Friday, November 24, 2006

Anyody Know Of A Game That Is Like Mount N Blade

IE7, ADSL, any other business ... Getting sick is cheaper

From geek to AIS is a short step. While you're at a bit 'of factors: feeling of contentment, operating systems less and less mysterious and more functional (good thing, but drops the fun), computer viruses, old love, who have passed from weapons of mass destruction trivial broken cyberpalle , season with a wedding and a newfound passion for body building , and we get to the point where I find myself, that is, use your PC to make purchases, manage your bank account, bouncing a few blogs and some forums, book a holiday. In practice, how they should use it just about anyone who can get beyond the dramatic procedure called power, to be truthful fortunately that is quickly becoming a category.

I came to the choice of not having a desktop home, I just moved all important data on external support USB, I just only use the outdated Toshiba Satellite Pro 6100, adequately equipped with the second bank 256mb RAM so as not to make him suffer extremely. Since è rimasto in me un pizzico di amor proprio informatico, ho peraltro provveduto a formattare il laptop per poi successivamente reinstallare XP e aggiornare al SP2. Fatto ciò, rimangono alcune considerazioni di varia e casuale natura, che vado ad elencare.

  • ADSL. Beh, ormai colleghi giusto il modem o il router al PC, accendi il tutto, e in pratica sei già connesso ad internet. Al momento del lancio di XP ero fra i non moltissimi in Italia ad avere una linea ADSL, navigavo con Win98 e il modem 3Com HomeConnect DualLink, in grado di gestire il PPPoE via scheda di rete e il PPPoA via USB tramite un perfido software chiamato Enternet , capable of drilling (if not perfectly installed more than) a few moments in an already shaky structural integrity of Win98. Obviously better connect through network card rather than via USB (the time it was often difficult to manage, rather than convenient peripheral connection protocol), but this detail Win98 seemed very reluctant in the digestion of 3Com. I wanted at all costs in high-speed link with XP but, of course, the protocol Enternet (thankfully) was not compatible, and native support for PPPoE connection via network card was not properly implemented (also guilty of foul and pretentious modem. ..) on Release Candidate 1 of XP that I was using dual boot in . I saved the good Robert Schlabbach with his excellent ADSL connection protocol RASPPPOE , driver at the time rather than craft and want to configure manually, previously successfully tested on Win98. I installed the RC1 for about an hour, never seen before in XP, and surfing tranquiillamente with my (slow) connection.

  • Windows Internet Explorer 7. While I was, I did the dear old digest the brand new Toshiba Satellite browser Uncle Bill. Amazing. Non starò a raccontarvi come funziona, cosa sia cambiato (in pratica, tutto), quali interessanti caratteristiche siano state implementate, mi limito ad invitarvi alla prova. In navigazione? Explorer 7 è veloce, davvero molto veloce. Razionale, semplice ma allo stesso tempo sofisticato. Intanto aspettiamo il primo serio bug conclamato e vediamo un po'...

  • Windows Media Player 10. E meno male che mi son fermato al 10. WMP è uno dei pochi programmi che più avanza nello sviluppo più peggiora, ingombrante carrozzone filled with baroque frills. But how, IE has a policy of rational and streamlined, and this property is enhanced increasingly quaint trappings of questionable utility? VideoLAN VLC wins 4 to 1, no contest.

  • avast! Home Edition. Simply the best free antivirus (domestic) in circulation, and probably at high levels when compared with noble and expensive competitors. avast! is practical, reliable, versatile (can be excluded one by one all the protection modules resident), in Italian, uses an acceptable amount of resources and not a nuisance more than necessary. Like all other products dedicated to anti-viral protection probably is of little or nothing when used by a power user able to sniff the dangers a couple of hours before the antivirus, and less than nothing if used from a naive fool clickers on anything except the steps under fire on nice small button that would update the program.

    Ultimately, I enjoyed it. For a couple of evenings I've tasted to dive back into a boundless sea where it is long since puciavo buttocks. Now I can peacefully return to play the part of the AIS information.

  • Friday, November 17, 2006

    Red Metal Core Scooter Wheel

    Good news. In this recent work mocked me in criticizing the false promised benefits to the citizen with the ability to sell OTC outside the traditional channel-pharmacy, but when would it be worth selling prices for moderation expensive drugs are necessary and essential , and I quoted them exactly between the case of alendronate, a drug to fight osteoporosis, sold at the time of publication to more than 38 Euro for one month of therapy. I obviously brought luck. Meanwhile, alendronate 70mg was first dropped by a trifle, because 1,80 Euro general decrease of 5% of the selling prices of many drugs (government decision) by November 15 but has settled at around the 24 Euro. Not by government decree, but the decay of the maximum period of exclusivity of the patent, and simultaneous launch of alendronate in the form of generic, non-designer and much less expensive, which has forced major producers to decrease spontaneously price not to be outclassed by the generator. Bearing in mind that then are updated each month to the bottom of the lists of reference for the maximum price reimbursed by the National Health Service in proper reference to the molecules no longer covered by patent confidential, they are surely expected further falls.

