too cold to be ion the beach playing with Pablo Xavier and as happens a few days ago that seems to like the Viejo De Gregori. "The clothing of a fireman" with violin and two guitars is pretty good. Only once
go to the only pub (which by the way, and 'a disco pub) open .. We're just three of us .. there bucket now litrozzo proud and we return to the other side of the town.
Sitting outside the hut that dreamy look of beautiful girls come to live in fornt of cabaña, especially Maicol .. him from the truth lies waiting for this Romagna phantom "temporada". Just want to find the "nit", and that 'the problem of Punta del Diablo .. and '"very quiet".
One morning knocking on our door Marisa, a girl from Boston, who is turning 1 year by the English teacher. And 'gentle, not so cute, nice and sweet. Sleep 'to' upstairs with Michele su un letto che quando ti sdrai ti avviluppa. Siamo contenti del nuovo arrivo, le diciamo che dovrebbe darsi da fare per trovarci delle "compagne", si crea subito un bellissimo clima. Jorjito e' l'unico che ogni tanto ci fa un po' preoccupare.. e' il piu' piccolino, ogni tanto sembra un po' nervoso, si fa molto gli affari suoi, ci dice che un po' gli manca la sua famiglia e che vuole farsi il capodanno a Rio. Quest'ultima cosa ci permettiamo di sconsigliarlela (pochi giorni prima al Chuy mi aveva detto che le hawayanas erano troppo care.. Pensava costassero 100dollari e non 100 pesos..- dopo 2 mesi di sudamerica!!), lui un po' se la prende.. A parte questo rimane contentissimo quando un girono,tornando dalla spiaggia, trova dipinta sulla parete (in legno) la sua frase con cui indicava la sua massima disponibilita' (preoccupantemente "tedesca"). "Mi planeta es tu planeta" c'e' scritto in un grosso stampatello rosso. E' felicissimo, si sente importante, disegna un mondo (con in evidenza il continente LatinoAmericano) vicino alla scritta e mette la sua firma. Passa ore a guardarla e fotografarla. E' il nostro motto. Ti serve lo shampoo?? "MI shampoo es tu shampoo" Questo piccolo motto e' stato in grado di annullare il concetto di proprietá privata all'interno della nostra casetta. In cabaña la sera quando tutto e' illuminato dalle candele (e fuori ci son dei cieli che...)c'e' un'atmosfera difficilmente ripetibile. Siamo tutti strafelici. Abbiamo degli occhi, degli, looks and smiles that only you can find on the road and in the light of small fires are even more 'beautiful. One afternoon, outside it is a cold and an incredible wind, we put together to cut the hair of Jorja, after winning her futile resistance. There are big laughs. We are on the opposite side of the world .. just started .. we do not have electricity, gas and hot water. Very few times have I been so 'well.
also started to paint the staircase leading to the "upstairs", we decide to do it in red polka dots. It 's not coming evil, and the only concern' that the owner then our "art" does not like. The floor under the stairs we have to paint it "abstract" .. when we painted the stairs on the ground we did not put anything ..
With every passing day Punta del Diablo gets a little 'more' alive .. the coming temporada ..
The shops in the country, such as restaurants and panaderia, slowly start over their activities, through the village seems a strange streak of vitality .. starts to get even a few tourists traveling in more '.. We would also refuse hospitality 'in Paraguay two girls really ugly and not too funny .. Actually, we all agreed on acceptance Jorja except that continued to hope for new arrivals best .. "We can not fill the house with ugly girls .. if we arrive where we pretty ones?". To avoid a probable incazzatura (lately e' suscettibile) facciamo come dice lui. Mai avrei pensato che effettivamente quella sera sarebbe arrivata Sarah, una carina (ma niente dippiu') e gioiosa ragazza danese, che sarebbe stata con noi per tre giorni, prima di riprendere il suo cammino per Buenos Aires. Sarah, effettivamente e' una party animal.. dovevamo darci una tranquillizzata.. ci dicevamo.. se c'e' anche lei e' tutto piu' difficile.
