Punta del diablo
Ante Scriptum
this blog page is published with the changes since the first version.
The Medley in question was complicated and the first test had some bad key changes.
we take our backpacks Ernesto. We are a bit 'them' .. still Drinking coffee 'and looking around looking a bit' lost. We all three still months before the trip but, paradoxically, it actually breathes an atmosphere of "end of the holidays." We have to decide what to do. Maicol certainly remains and try to "get us in the middle"; Jorja think it is safe now to reach Brazil. I would have a meeting tonight in Buenos Aires, Argentina to begin the tour with North furgoneta rented together with the young relatives of Helios (including good food and her sister Mary) and other friends, all Pietrone Vecchi. We will be a dozen. The fact is that I'm still here at noon at the Punta del Diablo. Join them 'later.
Ernesto asks us to worry about "the last favor." There are two pairs of tourists who asked him a "Inglese breakfast." In the kitchen there 's just toast and coffee. How many times have we to money and a note written on with things to buy. In a hurry .. types wait .. The only care that you need to have and 'return to the restaurant by entering the back door .. The viejo does not want customers to see that it lacks almost everything.
"Downtown" meet Manuela and Nicole, this morning there was more 'spot on the bus to Montevideo-Castillo: take the 14:00. We explained our sad and inescapable wake-up, we are told that their Cabana and 'free until tomorrow. Take us by the owner but that 'do not wants to leave .. He needs time to clean it .. Clean it with that? E 'immaculate, there were two girls for a half day !!??!! Insists .. We try to tell us that we clean it to him .. "No! I know them, me, these guys!" Then, laughing, "with this business tell me that you clean me?". The dueña melts when I told him that we basically have just thrown out at home .. "Okay .. but tomorrow 'the need to leave at 9:00." Hugs and kisses with sciura. We also ask if he wants to be our mother laughingly say that we now need to introduce into his house for lunch and dinner and if by chance we can 'wash something .. We are sympathetic to the lady tells us that really, if you will, tonight we can eat by yourself. "Thank You" but last night we make it from Ernesto.
accompany the two German to the bus and at some point in Maicol the eye falls on the bag that holds Jorja ... "Shit !!!!" "Ernesto's the stuff!" Saran spent almost two hours ... We welcome
fast Manuela and Nicole and we rush out of breath in El viejo y el Tues The two couples (avran fifty years) are eating fish. Ernesto and 'very quiet, he says "both temporada' and begins, certainly does not throw it all 'that stuff, do not worry," offers us a beer. Really ... I think there can be only one thing. There are few restaurants where you go and you do not care anything about what you eat, and the only thing that matter 'and simply' be there '. " Moving from an "Inglese breakfast" in a shark fillet, and without waiting for two hours of protest, I think it's an example ... I do not know how many other "restaurants" in the world can afford it. "El viejo y el mar" has this privilege. Pablo
pass in front of the restaurant, Dolphin and June and we invite them to make a grilled fish. We are up to mid afternoon in their cabaña, eat a lot, to tell our (mis) adventures, as they are resolved, Xavier arrives to rehearse with Pablo. La temporada has officially begun, tonight we will tour the premises to rack up something.
Piuú later I go with Ana to give me a ride. We buy almost a kilo of ice cream (tastes I choose me, preposterous- tranne il cioccolato e lo zabaione scelti da lei) e andiamo in spiggia a mangiarcelo. Stiamo benissimo, scherziamo tutto il tempo, mi tira il gelato addosso, la infilo nella sabbia, ci picchiamo anche un po'... Mi chiede anche che "onda con la alemana", ieri le sembrava andassimo tanto d'accordo e aveva deciso di andarsene.. "Va be'.. scusa... Però tu sei scema" le dico, "Sei tu lo scemo.. non lo so, avevo pero' voglia di andarmene via" é la risposta. Continuamo a prenderci in giro e a giocare.. Prima del tramonto deve tornare a lavorare.