    goes without wondering why the producers of branded drugs have the luxury to keep the price of alendronate designer about 40 Euro per year (a molecule very amortized by the patent, because if it is true that the once-weekly dose of 70mg is quite recent in the past has been used for decades by the daily dose 10mg), and why those who have given their permission to do so, and why the various manufacturers to adopt all the same price (custom very popular ...). Industries are betting that we earn well having reduced the price by almost 50%? Do you know who I'm very proud of the remittance of money? Who, for example, myself, had stored at the warehouse about 30 packs of various brands of alendronate, and burns without a shot being fired close to 500 Euro value of goods, which in practice is double counting and loss of earnings by selling packs now before you buy decrease in price. Never mind, we are not complaining, in fact, we are pleased because this can really be helpful to citizens even if, as often happens, especially at the expense of the intermediate distributors and end users, and not the (powerful) producers.

    remain roughly in the topic, I hope to be able as soon as possible to publish an extensive collection of ideas on one of the most absurd and unjustifiable phenomena in the history of medicine: homeopathy. See you soon ...

    Tuesday, November 14, 2006

    Cheats For Idrag Paper

    jumping the shark ... About trova.Trova

    site A masterpiece, no other adjective seems to me more appropriate. Jump The Shark , collection of hilarious TV moments negative, more precisely, a complete reporting of events that, in one way or another, he declared the beginning of the waning of a serial television. Jump the shark, or jump over the shark , metaphor of a limit passed, a situation that goes beyond the original story or misrepresents the show cause order of good ideas or willingness to crack down deep through weird situations or grafting of new characters, unfortunately, can distort the series (special section the site is dedicated to famous actors and actresses to be able to send numerous productions in hell ...). Why define it as jump the shark? Everything comes from an episode (special episode, in three parts) of the unforgettable Happy Days, where the little big Henry Winkler, in the part of Fonzie , Ritov & is a bet, have to water ski jump over a sea cage in which he is detained a large shark. For many, the beginning of the decline of the series, although it is then continued for another hundred-odd episodes, especially in recent seasons indicated a dramatic shortage of good ideas.

    As Happy Days for so many other series you can see how, when, because we have reached the supposed point of no return, the whole course of the second democratic vote sailors. Some small example, and not the most glamorous, so as not to spoil the taste of what awaits you: Knight Rider (Supercar in Italy), which collapsed when the potenziamento di K.I.T.T. da parte di una gang di meccanici, ER , al declino per alcuni con l'uscita dal cast di George Clooney, per altri causa la tragicomica morte del Dottor Romano, investito da un elicottero precipitato (dopo che già tempo addietro il rotore di coda di un altro elicottero gli aveva tranciato un braccio...).

    Ovviamente si può anche votare never jumped , per gli show che si ritiene non abbiano mai passato il limite, ma perchè ciò sia riconosciuto ufficialmente dai redattori del sito è necessaria una schiacciante maggioranza. Due nomi su tutti si salvano senza esitazione: The Simpsons with honors, and show very dear to me I think is the absolute summit of its kind, if not the best TV production ever, Magnum, PI

    Jump The Shark , to devour a site with so much material available, aesthetically bad, but the sensational content. Have fun. In Inglese, of course .

    Friday, October 27, 2006

    When Will Liverpool Use A New Jersey

    look ..?

    curiosity among the various (and anonymous, of course) search keys, in one way or another, leading up to my little blog, especially in the current month of October there are some very picturesque, while exposing the limits of any search engine when used a bit 'random and without being aware of the little tricks to optimize the results, on the other side can only highlight how at least many of the requests made picturesque ... It goes great dall'arrapato pussy fucking in culinary eat pork shank in Salento, the socially concerned price reduction osteoporosis drugs, and priceless all'inarrivabile whores to the province of Lecce, for which now very curious to first place with regard to the proper Google. Chapeau . Going

    back in time, then discovered bold demands for solutions to dire doubts ancestral type the horses or the sphincter horn Nicola (Nicola but who?), up to an enigmatic A series of drugs to the supermarket . A series of drugs in that sense, qualitative or moggistico ? Mahhh ...

    Monday, October 9, 2006

    Nak Order Dvd Jeff Hardy

    Mother Salento

    My in-laws, people on the availability and courtesy really rare, live in a small town in the province of Lecce, and obviously enjoying the hospitality reserved for a few days holiday in puciarmi beautiful waters of the Salento coast. I'll take spunto da ciò per raccontarvi come funzionano davvero (?) alcune differenze fra buona parte del nord Italia e buona parte del Sud Italia.