Nella settimana prima di Natale apre un nuovo locale tenuto da due ragazze spagnole, dove spesso andiamo a bere e suonare (soprattutto Pablo e Xavier) fino a tardi con lo stesso Ernesto. Il locale non e' male.. il problema e' che 'e tutto vegetariano e "bio". Il tipo di una delle spagnole e' un cuoco di quelli che fa tutte le nuove ricette anche queste un po' "fashion". Comunque e' un posto carino.. Da Ernesto ormai difficilmente siamo gli unici commensali, anche se la strada buissima per raggiungerlo scoraggia i nuovi avventori. L'unica sera che andiamo a mangiare da un'altra parte, mentre torniamo ci imbattiamo in un gruppazzo di 8 norderupee che erano andate a mangiare (e bere) da Ernesto. Era ovvio. La circostanza era talmente imprevista e assurda che incontrandole al buio per strada nessuno di noi e' riuscito a rispondere bene ai loro saluti ne' a fare qualsiasi tipo di domanda, ne' invitarle da noi in cabaña, ne´a intavolare qualsiasi tipo di discussione. DEI BABBI. Marisa ci ha iniziato a prendere per il culo di brutto, soprattutto noi due "italiani". In Cabaña we do not believe .. just what 'success was that there was incredible .. two "laughter"-angry-and in bed .. but tomorrow ... changing! We had those and I Maicol .. Tomorrow somewhere in the nose, ask your Viejo and organize something together. The next day while taking Ernesto accompany fish, we meet .. there 's only a very pretty, the other way' so '.. in reality 'seem really nasty .. more 'that appear with more snobbish, more' holiday travelers that (the clothes speak for themselves) .. I am a big group of 11 that being 'here until after Christmas certainly we will meet' a night at the Cueva Luna (the only disco pub in Punta del Diablo) or Viejo y el Mar.
The morning of December 22, Marisa party. It 'really funny how the three of us react to his departure. We did not expect so much sadness. We are really sorry. She 's very sad, hug us with tears in their eyes .. cries when Ernesto salutes. He does not want to accompany the bus stop .. we see go away along a small dirt and sand hidden behind his backpack Lowe Alpine. And 'she who made the photos of the previous post .. a classic sunset del Diablo, just outside our Cabana. So, 'under the sun and wind, we look at a beautiful person on his way back on this old world that hosts us. Suerte, Marisa. Que Te vaja bien.
the afternoon at the beach after we partiton a 7 vs. 7 soccer. Ernesto (62 years) made a beautiful goal with a header following a corner; Pampita before you eat the ball. 'S happy to bad, going up to the restaurant to get some beers to offer. We are all males, aged 20 to 70 years. There we three, an Australian and then Ernesto with his friends, the lifeguard and surf instructor (absolutely unemployed) .. It 's a good feeling when you get a new place and then you find yourself to know so many people .. walk down the street or on the beach and there are people who greet you and stop to talk to organize the evening .. you feel "embedded" in a body that was absolutely the first "outsider". Juan, the lifeguard, said this morning they caught a shark than 2 meters .. "Two weeks ago we got one that was almost three! ". I freezes the blood. The two things I fear UFOs and sharks .. .. ... if you could come to my mind in a place of fishermen and principalke pescado ' shark (or shark, it makes no difference) I could understand something .. Shit ... No more 'a water over his chest. and bathrooms fast, fast, lightning.
On shore there' and Pablo with June Dolphin .. June .. now is learning to walk can do almost three feet without falling. We do a home movie to be sent by mail to his grandmothers. In the one internet terminal in the country will not be 'easy .. but Jorja' are volunteers and his will be nasty business .. You know .. I can say .. "I have learned to walk in Punta del Diablo" .. I
e Michele aspettiamo il tramonto parlando delle nostre vite cosi' differenti ma con quel qualcosa in comune che ci ha regalato questa reciproca, arricchente e (per certi versi) illuminante conoscenza. Arriva Pablo, con notevole entusiasmo ci dice che ha visto la futura aiutante di Ernesto.. Con il suo spagnolo franceseggiante ci annuncia che e' bella, "Latina" facendo capire con chiari gesti che non ha un culetto piccolo piccolo, ma neanche grassa ("No no gorda tampoco!"), carnagione piuttosto scura, capelli chiari, due belle tette e poi ci dice che ha due occhioni azzurri incredibili.. Pablo non si sta vivendo bene questo viaggio in tre.. Per nulla.
Io e Maicol siamo contenti per questa nuova.. Sara' un po' piu' divertente mangiare da Ernesto. La stessa sera, tutti e tre docciati (che sfigati!!) , andiamo a cenare. Chiaramente "lei" lavora da domani. C'e' un gruppo di 4 cechi che sono tornati apposta, dopo 1 anno, per fare il Natale li' a Punta del Diablo.. Sono simpatici e ci offriamo vicendevolmente da bere.. Ci sono anche delle signore di Buenos Aires, che ci cihedono di chiamare anche Pablo e Xavier per suonare qualcosa.. stiamo li' da Ernesto fino alla chiusura; poi gli altri vanno dalle spagnole con el Viejo, Diego e la sua futura moglie che e' arrivata pochi giorni fa. Noi tre facciamo un salto al Cueva Luna (dalle spagnole non c'e' nessuno): vorremmo beccare questa fantomatica "latina" (cosi' l'abbiamo iniziata a chiamare). Il disco pub e' vuoto. Raggiungiamo others. Let the dawn. Exchange the latest in the hut listening to crap De Gregori.