Vado a prendermi il biglietto per domani mattina presto.. La signora del market, prendendomi in giro mi dice: "allora non ti é piaciuta Punta del Diablo..." "Quanto sei stato qui??" "Nearly three weeks." Laughs.
We are in our new home .. nostalgia for what it was. The new Cabana is on the other side of Punta del Diablo, the "tourist". E 'with hot water, electricity and even television. Jorja the lights, Maicol rebels, agree that "only for the Simpsons." We look at them and then we throw on the beds (true). There 'noise .. There is no 'silence .. Unplug the power of the refrigerator and water heater. Gestures that make you feel very powerful (in Milan I feel like a jerk here .. .. "powerful" in fact) .. How much is' ugly and artificial light .. with candles and 'really something else. At night
viejo y el Tues there 'full house. The three of us eat and drink and toast to capacity for this last night while since the last test to convince Michael to stay. Good Jorja is also made three "bombs" (as we call us ..), pancakes with honey and dulce de leche, the true and genuine blows. Diego we "invite 'a bit of wiskhey, George does not like .. is forced to drink it .. Jorja is really beautifully crafted, insistte in going to the Cueva Luna, there will be no one but today is "La Ultima Noche" .. Ernesto to say that we spend the next day to say hello. We
them 'out, sitting at a table to joke assuming what will be our next "travel stories, ask for the last time the small German if you really want to go to make the New Year in Rio. He says it '.. if part of the morning to 31 should make it convenient ("..."). The old hard Romagna and you also run an "I miss you." We continue to laugh saying "I'll miss you," Ana's face looks at us with "good." From inside the room goes "As Tears Go By", Rolling Stones, 1964. Let's go home.
Before going to bed, Jorja gets to roll up and put away a bit 'of cigarettes that makes people laugh. "Fuck you!??" "I am for the American, asked me this favor, he is not capable, so I'm leaving tomorrow" ... aahh ... aaaaahhh Maicol and now I understand what was going on dear alemanino most afternoons at the client yankee sessantenne.. Si guardavano vecchi film davanti al mare fumandosi gli spinelli!! E chi l'avrebbe mai detto!!! Il tipo c'ha sessanta e passa anni!!! Michele e io ridiamo di brutto.. per due settimane non ce ne eravamo accortidi quella sua abitudine pomeridiana.. ora capiamo anche il perchè di quella fame incredibile verso tutti i tramonti (se noi mangiavamo 1 o2 empanadas, lui almeno 5..).
La mattina ci svegliamo e troviamo Jorjito che fa il suo zaino, parte. Sensazione strana vederlo mettere tutte le sue cose all'interno di quel sacco nero... Lo accompagna Micheal con "il suo bmw" fino alla frontiera, al Chuy. Prima di salire in macchina ci saluta da lontano per quasi un minuto. Ciao Jorjito.
Se ne e' andato, probabilmente (Despite the usual proclamations) we shall not see more '. E 'a sentiment double what you take in these situations .. On the one hand you feel sad, on the other you have the immensity of what we are experiencing .. Go Jorja "you planeta you espera" .. go, my friend. Go
is ... oh well "go" ... Jorja has forgotten here (some habits have contraindications ..) glasses, map of Uruguay, purse and wallet (only folgietti card type and universities, metro ..). We send an email to tell you, we hope the law.