    Il mare e le spiagge. Liguria, paese in provincia di Genova, stabilimento balneare nella media, ingresso spiaggia e lettino, 11 - 12 Euro a cranio. Litorale salentino, stabilimento balneare nella media, ingresso spiaggia e lettino, 3 - 5 Euro a cranio. E qui cominci seriamente a porti delle domande. In spiaggia in Liguria però a pranzo trovi anche la cernia alla brace, sul litorale leccese direi di no, ma si stanno organizzando. Con tradizionale calma. Veniamo alle note davvero dolenti: fai il bagno nel mare del Salento, esci e sei pulito come quando sei entrato, fai il bagno nelle Ligurian waters of that country (note: far be it from me to say that all of the Ligurian Sea is so, such as the Cinque Terre area boasts of pure water), and when you go six anointed as a trophic pesto ...

    Coffee and surrounding areas. E 'a religion, in Salento coffee is good practice everywhere, even try it on ice with the addition of almond milk ... In Milan, the coffee is good only on rare occasions, but it is often cold and / or watered down and / or bitter due to poor roasting, or simply due to lousy bartender to offer, thrown to the sewer rats Naviglio (preferably, better than the crocodiles, but they are more difficult to find). Cost? There are between 55 and 70 cents, in most cases the price is still 60 cents, often accompanied by glass of water in order. Up here from 80 cents. There, croissants, brioche, and pasticciotti (delicious baked pastry filled with cream), often fragrant and fresh, seldom frozen, and even when you know it well. Up here, in 90% of cases, frozen, mushy, boiled together in the morning, and if one wishes to croissant as a snack, because now his business is made of rubber. The mass production model cornet searches you threatened by cabinet next to the bar, with that unhealthy, sometimes masked by two or three tons of powdered sugar (obrobrio!) in grado di donare un pittoresco aspetto simil-forfora... Talvolta qui al bar si arriva sino alla brutale brioche "da supermercato", a lunga conservazione e imbustata in improbabili sacchettini colorati che ne decantano l'impossibile delizia, o comunque tentano di illudere il consumatore, o meglio, la vittima, che il sapore e la consistenza di tali leccornie siano differenti da quelle dell'imbottitura di un divano. Costi? A Milano si viaggia verso il doppio...

    Ristoranti. Beh, a Milano (e pure in Liguria, visto che ne ho parlato in precedenza), sapendosi muovere, si mangia davvero bene. Nel Salento pure, meno varietà, meno proposte, meno genialità, però con la simpatica differenza che i prezzi sono drasticamente inferiori. Particolari golosità: qui abbiamo il panettone (quello rigorosamente fatto dal pasticcere, altro che robaccia industriale), delizia imperdibile, là hanno i già citati pasticciotti. Qui abbiamo le focacce, la coppa e il pane e salame, là hanno i calzoni, che da noi si chiamerebbero panzerotti, e a Milano giusto un paio di posti li propongono a dovere, fra cui il celeberrimo Panificio Luini, che leggenda narra di DNA pugliese, e che peraltro li fa pagare oltre il triplo rispetto al costo medio nella provincia di Lecce. Non vince una tradizione gastronomica sull'altra, in entrambe le realtà capiterà di osservare vetrine colme di prelibatezze con la medesima espressione sovraeccitata con cui in genere a dog admiring a leg of pork.

    Hospitality. We must fight. In the sense that it took me three years to convince my mother-in-law that when I say "no thanks of pasta I've eaten far too much ," the meaning of this phrase is not exactly " fill me want to eat the dish until die. " But the implacable mother Salento will inevitably assail repeating the point of exhaustion " eat! Eat! Eat! . Either you or she must resist until victory. They are awesome. Go find a friend, and nothing materializes, at a speed that not even the transporter 's Enterprise , a tray of pastries. Fresh course. But how do they do?? And to help convince you: you eat the candy at the end just to stop the chant of " eat! Drink! Take it! Taste! . If the same day a couple of steps away from relatives and a couple of acquaintances, minimum risk diabetes and excitement from caffeine. Then he says, and put down a bit 'hard-nosed, and you find yourself saying things like " feel, I am from Milan, and are used to the fact that if I want a shit about coffee, or a stuffed roast, or take her sister to bed, I ask you! "Yes, because it works in Milan ... That is, if waiting for someone, maybe even worry about buying a half a bottle of Coca Cola and four pastries fruit, but if you happen to his friend in the house by sheer coincidence (which is in Milan is impossible when you see someone, he gives notice at least three days before), the invitation to eat something will sound something like this: oh, there is the fridge, but it is almost empty, there is water, or maybe some orange juice, but I guess it is open for too long ... "They do not have drugs, Hospitality is a superfine, pamper you with all his might. Available, friendly, do not let you move a finger, the guest is sacred. Financo killed him with blows of butter, delicious white death ...