... and stars are pinholes.
The title of this post, as well as advice suited to Punta de Diablo, and 'No. 2 due to the track of a CD that I did it my friend Filippo Poli before leaving. We were classmates in Berchet high school in the fourth. In these days (il19.01) and 'his twenty-eighth birthday, I do not know if it's bad or good but still I had the opportunity to be witnessed meta'della its existence. Greetings Python. Happy 28 (ventotto. ..) years!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Second Hand Arsenal Season Tickets

talked about Bruce Springsteen Racing in the street and between Thunder Road during the tour of Darkness on the edge of town from mid 'August to late December 1978
Punta del Diablo 09/12/2005 - 12/27/2005

For this writer, these are important pages. At Punta del Diablo we live a few hundred people, mostly fishermen. There 'the asphalt. There 's a small restaurant in a lot of wood with colorful decorations, 6 tables and a myriad of messages, pictures and cards left by people around the world.
These are pages that tell the story of the fate of boys who wanted to meet in a hut on the Atlantic. Their dreams, their clothes, their hands, their eyes full of months of travel come together here, in the light of the candles, because 'electricity' (like gas) and there is none '. The energy and vitality 'that can' come from sitting around a table with these people and 'the most' unknown. As in most 'and' unknown to the belly that tangle with you when you see these guys rebuild their backpack and go back to the world. 'Cause the one and only that one belong. Did you sleep with them, you split the cup, pillow, soap, cold, fabulous immensity 'of nature, they would like to stay with you, but then greet them and know it' s the last time. Unfortunately or fortunately, rarely do you happen to greet someone and knowing that 'for the last time.
These pages tell the story of the restaurant El viejo y el mar, its owner Ernesto, Pampita dog and her puppies, the blue hut lying beside her. Here the winter and 'hard, with what you gain in January and February we lived for a year. These pages tell the wind that blows over the roofs of straw and on the heads of people struggling to live, always with a smile to give to those coming from afar.
These pages tell the sky, the sun, the stars in a corner of the world. They tell a different Christmas, distantissimo by rampant consumerism which 'pregnant in our culture "protagonists."
These pages tell the story of a guitar, bought the border with Brazil to overcome loneliness and then played all together with violin and guitar (veri.. not like me). The story of happiness 'of a guitar Ernesto if can not' afford and that if someone lends it to him for soli15 minutes gives him the best eyes. A guitar then left the restaurant. Up with an inscription:
"Esta es la tierra de paz, amor, justicia y ninguna mercy"
Welcome to Punta del Diablo.

Monday, January 9, 2006

Knee Brace Australian Open

Jealous Guy

Punta del Este 7:12:05

If you have done more 'to 10000 km to arrive in South America, to know him, admire him and fall in love, then do not come to Punta del Este. Punta del Este sucks. It 's a beautiful peninsula with beautiful beaches on the Atlantic for charity', but 'the typical place of resort for the super-rich Argentines. Huge buildings on the sea that resemble the worst location 'of the Costa Brava, even a small little bar around, but expensive restaurants or McDonald's, no local shop but only vetrinone of the most' famous fashion houses, no child who plays running but children plump mores signed running with their small surf (s) holding the hand at half-staff and making the race to 'more' cool, no cars a bit 'broken-but almost all super SUV (s). All in a small town .. Do you understand what it 'Punta del Este?
'Cause I went there, then? 'Cause I knew it was a "tourist", so I thought to find a buena onda, a bit' of people traveling and many cafes where to spend the night .. that's all ... I never imagined so much crap.
Upon arriving at the hostel I try to go more 'marked on the economic Lonely. There is no 'more' for more 'than a year (the latest edition of South America on a shoestring and' in May 2004). The masons starda show me the new one to arrive at the Hi uruguayos ask me 300 pesos (12 bucks!) For a bed in a room to be shared (but 'with the bathroom!). It is 10 pm, I will not seek another even knowing that I'll find very difficult to 'something more' cheating. "Mi va bene". La stanza e' al buio, ci sono 2 persone che dormono (non posso accendere la luce), in 3 metri per 4 ci sono 4 letti a castello, in mezzo gli zainoni e i vestiti, c'e' un casino bestiale, non riesco neanche a capire quale sia il letto libero.