Now me and the Romagna. In theory (and practice) I have a ticket for the bus in the morning. Still in theory, I Pietrone appointment at 9:30 this morning all'aeroporto di Buenos Aires (comunque andrà Elios a prenderlo). Ana pero', prima di andarsene, mi aveva chiesto se sarei rimasto anche oggi, "Si" le avevo risposto... Non posso partire. Se le ho detto che sarei rimasto, devo rimanere. Va bene.. l'altra sera mi attardavo a parlare con Nicole.. e ora cambio addirittura la data del viaggio??? First of all: ho passato piu' tempo con Ana, mi piace, e' carina in tutto. E mi 'e piaciuta, ho apprezzato, comunque, la sua reazione. Certo però che non ho perso la testa per Ana. Non posso perdere la testa per lei. Sarei fottuto. Me l'aveva detto anche con bieco cinismo maschilista il buon Romagna vedendomi contento la mattina di Natale. "Stai attento.. rischi di ritrovarti tra tre anni, in machine in the casino of Milan, returning from work, at home waiting for you and your daughter is not a girl Uruguayans that there is more 'in and wants to leave ... You then think back to these wise words peasant and think .. "What a wanker, that time in Punta del Diablo !!"...". much easier for such eventualities must be prepared, at this moment are not prepared for everything '. I am not prepared to die for. Maybe I lose it tomorrow, in this situation do not find it feasible.
La mattina ci svegliamo e troviamo Jorjito che fa il suo zaino, parte. Sensazione strana vederlo mettere tutte le sue cose all'interno di quel sacco nero... Lo accompagna Micheal con "il suo bmw" fino alla frontiera, al Chuy. Prima di salire in macchina ci saluta da lontano per quasi un minuto. Ciao Jorjito.
Se ne e' andato, probabilmente (Despite the usual proclamations) we shall not see more '. E 'a sentiment double what you take in these situations .. On the one hand you feel sad, on the other you have the immensity of what we are experiencing .. Go Jorja "you planeta you espera" .. go, my friend. Go
is ... oh well "go" ... Jorja has forgotten here (some habits have contraindications ..) glasses, map of Uruguay, purse and wallet (only folgietti card type and universities, metro ..). We send an email to tell you, we hope the law.
Now me and the Romagna. In theory (and practice) I have a ticket for the bus in the morning. Still in theory, I Pietrone appointment at 9:30 this morning all'aeroporto di Buenos Aires (comunque andrà Elios a prenderlo). Ana pero', prima di andarsene, mi aveva chiesto se sarei rimasto anche oggi, "Si" le avevo risposto... Non posso partire. Se le ho detto che sarei rimasto, devo rimanere. Va bene.. l'altra sera mi attardavo a parlare con Nicole.. e ora cambio addirittura la data del viaggio??? First of all: ho passato piu' tempo con Ana, mi piace, e' carina in tutto. E mi 'e piaciuta, ho apprezzato, comunque, la sua reazione. Certo però che non ho perso la testa per Ana. Non posso perdere la testa per lei. Sarei fottuto. Me l'aveva detto anche con bieco cinismo maschilista il buon Romagna vedendomi contento la mattina di Natale. "Stai attento.. rischi di ritrovarti tra tre anni, in machine in the casino of Milan, returning from work, at home waiting for you and your daughter is not a girl Uruguayans that there is more 'in and wants to leave ... You then think back to these wise words peasant and think .. "What a wanker, that time in Punta del Diablo !!"...". much easier for such eventualities must be prepared, at this moment are not prepared for everything '. I am not prepared to die for. Maybe I lose it tomorrow, in this situation do not find it feasible.
the fact remains that if I told Ana that I would stay, I stay.
One last thing. Why I decided to write this stuff a little 'private and even some '"counterproductive"? First note that these 'true and my travel journal and not a game to bring up people and situations better or different than they are. And if something happens to more 'hard' at the bottom part of the journey. In theory, things are intimate ... Well .. I think I've already written something much more intimate .. I am the son of my time. It is not my fault if the sex was "duty paid" (some might say!), If we were "thrown into this kind of pornography" (F. De Gregori, Children come parvulos, Miramare 1987. 1987 !!!). This is not the occasion to explain my theory on "figacentrismo" of the world (how sad that is all-around one-turn), the esmpi find them easily by yourself: just open our eyes to the Western world. Also, is there to say what I tell 'that actually seems to me "beautiful, lively, beautiful scenes, like Ana, the first morning we woke up. It 's just life. Life of a 10000 km trip to Italy, a journey in which they are completely and utterly free. And this (perhaps in spite of myself) I am writing this distance. Don `t 'is absolutely nothing wrong with what happened. In fact, I think that is far superior to what many people are used in many of our dismal experience .. but you think with all the people who travel with (often) the sole purpose of doing pocher as possible, I feel guilty-I-that I've been here for 3 weeks?? Punta del Diablo?? with Brazil at 40 km? Just for being honest, writing my diary? No, sorry.