    Thursday, September 28, 2006

    Foreskin Strip Search

    Small Obtuse grow

    Discutere riguardo svariati temi definibili come sociali è una mia innata passione, adoro il confronto con altrui intelligenze, mi affascina sapere in che modo viene visto il Mondo osservato da molteplici differenti prospettive. Opinione piuttosto diffusa al momento è che il citato Mondo se ne stia andando ostinatamente a puttane, per giunta consapevole della cosa, e probabilmente anche con gratificazione. Non starò a tediarvi con cosette alla moda, tipo religione - poltica - terrorismo - fame nel mondo - guerra - topa (che non è affatto un male del Pianeta, ma che è sempre di gran moda, un po' come i completi neri), e sarò invero per nulla politically correct .
    We are culturally
    sbarellando . The new generations are concerned about, a lot: do not generalize, I hate those who do, but most kids grow up spoiled, rude, ignorant, devoid of ideals, obtuse. Vellum and player want to do large, but not declare it in 8 years, they tell 16 ... The parents 'fault, of course, many of them belong to a generation (mine) who already suffered from the unfortunate tendency to let go, and especially of guilt' environment, inclusive of factors intended to have a strong influence on the formation of an individual and of individuality, then school, friendships, social, television ...

    be damned television. Be damned parents' associations, which in the early 80s have done so much to clear the Japanese from robottoni television programming, because they were violent and dangerous for children, no matter they teach, perhaps unrealistically, that the good always wins . With what we have done for it? With California's teen soap operas troubled? With Griffin and Simpson , adorable, brilliant, irreverent, but far more morally harmful of Great Mazinger especially because, in their grotesque genius, little understood by a child, since children are not to be addressed though transmitted (with exceptions) in time traditionally dedicated to the public very young age? We did maybe change with cartoons where four idiots with spiky hair strokes to make a fight monsters conjured up by playing cards (imagine four old men to Sports Bar, playing broom, and when one says "Primera" a black panther mechanics, called just "Primera", materializes out of nowhere and jumps at the throat of the opponent)? With reality show? Ahhh, how nice the reality show, you do not ask anything in return, which will offer free food to feed as the only neurons that, moreover, unless you have more and appreciate the show.

    misbehaving children? Boys arrogant? Other must understand that basically I'm just a bit 'lively , two kick your ass and away we go ... Mica strong enough to be significant . Those really strong teniamoceli for adults supposedly aware ... Culture, culture ... That does not mean at all just head down on books, in fact, means traveling with body and mind, to exchange ideas, traditions and experiences. Confront. I'm not telling you is that they are only models wrong to rot in the souls: it is correct, I repeat, give the faults also as described above, but it requires above all the desire to go further, beyond the models, beyond the trivial addition the assembly line that seeks to standardize our lives. Do not tell me that today are worth only the fatuous aesthetic values, if you're beautiful and flashy does not count, balls. Bill Gates is beautiful? He never needed to be, but everything must be measured accurately in context: I have the choice to take me to read a racing or a witch pussy landfill, what do you choose? What's that got to do with the models? Little or nothing. And 'human nature. But live not let live, is waking from its torpor, is to be consistent with yourself, you get to the bottom. Firmly take the reins of the game. Or at least try.

    Wednesday, September 27, 2006

    Superbowl Lcd Tv Promotion 2010

    Vitoz 3.0

    Ok, I changed again template, but this time I have confidence in the possibility of not annoiarmici the fly ... Opera Blogger Templates as usual has been appropriately modified and adjusted to suit my taste.

    Monday, September 11, 2006

    Cartoon Wedding Program

    11/09/2001 - 11/09/2006

    Saturday, September 9, 2006

    Nagapattinam Church Railway Rout


    I also was not re-emerged from the sea of \u200b\u200bPuglia, and already those parts of the Gulf of Tigullio spaminvitato since I was damn in Casper participate in a background of St. pseudocatena piscologic-literary, that is OneBookMeme .

    I will not go in to explain what it is, because you already know everything you need when you click on will be found in the Genoese nickname above. Then proceed in the story, with the premise that, unfortunately, I read very little, the time for not jumping out almost ever ...

    1 - A book that changed your life: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. The freedom in your pocket. The more a child, and your imagination fly, I reread as an adult, and you understand to the bottom of what it means to feel free from everything and everyone. Essential reading, both simple and profound masterpiece, opens the mind like few other emotions.

    2 - A book you've read more than once: Animal Farm, George Orwell's wonderful essay on human insignificance, written telling of sentient animals as agents of social issues that have little to do with the animal kingdom, it is indeed uniquely human. Of course, read and reread, and consumed, the aforementioned adventures of Jonathan Seagull.

    3 - A book that you want with you on a desert island: anything specific, any collection of jokes, something to keep happy, humor barracks would be fine ... Looking back, the island is deserted desert? Ok, then something erotic, almost pornographic, type Emmanuelle, Emmanuelle Arsan. Read and believe. Less onanistic speaking, also an extensive collection of aphorisms of Oscar Wilde would be fine.

    4 - A book that made you laugh: and here I have to reiterate what has been written by Casper, Three Men in a Boat JK Jerome is a wonderful and delicious portrait of how often the banal everyday life, though sometimes distinctly romanticized (if not completely reinvented from scratch), but especially when described with the right amount of cynical umorismo british , possa risultare assai più divertente della ricercata comicità volontaria.