Davvero, appena entrato mi girano i coglioni a mille, non si possono spendere 300 pesos per una sistemazione cosi'.. mi sento "perso". Mi faccio coraggio, decido quale letto prendermi (se avran da ridire mi scusero' e mi faro' indicare quello libero) poi vado nel bagnetto a farmi una doccia. Il bagno e' sulla stessa linea della stanza: e'... "disordinatino", con saponi lasciati nel lavandino, spazzolini ovunque, il cestino della carta sporca stracolmo, un sacco of shampoo and cream left with the caps more 'or less close throughout the shower. To land a lake. This bath, however, cheer me up morale. On the tube of the shower plasticone appear as if by magic a bit 'of tanghini and bra. How did I not understand before?? In the room there 'pussy. Only women can be so 'casino and take a bath in this way ... yet I knew it, I have always maintained that the female toilets do much 'disgusting than the male, I could see the hostels, campsites and in any public place equipped double bathroom (you have in mind when looking for the bathroom more' to make clean poop always and inevitably you find yourself in a male?). While I put the right stuff goes Lia in the room (or Leah?), a inglesazza Manchester starting to talk and then you go to the shower leaving the bathroom door wide open (the slut ... ...); also wakes Lory, a type Irish sleeping under me. They ask me if I wanted to go and eat something with them. Sure!. In a restaurant I discovered that the two beloved (I did not realize that their were only 2 .., I thought there were other people) met in Baires, avran made the garbage together, and most can not stand '. I, in the middle. I try to do anyway nice with both, although I must say that it was much more 'interessantae talk to him. Lory tells me that he had been in Genoa for the G8 in 2001. We speak of that. Another infamous Italian shame. I ask him Sorry like Italian, comuque, I feel responsible. I give him the good news that almost all the officers who coordinate the actions of law enforcement have been promoted and (therefore) awards. I was in Genoa on Friday '7/20/2001, when a jeep of the Carabinieri (one identical to those I played with as a child) - or chissadove-e' Party took the shot Carlo Giuliani. That day in Genoa, I saw something just horrible. Stragiuro and I swear that after what you see, I could not believe that there was only one dead. I'm sorry, but now I do not want to talk dui "Genoa". Just one question, among others of the most 'useless. But why 'to go to protest the "real terrorists" (as' call them qui in SudAmerica i grandi 8) e per un mondo migliore, il treno che partiva dalla Stazione Garibaldi di Milano alle 6:00 ci ha messo 7 ore passando per Parma e aveva un solo bagno aperto?? Perche'?? Ero li' con Gaëlle, lei non riusciva a capacitarsene, io non potevo spiegare quello che avveniva. Tantomeno quello che sarebbe avvenuto. Al ritorno (in autostop, non si riusciva ad uscire da Genova e il giorno dopo alle 8:00 si partiva con i lupetti) sapevo la vergognosa risposta.
La discussione su Genova fa infuriare Lia.. "e' da 4 giorni che viaggiamo insieme e lui non fa altro che parlare di politica, sempre" mi dice. Mi scuso, lei risponde che non c'entro niente e torniamo in ostello per bere qualcosa con gli altri ragazzi. Qui, uscire the evening and 'prohibitive, and' much better buy beer at gas station next door and share with other travelers. A beer costs you out as in Italy and in any case you still drink in the nightclub with a bunch of Argentineans superfichelli superfashion clothes. In the hostel atmosphere and 'pleasant, the music of Bob Marley to throttle and widespread merriment that takes you to go to bed no earlier than 4. For the truth 'spends time with Lory, a Basque named Andres and a Brazilian who is traveling with his mother. There 's a gruppazzo of twentysomethings British drinkin'games ago but I did not really want to window with them, I always hated the young inglesotti drunk. I do not know if you ever come across in the Cyclades or the Costa Brava .. me with le loro faccette da culo stanno incredibilmente sulle palle, se poi fanno i fighi ballando e sentendosi i padroni del posto, il sentimento e' ben piu' drastico.
Per farvi capire come questo non sia un posto da viaggiatori, basta dire che per bermi un caffe' (senza spendere 3 dollari), la mattina dopo sono costretto ad andare al Terminal dei bus.