One last thing. Why I decided to write this stuff a little 'private and even some '"counterproductive"? First note that these 'true and my travel journal and not a game to bring up people and situations better or different than they are. And if something happens to more 'hard' at the bottom part of the journey. In theory, things are intimate ... Well .. I think I've already written something much more intimate .. I am the son of my time. It is not my fault if the sex was "duty paid" (some might say!), If we were "thrown into this kind of pornography" (F. De Gregori, Children come parvulos, Miramare 1987. 1987 !!!). This is not the occasion to explain my theory on "figacentrismo" of the world (how sad that is all-around one-turn), the esmpi find them easily by yourself: just open our eyes to the Western world. Also, is there to say what I tell 'that actually seems to me "beautiful, lively, beautiful scenes, like Ana, the first morning we woke up. It 's just life. Life of a 10000 km trip to Italy, a journey in which they are completely and utterly free. And this (perhaps in spite of myself) I am writing this distance. Don `t 'is absolutely nothing wrong with what happened. In fact, I think that is far superior to what many people are used in many of our dismal experience .. but you think with all the people who travel with (often) the sole purpose of doing pocher as possible, I feel guilty-I-that I've been here for 3 weeks?? Punta del Diablo?? with Brazil at 40 km? Just for being honest, writing my diary? No, sorry.
Finally: my "stronzaggine" story for the self-irony, to make me look less good, more bbestia, more 'human maschilemnte, the average man. But above all, to take the piss. I would like to see the vast majority of the boys would behave as in my own (identical) situation. With all that the only thing I did was talk a bit 'more' with Nicole. If I wanted to try it with her, just do not invite Ana ...
That 'all folks!.
Micheluzzi insists on going to sleep nell'alberghetto 5 km from here .. is the most 'economical, 150 pesos for a bed in rooms of 6. But I keep telling myself to bring backpacks Ernesto, then something will happen .. at worst we do last night on the beach under the stars at Punta del Diablo. Not bad, right?
I return to the market to change the ticket .. La señora seeing "but you did not have to leave this morning?" "Ma'am, excuse me ... but it is not so much that I can 'change the ticket tomorrow morning?" "The party bus is 2 hours ago .. How do I change it? You must pay the ticket." "Señora .. .. por favor por favor" .. nodding and looking like an idiot makes me gesture with his hand di darle il biglietto vecchio "GRACIAS!! Muchas Gracias, señorita!!" "Señora..." "Gracias, señora!!" mi da il nuovo biglietto e guarda sorridendo come chi dice "dai.. vabbé..".
Al pomeriggio c'e' la festa di Sara. Compie 3 anni. Sara é la figlia di Xavier e Andrea, lunghi capelli biondisiimi e crespi (un pochino sporchini..), una vitalitá incredibile, riso continuo e una bellissima panciona con un ombelico all'infuori con cui giochicchieresti per ore. La festa é fuori dalla loro tenda, in uno spiazzetto davanti alla casa di un pescatore. Saremo una ventina. Giochiamo a nascondino, un due tre stella, strega comandacolor, ci "imparo" bum bum bum mago libero e finiamo con il piu' classico the "you've got it." Really we had bad. How long is that you do not play one of these games? Try it, 'and really nice! Pero 'try it!