    5 - Un libro che ti ha fatto piangere: Se questo è un uomo , di Primo Levi, racconto della prigonia in un campo di concentramento nazista. Nulla da aggiungere.

    6 - Un libro che vorresti aver scritto: Il codice Da Vinci , di Dan Brown. Chiariamo: il libro è quello che è, l'autore pure, e si vive benissimo senza averlo letto. Ma avete una mezza idea del giro di affari multimediale generato da tale mappazza?

    7 - Un libro che non avresti mai scritto: Le confessioni di un italiano . Non I was like the Ippolito Nievo, has been being forced to read it for educational reasons, it was the fact that a kid does not understand certain things, but two balls ...

    8 - A book you are reading: The head of the Italian , hilarious essay by Beppe Severgnini, complete tourist trip in the mind of the average. Clichés, contradictions, excesses, genius, spaghetti and mandolin ... As always, the author does not betray, engaging humor, from time to time you will also consider how certain behaviors typically national sock us with a brush at first.

    9 - A book you'd want to read: But the Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? , Philip Dick, also known in Italy under the title The hunter of androids an issue now outdated. What will will keep some of you ... Since this book was one of the best science fiction film ever. A clue? " I've seen things you people would not believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion ... I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate ... All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain .... It 's time to die. "

    10 - Now pass the torch to five other people: I do not know if I arrive at five, well, hair ...

  • (mentioned by Casper. .. repetita iuvant , so hurry)

  • (at least the link is dead ...)

  • Thursday, September 7, 2006

    Pinochle Bidding Strategy

    Vitoz 2.0

    Grafica totalmente rinnovata e volutamente minimal style . Il template originale è opera di Cristina aka Pannasmontata , template a cui mi sono permesso di apportare alcune personalizzazioni grafiche, nonchè minime modifiche alle impostazioni di base. Grazie a Cristina per il prezioso e ottimo lavoro :)

    Tuesday, September 5, 2006

    National Home Mortgage Finance Corp.

    Gift Dad

    Il rapporto con i genitori talvolta è idilliaco, spesso conflittuale, la via di mezzo è forse la situazione più ricorrente. Con mio padre always has been, a bit 'of love, a bit' of acrimony. Hard worker, my father, often to the point of emotional neglect, although only in certain small things. But then the little things to annoy, especially when you're a kid. Like the time, Dad, that in the Christmas play in fifth grade, you are arrived half an hour late. The same hour that often exists between the bell and you arrive to take to school in the early years in elementary school. Who knows how angry my mother ... When

    really need but there are always a tireless also played in 75 years. Work hard, turns like a top on Monday morning, the day banks, including bills, receipts and number of payments, short visit by the accountant, and the time to go to supermarket, as long as you do not already gone on Sunday, with mum.

    've always done everything to meet my wishes, though you might have hoped for a university course for me that I never completed, perhaps disappointing, but he won my foreman from utopian. Did you graduate at 23 years in the distant 1954, you won everything that you've had in life, after I have often lived on their laurels and merits of others. Now I am proud to be good at what I do, thanks to you, stubborn old man.

    you helped me buy a home, let it go to 27 years for study, not for work, not to change their lives, but only the desire for independence (and here too ...), mom helped me move house now that I have almost 34 years and I have a beautiful wife. Maybe you have some 'paid work and serious about trying to be a nice person , difficult thing, especially for a cynic like me bastardaccio. After so many gifts, you get one myself, maybe stupid, maybe insignificant, but it is a gesture of affection, and if that signal arrival at the unnecessary wasting little something for the sake of giving, I can stand well on those legs that have contributed to make it stronger. I bought you a car. I hope you like it. And not just scratch the parking, I recently took this viziaccio. Thanks Dad.

    Sunday, September 3, 2006

    South Park Pokemon Stream

    After the free ride

    'm back ... You miss, is not it? To forgive me, especially the ladies, I enclose a picture of the beautiful in bright Vitoz put resort. Modesto, right?

    hedonistically Less talking, harbor the pleasure of having some beautiful shots the fascinating Tremiti.

    Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at
    Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at

    As cover the actual updates of the blog, written under a couple of full-bodied just find the time to present them nicely, stay tuned.

    Sunday, August 6, 2006

    Will Wearing Sunscreen In A Tanning Bed Work

    Outings in the mountains again

    Sunday, August 6, 2006, travel plans by Erna (1,320 meters), Lecco, up to the refuge Azzoni, below the summit of Mount Resegone (quasi. a half .. 'hours from the summit we desisitito for the approaching clouds of ugly), No. trails. 7-8-17, Erna Plans Step-stooge-haven Azzoni. This tour is not too challenging, with some points in minimanente complicated so be careful, however, helped by the safety chains placed to support the steps less simple. Calculate pretty much three hours to complete the route, not least for the return because they are many ups and downs and you have some pretty steep slopes and slippery. The mountain remains an irreplaceable source of satisfaction, hard work generously rewarded.