Devo assolutamente andare in bagno, torno in ostello ma accanto alla porta della toletta c'e' la faccia di un'australiana carina carina che sta dormendo. Non posso mica inondare il cesso di una puzza micidiale (la porta non si chiude nemmeno tanto bene), ne' tantomeno rischiare di svegliare la tipa con rumoroni tipici di chi ha qualche bolla d'aria nello stomaco (.. o no?!?!). Quindi, I'm looking for a ride a little bar .. pay me 'another coffee' and I will do my Cosona. Tuttaa around the peninsula for more 'than two hours when I finally run into a bar "normal." I order a coffee, 'I drink and go to the bathroom. The bathroom is shit (scustae the pun), there 's a terrible odor and ground and' full of handkerchiefs bianhi and brown (this may not be disposed in the cup, there are always overflowing bins next). I'm getting nervous, tomorrow I'm leaving as soon as possible (in the hostel you have to stop at least 2 nights ..). Back in the room, the Australian is still sleeping and in addition there are two other girls who doze. I have to take matters in hand ... IDEA! I go to the gas station 5 minutes from here. WONDERFUL. The process and 'spotless and the sense of satisfaction that I feel andandomene and' very deep. In the evening I decide to make a paste in a hostel, and invited other 7 people. Macaroni with fresh tomato sauce. Unfortunately wrong 'cause I put too much carrot in pan thus giving a taste too sweet. For the truth 'the food is not' bad and to my surprise, everyone is delighted by the compliments and making me taste the pasta to the other. I wonder 'what the fuck eat' normally sti qua ... Needless to say, however, as is the pasta in Italy, not anywhere else. It is not 'just a question of ingredients. I never understood why ', but if you bring the best pasta sauce from the motherland and do exactly the same how would you do it on Italian soil, the result is not 'never the same. Some say it is 'the water and' different .. I do not know .. maybe you will understand sooner or later 'region of this strange phenomenon. In the evening, without the inglesotti, living in the hostel there is' the best wave .. We will be about twenty, each one tells something of his travels, he jokes, drink and sing and listen to John Lennon. 26 years ago was killed by a madman. What an incredible loss to humanity '.. which one feels a sense of helplessness in the face of those inexplicable follies of mankind. Ascoltatevi Imagine ... and as' possible that whoever wrote this masterpiece is killed by his own fans? When does Jealous Guy in the middle atmosphere of soft lights and beautiful smiles guys, I get almost to tears. It was a song that I heard a lot when I was in middle and one of the last times I played I was driving in September with some dear boy scouts (in the car were Pit, Franca, Marge and a friend of his Yankee) returning from a concert Frascaro to a community in 'Don Gallo where we made camp. I'll remember 'always the beautiful trip and the faces, the smiles and the names of those great guys, really, you know that I stopped being a "boss" sometimes makes me feel a deep sense of nostalgia. It 'a period of my life and that is' over, and I know that this trip in one direction or another, and it' a symbol. However .. listened to the CD that was the gift of Chill to his dear old friends of the clan when he took the start, was titled "This Hard Land," a job done really well (except for 3 or 4 songs by the same author, I can not remember the name ... I believe it was New Jersey). I remember the first time I met Chill (sixteen) were in the car we went to a camp where the steward had to do. I was a leader, "Be careful! That's' just a jerk," I warned my Akela. "Perfect" I thought. E 'born a real friendship and proud. Big John! Although I called later that you've never given (ingiustamente. .!!..), I'm grateful for having the chance 'to that song to make a little' more 'in the air and maybe someone' more This may be considered 'in love remembering or thinking who knows' what. 'S why we do the compilation, no?

The next morning all happy, I'll organize my backpack and go to Punta del Diablo, where "there is 'nothing' and 'and' the opposite of Punta del Este" according to its reputation. At the bus station a girl tells me I have to wait until the next day 'cause there are no more' direct buses. I do not. There will be 'a way to reach the tip .. I ask around, but also the personnel working in here seems to be the negative influence of 'I'm bad place, "No, there' nothing until tomorrow!" "But there 's something moving from another city'?" "No. I've already 'said'. I therefore request information a driver (60 years with two bellidibrutto mustache and that gives me his mate), tells me that he goes to Castillo (I have no 'idea where it is ..) and that from them' "almost certainly" face something to Punta del Diablo. Perfect, I make more than one night, "Castillo." Returning to stop me
Hi George, a German with whom I had eaten the night before. He says that he wants to come to Punta only has to go by police to testify for the theft of a backpack at the hostel (the owner of the backpack and 'already' repatriated). Kraut to say that but 'must do fast, and the bus' to 14:00, and LE11 are 45, know the time of the bureaucracy. He tells me "go and come back." At 13:50 there '. Punta del Este: adios!