The sun is beginning to lower .. -we look a bit '..- by Ernesto asking us if we sleep tonight, then to him. "No thanks, Ernesto, go to the beach" "Guys really .. sleep here!" "No thanks, which, makes us really like to sleep on the beach. Michael and I want to sleep on the beach" "Do you want to sleep on the beach?" "Yes!" "It is prohibited here .. I am sending you a nice place." He takes the keys and asks who is behind him on a sort of open macchininina 4 for 4 Diego bought for Christmas. I'm behind Ernesto, with il sole al tramonto, su le dune della spiaggia dopo che il paese é giá bello che finito. Dopo una duna, Ernesto mi dice "é quella".
Una palafitta di tre piani, sulla sabbia, tra le dune, intorno non c'e´´ nulla. Solo mare e arena, e l'arancione del cielo. Semplicemente non ci credo. E' un sogno. La casa super pettine (tutta vetrata, con luce gas e tutti gli elettrodomestici) é di due francesi, arriveranno dopomani; ci sono tutte le loro cose. Domani a mezzogiorno arriva una signora per pulirla: entro quell'ora dobbiamo essere assolutamente fuori. Dopo un po' arriva anche Romagna accompagnato dal padre di Diego. Neanche lui ci crede fino a quando non apro la porta con le chiavi. Ridiamo ridiamo e ridiamo. Siamo contentissimi. I never thought of being in a place like this .. Only seen in American TV show .. The sunset from quass'u is something indescribable. And 'our. Around anything. When did this happen so ein travel means that you own is going well.
smettiemo the evening, never to thank el Viejo (everything 'purpose only please), and the restaurant is full .. we also have to wait. How many things have changed in recent days .. Ana we recommend to take as "accompanying mashed potatoes because they are finite, that there 'is in an envelope and she made a mistake and poured into an envelope which has the yeast instead of pure' .. the people around him is eating .. Okay Ana .. do you .. I never said but Ernesto, there is no menu .. a card .. prices also vary from morning to night .. 'And the price you pay (willingly). For those who had not-yet-understood, this is not your typical restaurant. People go away from
Viejo y el Mar. We are Michael, Ana, Ernesto, Diego and I: we talk about travel, dreams and future drinking red wine. Diego I ask if I find a permanent marker, I want to leave your guitar and What write a dedication on. Diego is very happy, he tells me that he thinks Ernesto begins to cry. Even goes to her house to take him. I put on the word "esta es .." (See intro), Ernesto is moved and gave me (also with a dedication), his shirt wiskhey "Dumbo." Now I'm moved. I promise (and faccio credendoci davvero) che non so quando ma "qui io ci torno", ci rivedremo.
Ci salutiamo ora, domani lui deve andare al Chuy dal dentista. Ci incamminiamo sulla spiaggia per giungere -dopo 20 minuti- alla nostra lussuosissima "tana". Luci soffuse e ultima "buonanotte"; l'alba da quassù e' indimenticabile. L'ultima alba a Punta del diablo.
La mattina ci svegliamo, docciamo (acqua calda!!) e dobbiamo fare in fretta ad andarcene, in venti minuti arriva la tipa per pulire, assolutamente non puo' trovarci qui. Facciamo l'ultimo salto da Ernesto a berci un caffè. Nel tornare indietro vediamo che c'e' Diego sul 4 per 4 che viene verso di noi con dietro qualcuno di conosciuto.. "nooooo" "non puo' essere!!" "It is!" "Nooo it can not 'be him!" "Yes yes yes and 'him!" "JORJITOOOOO !!!!!!!". Take it, embrace it and do a lot of parties .. he is not very happy .. "Do you have my passport ????, no ?!?!".. "...", "...." "Oh shit ..." "No Jorja, you left a bunch of stuff here, but no passport .., Do you have at least one copy?" "It is that '.. but you do not have it? Really?" "No Jorja .. .. I'm sorry." Jorja is halfway between the angry and desperate. Accompany him to call the embassy. Will be with me in Montevideo. But first he must revise the Chuy, left the backpack there, the dumb. No Rio, I smell ..