    Pictured Vitoz horrid as he tries to throw himself under the ridges of Resegone on gravel near the intersection with route 17, at an altitude of 1,620 meters, 250 meters from the summit.

    Friday, August 4, 2006

    Write Letter Not Renewing Contract

    Star Trek by JJ

    It speaks for months. Confirmations, denials, new confirmations, wise manipulations to stimulate curiosity. Recently it's official: Star Trek risorge, per mano dello sceneggiatore al momento più ambito (e forse più pagato) di Hollywood, J.J. Abrams , ideatore di serie televisive e pellicole cinematografiche di enorme successo e buon valore, come l'avvincente spy-story Alias e il più recente e innovativo Lost , nonchè del bellissimo e commovente A proposito di Henry , film del 1991 interpretato da un superbo Harrison Ford.

    Rick Berman , A brilliant mastermind of the whole saga from the masterpiece series The Next Generation Enterprise to the appreciation, through blockbusters like First Contact and Nemesis as unwatchable disaster, had long since run out ideas and resources, a situation quite understandable after countless of faithful service to find imaginative saga invented 40 years ago by the great Gene Roddenberry . Right there was need for a radical change of course suffered as much (at warp speed ). Abrams is certainly a magician of the script, lively, innovative, able to maintain a high flame attention and tension from start to finish second, although it may perhaps be repeated (even in the continuous plot twists) when considered with a view on a television series of long duration. But we are talking about at the moment of a single film, the historic revival of Star Trek: we expect a great achievement worthy of many authors.

    from several interested parties have tried to destroy the Federation , but not as dangerous as the Borg turned the heads
    Paramount ... In 2008, pending renewal, which is rumored to be oriented to describe the background to the original series, the return of the likes of Captain James Tiberius Kirk e dell'immancabile e impagabile Spock . Conoscendo lo sceneggiatore, non escludiamo peraltro alcun tipo di sopresa: comunque sia e qualsiasi possa essere il risultato finale, lunga vita e prosperità, Signor Abrams.

    Friday, July 28, 2006

    Reply Email For Interview

    Firefox, FormSpy , and various nonsense

    Tocca lasciarmi andare ad un piccolo ritorno di fiamma IT-related . Si rincorrono su molteplici fonti di informazione, nelle ultime ore, notizie più o meno vere (ma soprattutto più o meno mal interpretate e ancor peggio esposte al pubblico) su un pericoloso exploit in grado di smanazzarsi a piacere il browser Firefox, con conseguente generoso scatter to the four winds of data potentially relevant also very private little things like the number of credit card and other amenities.

    Premise One: Firefox is the Ciufolo me, do not use it, would not recommend it, it's a nice fake minimal chic sundries indeed rather snobbish. Premise number two: it would be very reasonable that any install Firefox extensions should always provide a final approval by the human interface (perhaps in conjunction with a closure / reopening the browser itself) regardless of any third Cases can bypass the prompts. And do not tell me that 90% of people would say yes to any request without even knowing what it is: it is true, but it is another matter.

    That said, I will try to explain in a few words because Firefox is believed to be (almost) innocent. If your operating system NOT already resided for some other reason the cause of the problem, that is the Trojan horse that McAfee has identified as
    AXM Downloader , the problem would not arise at all. Interestingly, this Trojan horse exploits two fundamental weaknesses in order to peep in the poor PC. The first seems to be on a vulnerability Microsoft dating back to about 3 or 4 years ago, enormous, in computer terms, and if it were actually what I think (HTML code that could exploit the vulnerability CODEBASE, or something very similar), already largely exceeded shortly after the time of the discovery of the same, there would be no excuses for failing to protect the system . The second weakness, the premise of having sheltered the poor from antiquated Windows dangers silent and self-installing, it is of course the human factor: one of the best ways to find himself at home FormSpy remains as always a nice place where you do not click should, in this case that it sends up running the Downloader AXM mentioned just before. Greetings & kisses.

    Tuesday, July 18, 2006

    Best Laptop Dvd Burner

    Aspirin on strike

    time strikes. I will start saying I'm totally supportive of the drivers. We want to save the public? We seek the road sag rates, but to reduce the value of waste paper license (very expensive, in Milan we are well over 100,000 euros) for the conduct of public car has the stench of ill-concealed proletarian expropriation. Then I met taxi drivers rarely billionaires, glad that they won their battle ...

    step further, and here go along, because it is my field: pharmacies. Pharmacists (owners) earn too much? Maybe so. E 'category too anachronistically still protected? Probably. Privileged? Now do not exaggerate. Clarify my position: I do pharmacist. My wife is a pharmacist, my father is a pharmacist, my work is purely bureaucratic issues related to the (terrible) and commercial, first I have a low opinion of most pharmacists, both in terms of university preparation almost inenistente in relation to what is required the real work (a factor that has contributed very significantly to discredit the professional look, so that some prefer the advice of the concierge to that of a degree in pharmacy), both in terms of sense of belonging to a category.

    Drugs di automedicazione al supermercato (a proposito, per l'Aulin è necessaria la ricetta, anche se lo si vende come acqua fresca, quindi non sperate di trovarlo alla Coop, come ventilato da qualche giornalista imbecille)? Per me va bene, è cosa comune in moltissimi altri Paesi. Ma non venitemi a raccontare la soave idiozia che ciò sia fatto per far risparmiare il cittadino, perchè si tratta dell'ennesima presa per i fondelli sparata da qualche abile quanto ignobile politico. Facciamo un po' di esempi? Quante confezioni di Aspirina comprate in un anno? tre o quattro? Aspirina compresse 500mg costa 3,95 Euro, con la possibilità di trovarla comunque scontata fino al 20% in conseguenza del decreto-Storace (possibilità di scontare fino al 20% in farmacia i prezzi dei farmaci non sottoposti a prescrizione medica). Comprando 4 confezioni, NON scontate, spendereste 15,80. Diciamo che i supermercati potrebbero vendere la medesima Aspirina al 30% di sconto, spesa 11,04, però, ben 4,80 Euro risparmiati in un anno. A proposito, dell'Aspirina come di moltissimi altri prodotti esiste il generico, cioè medicinale unbranded , non griffato, assolutamente identico per principio attivo e forma farmaceutica ma di prezzo inferiore fino anche al 50%, ma normalmente voi non lo acquistate, perchè "magari non è uguale e mi fa male", "prima sento il medico", "per carità, la portinaia/estetista/parrucchiera mi ha detto di prendere ONLY this ".

    Another example. Drugs against osteoporosis based on alendronate. One tablet a week for life. Granted free National Health Service (the mutual, long story short), in principle, just in case of fractures due to osteoporosis occurred rarely as a preventative thereof. Price 38.70 Euro per month. Multiplied by 12 months, 464.40. Obviously nothing supermarket (prescription required) and no sharp declines for drugs for the treatment of real utlità of chronic diseases. We said, about 460 Euro for one year of alendronate: expensive if paid by the State, even worse if borne by the pensioner with the least. Many cases like this. Have you ever wondered why a huge number of drugs passed by the NHS has very high price? Lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry tells you anything? It has more power to fine and bad weather the global giant XYZ or the pharmacy of Dr. Rossi? We want to then talk to practitioners and comparaggio, and for now I will not dwell, but there would have to say ... Lower drug prices, those "real" and expensive, not aspirin, this is the solution, both for the savings of citizens who do not reduce the already poor state coffers. Industry will earn less, earn less than the pharmacy, it very gudagnarebbe community. Really

    then you want to animate the competition? Other medications that to the supermarket just to further the interests of large business groups (Coop for the first ...), we should review the staffing plan of pharmacies, which limits the presence of a limited number of the same territory, and you'll see how it comes alive competition ... Pharmacists who finally put them to invest in the quality of the store, which will begin to understand how the word "market" does not represent a world to deal with liabilities that will bring the focus of a professional re-evaluated. " I'm more good at everything and I have more customers my competitor," more than to live on the laurels of a sputtanatissima protected category.

    close my speech by quoting from a statement by one of the representatives of various associations di consumatori, nel caso specifico il Codacons, ma a parer mio un po' tutte queste sigle raffigurano un'ideologia di base colma di frustrazione e malafede... In pratica rappresentano la chiara dimostrazione di cosa voglia dire essere prevenuti, pensando che in quanto "consumatori" tutti i commercianti e professionisti di qualsivoglia categoria (che sono anch'essi consumatori, che diamine...) vogliano cercare di "consumare" loro lo sfintere a furia di piantarglielo nel c... I truffatori ci sono ovunque, e sono sempre di più, ma partire dal presupposto che tutti siano truffatori fino a prova contraria mi pare l'assurdo motto delle associazioni di consumatori.

    tratto da

    " Non solo le farmacie non hanno discounts applied in favor of citizens under the Decree Storace (???, ed) - supports President Carlo Rienzi Codacons - but now they also want to strike against the measure, that the sale of drugs in supermarkets, leading to a up to 30% reduction in drug prices. If he is confirmed the strike on Wednesday, denouncing the pharmacies involved for interruption of public service and ask the individual regions to assess the withdrawal of licenses of pharmacists against the rebels, in relation to the failure of the service. "

    Bravo, she who understood it all ...

    Monday, July 10, 2006

    L-glutathione Vs Glutathione Reduced Difference

    Italy - France 6-4

    World Champions!
    World Champions!
    World Champions!
    World Champions!

    Berlin, 07.09.2006

    Monday, June 26, 2006

    Liverpool Ambulance Control

    outraged dignity

    Many events lead us to the motions of outrage, often justified, sometimes children del sentimento immediato, quasi sempre scaturiti da sincere reazioni.

    Nel mio piccolo, per tante cose non posso proprio fare a meno di indignarmi...