I will be seeking the issue yesterday. I had a ticket for the early morning and would like to begin in the afternoon (if not, I can not join the others in the province of San Cristobal-Santa Fe-by tomorrow night). The lady when I see myself: "Still here ????" I have to explain the whole history of "Canadian" by saying that I could not miss the sunrise in a place like this .. "Yes. Okay .. but I can not change once the ticket. Among other things always change it after the bus has already left ..." "Ma'am ... I swear this time I'm leaving." Meanwhile Maicol behind me says that the "Canadian" was a sign .. We must stay here in Punta del Diablo, according to him. I tell him to come with me, but he does not move from here .. La temporada has just begun .. ". The Canadian for me was a sign .. but the ultimate sign of a wonderful experience over as best he could not. Rarely do I find the courage and honesty to finish something before that something is finally "finished". It is not easy to put an end at the right time .. Not this time, but I have so much inside, it's time to say good bye .. "Maybe more review 'in the'..." I tell Michael. "So what do you do?? Parties?", You hear the voice of the lady who in the meantime and 'become impatient. "Yes, birth." "Parties really??, Look, I swear that I will not change more 'the ticket!" "Yes, ma'am. Parto".
Passo da Ernesto per salutare per l'ultima volta. Il Viejo non è andato al Chuy perchè non si è svegliato in tempo, ancora abbracci.
Mi accompagnano alla parada. Ci sono tutti, saranno una ventina, da Pablo con June e Dolphine a Xavier e famiglia, il bagnino, il surfer, Micheal tutto lo staff del Viejo (Ana ha in dote un ciddì). L'autobus arriva con 1 ora di ritardo. Perfetto. Nel frattempo passa ANdrea che indossa il mio pareo. L'avevo lasciato appeso fuori dalla Cabaña e una notte di pioggia e ventissimo se ne era volato via. Andrea l'aveva trovato e anche ricucito. La ringrazio, ma non glielo posso lasciare, è il Mio Pareo (arancione giallo verde e rosso= bellissimo), preso un po' di anni fa dall'armadio della mother. I really can not let him, she understands very well and starts to laugh, "Do not worry." Wait for the bus even entire northern European large group. They are alone. A great satisfaction to think .. "This is how you travel chicos! Learn ..". Slowly return to their other occupations, is Michael.
Here comes the bus. The last hug. Forte.
Hello my friend, the two of us we'll see.
The bus closes its doors, the figure of Michael disappears behind the panaderia, the guy in front with the most typical gesture South American throws the seat fully back and look outside.
Micheluzzi insists on going to sleep nell'alberghetto 5 km from here .. is the most 'economical, 150 pesos for a bed in rooms of 6. But I keep telling myself to bring backpacks Ernesto, then something will happen .. at worst we do last night on the beach under the stars at Punta del Diablo. Not bad, right?
I return to the market to change the ticket .. La señora seeing "but you did not have to leave this morning?" "Ma'am, excuse me ... but it is not so much that I can 'change the ticket tomorrow morning?" "The party bus is 2 hours ago .. How do I change it? You must pay the ticket." "Señora .. .. por favor por favor" .. nodding and looking like an idiot makes me gesture with his hand di darle il biglietto vecchio "GRACIAS!! Muchas Gracias, señorita!!" "Señora..." "Gracias, señora!!" mi da il nuovo biglietto e guarda sorridendo come chi dice "dai.. vabbé..".
Al pomeriggio c'e' la festa di Sara. Compie 3 anni. Sara é la figlia di Xavier e Andrea, lunghi capelli biondisiimi e crespi (un pochino sporchini..), una vitalitá incredibile, riso continuo e una bellissima panciona con un ombelico all'infuori con cui giochicchieresti per ore. La festa é fuori dalla loro tenda, in uno spiazzetto davanti alla casa di un pescatore. Saremo una ventina. Giochiamo a nascondino, un due tre stella, strega comandacolor, ci "imparo" bum bum bum mago libero e finiamo con il piu' classico the "you've got it." Really we had bad. How long is that you do not play one of these games? Try it, 'and really nice! Pero 'try it!
The sun is beginning to lower .. -we look a bit '..- by Ernesto asking us if we sleep tonight, then to him. "No thanks, Ernesto, go to the beach" "Guys really .. sleep here!" "No thanks, which, makes us really like to sleep on the beach. Michael and I want to sleep on the beach" "Do you want to sleep on the beach?" "Yes!" "It is prohibited here .. I am sending you a nice place." He takes the keys and asks who is behind him on a sort of open macchininina 4 for 4 Diego bought for Christmas. I'm behind Ernesto, with il sole al tramonto, su le dune della spiaggia dopo che il paese é giá bello che finito. Dopo una duna, Ernesto mi dice "é quella".
Una palafitta di tre piani, sulla sabbia, tra le dune, intorno non c'e´´ nulla. Solo mare e arena, e l'arancione del cielo. Semplicemente non ci credo. E' un sogno. La casa super pettine (tutta vetrata, con luce gas e tutti gli elettrodomestici) é di due francesi, arriveranno dopomani; ci sono tutte le loro cose. Domani a mezzogiorno arriva una signora per pulirla: entro quell'ora dobbiamo essere assolutamente fuori. Dopo un po' arriva anche Romagna accompagnato dal padre di Diego. Neanche lui ci crede fino a quando non apro la porta con le chiavi. Ridiamo ridiamo e ridiamo. Siamo contentissimi. I never thought of being in a place like this .. Only seen in American TV show .. The sunset from quass'u is something indescribable. And 'our. Around anything. When did this happen so ein travel means that you own is going well.
smettiemo the evening, never to thank el Viejo (everything 'purpose only please), and the restaurant is full .. we also have to wait. How many things have changed in recent days .. Ana we recommend to take as "accompanying mashed potatoes because they are finite, that there 'is in an envelope and she made a mistake and poured into an envelope which has the yeast instead of pure' .. the people around him is eating .. Okay Ana .. do you .. I never said but Ernesto, there is no menu .. a card .. prices also vary from morning to night .. 'And the price you pay (willingly). For those who had not-yet-understood, this is not your typical restaurant. People go away from
Viejo y el Mar. We are Michael, Ana, Ernesto, Diego and I: we talk about travel, dreams and future drinking red wine. Diego I ask if I find a permanent marker, I want to leave your guitar and What write a dedication on. Diego is very happy, he tells me that he thinks Ernesto begins to cry. Even goes to her house to take him. I put on the word "esta es .." (See intro), Ernesto is moved and gave me (also with a dedication), his shirt wiskhey "Dumbo." Now I'm moved. I promise (and faccio credendoci davvero) che non so quando ma "qui io ci torno", ci rivedremo.
Ci salutiamo ora, domani lui deve andare al Chuy dal dentista. Ci incamminiamo sulla spiaggia per giungere -dopo 20 minuti- alla nostra lussuosissima "tana". Luci soffuse e ultima "buonanotte"; l'alba da quassù e' indimenticabile. L'ultima alba a Punta del diablo.
La mattina ci svegliamo, docciamo (acqua calda!!) e dobbiamo fare in fretta ad andarcene, in venti minuti arriva la tipa per pulire, assolutamente non puo' trovarci qui. Facciamo l'ultimo salto da Ernesto a berci un caffè. Nel tornare indietro vediamo che c'e' Diego sul 4 per 4 che viene verso di noi con dietro qualcuno di conosciuto.. "nooooo" "non puo' essere!!" "It is!" "Nooo it can not 'be him!" "Yes yes yes and 'him!" "JORJITOOOOO !!!!!!!". Take it, embrace it and do a lot of parties .. he is not very happy .. "Do you have my passport ????, no ?!?!".. "...", "...." "Oh shit ..." "No Jorja, you left a bunch of stuff here, but no passport .., Do you have at least one copy?" "It is that '.. but you do not have it? Really?" "No Jorja .. .. I'm sorry." Jorja is halfway between the angry and desperate. Accompany him to call the embassy. Will be with me in Montevideo. But first he must revise the Chuy, left the backpack there, the dumb. No Rio, I smell ..
I will be seeking the issue yesterday. I had a ticket for the early morning and would like to begin in the afternoon (if not, I can not join the others in the province of San Cristobal-Santa Fe-by tomorrow night). The lady when I see myself: "Still here ????" I have to explain the whole history of "Canadian" by saying that I could not miss the sunrise in a place like this .. "Yes. Okay .. but I can not change once the ticket. Among other things always change it after the bus has already left ..." "Ma'am ... I swear this time I'm leaving." Meanwhile Maicol behind me says that the "Canadian" was a sign .. We must stay here in Punta del Diablo, according to him. I tell him to come with me, but he does not move from here .. La temporada has just begun .. ". The Canadian for me was a sign .. but the ultimate sign of a wonderful experience over as best he could not. Rarely do I find the courage and honesty to finish something before that something is finally "finished". It is not easy to put an end at the right time .. Not this time, but I have so much inside, it's time to say good bye .. "Maybe more review 'in the'..." I tell Michael. "So what do you do?? Parties?", You hear the voice of the lady who in the meantime and 'become impatient. "Yes, birth." "Parties really??, Look, I swear that I will not change more 'the ticket!" "Yes, ma'am. Parto".
Passo da Ernesto per salutare per l'ultima volta. Il Viejo non è andato al Chuy perchè non si è svegliato in tempo, ancora abbracci.
Mi accompagnano alla parada. Ci sono tutti, saranno una ventina, da Pablo con June e Dolphine a Xavier e famiglia, il bagnino, il surfer, Micheal tutto lo staff del Viejo (Ana ha in dote un ciddì). L'autobus arriva con 1 ora di ritardo. Perfetto. Nel frattempo passa ANdrea che indossa il mio pareo. L'avevo lasciato appeso fuori dalla Cabaña e una notte di pioggia e ventissimo se ne era volato via. Andrea l'aveva trovato e anche ricucito. La ringrazio, ma non glielo posso lasciare, è il Mio Pareo (arancione giallo verde e rosso= bellissimo), preso un po' di anni fa dall'armadio della mother. I really can not let him, she understands very well and starts to laugh, "Do not worry." Wait for the bus even entire northern European large group. They are alone. A great satisfaction to think .. "This is how you travel chicos! Learn ..". Slowly return to their other occupations, is Michael.
Here comes the bus. The last hug. Forte.
Hello my friend, the two of us we'll see.
The bus closes its doors, the figure of Michael disappears behind the panaderia, the guy in front with the most typical gesture South American throws the seat fully back and look outside.
In these days use two birthdays.
01:02 Elios, my more bbestia friend, John Belushi look-alike, in rugby. Thanks again for the great moments of the holiday nordargentina. From Tucuman to Barcelona, \u200b\u200bvia Tarifa Galliano and '98, only one cry: "TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA !!!!". The Dianmo Ravizza you extraño mucho. Amsterdam had to come ..
1.30 Maggi (ko), known in September of '84, when we started our brilliant school careers. If you happen to read these lines you remember (because you are-still-friend) two bets. For 40, the greater height on the ID card (which I'm already looking at 184 ..). Within your 30 remember that you must do the marathon in New York! (In an excess of beer in front of the sboronaggine Tipota, bet 700 thousand pounds, now 8 years old). I smell that dynamic training is not enough, Captain!
Congratulations guys!