    Io mi indigno per:

    - i morti di fame mentre me ne sto davanti a questo monitor a pensare come buttare via un po' di soldi
    - i vip (?) che partecipano a sontuose raccolte fondi per i suddetti morti di fame, il solo costo della serata coprirebbe il disavanzo del PIL del Burundi
    - quelli che pensano che tutto sia loro dovuto
    - quelli che credono che avere una radicata fede politica di specifico orientamento li porti ad essere culturalmente e civilmente superiori (sì, i comunisti; certo non tutti, parecchi)
    - quelli che hymn to the swastika, a Hitler, or peeled Romagna (no level playing field, is evidence)
    - those who have allowed politics to Silvio (casserole dish, you were so good in your field, you could well stay there, no, we would any happier?)
    - those who believe homosexuals and people second-class citizens, if not the sick to be removed
    - all those fags from movies and lesbians from roadhouse that the gay-pride parade, I doubt it means to be homosexual
    this - the dear Fausto is in the House for twenty seconds and fired as before proposing a week of leave per month for MPs
    - for peaceful anti-globalization protesters that devastate the streets of cities across the world
    - Totti filthy slut who can not stand there and play the World Cup 10 against 11 ... Wake up France!
    - for the ignorant and stupid (I know, not all their fault, but do not like them)
    - for the interference of the Church, more and more pressing as more and more veiled
    - Maddalena Corvaglia Enzo Iacchetti horn (ok, envy rather than anger ... But such a waste, filthy slut ...)
    - by the grace Bompressi a prelude to further outrage insured (thanks to Sofri)
    - to the scandal in Italian football, the stuff of mafia. At least the real mobsters certain things you expect them, and however Provenzano is certainly less stupid Moggi (Writing paper and calling card)
    - the Mafia, and the real one still standing. Do not lower our guard ...
    - for all men of the police who believe in their work and they will fight against the criminals first and then the judges
    - for those (and there are many, even close friends) has pretended not to when you had the chance to abolish the medieval law on assisted procreation and scientific research
    presumptuous for - for that wonderful caricature of Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy, who is guilty or innocent
    - for Giuliana Sgrena (yes, lowercase, uppercase suits More Nicola Calipari and Fabrizio Quattrocchi)
    - for those who believe that race, color, religione, ricchezza, povertà, salute, malattia, possano rendere un essere umano migliore o peggiore

    Potrei continuare per molte ore, potrei diventare noioso fra pochi minuti...

    Monday, June 19, 2006

    Bloom Cream Blush Swatches


    Privo di argomenti di eccelso livello culturale :p, mi dileggerò nel proporvi qualche suggerimento per le imminenti vacanze estive. Troppo tardi? Avete già prenotato sdraio ed ombrellone a Cattolica? Beh, se così fosse, avete due ottime ragioni per interrompere al volo la lettura: vacanza già stabilita e tipologia della medesima lontana assai da quanto potrei suggerire.

    Premesso che adoro viaggiare as much as I hate to be a tourist in the last 12 years I have wandered for more than half of Europe, often by car, half inappropriate for long distances, but excellent all the way to probe the countries we cross. There is in my personal taste is the ideal holiday, I always welcome change and experiment without making me miss almost anything, ranging from luxury cruise to the jeep adventure with tent like roof and the river as a bathroom.

    Three travel ideas that I am going to submit to public opinion, trying to give an idea of \u200b\u200bpetty pros and cons as well as to stimulate the most of your initiative.

    Iceland, the stark nature. unforgettable experience, especially se affrontata in fuoristrada con guide esperte in grado di portarvi a scoprire le meraviglie delle disabitate zone centrali dell'isola. I ragazzi di
    Kailas sapranno farvi vivere questa avventura nel migliore dei modi, ma preparatevi (sempre che a distanza di qualche anno il programma non si sia addolcito...) a vita spartana, notti in minuscole tende da montare e smontare ogni sera e ogni mattina, freddo, insetti, pioggia... Per diversi giorni scordatevi la doccia, l'acqua corrente, l'energia elettrica, non sottovalutate la necessità di una discreta preparazione fisica in vista di lunghe e talvolta impegnative camminate. Ne sarete ripagati da qualcosa di unico: paesaggi vulcanici incredibili, geyser, natura incontaminata (assenza totale di inquinamento al suolo in tutto il territorio), ghiacciai, cascate, pozze di acqua calda naturale da dove non vorrete uscire più, lo spettacolo del deserto di sabbia rossa, tramonti da cartolina, piccoli paesi dall'architettura semplice e ordinata, luce solare fino a tarda sera...

    Bretagna e Normandia, la Francia più bella. Viaggio da fare assolutamente con mezzo di spostamento proprio, camper, moto, auto, quello che vi pare, ma niente alternative. Scoprirete villaggi da fiaba, foreste dal fascino medievale, litorali sconfinati e scogliere senza eguali in Europa, città bellissime e perse nel tempo, l'unico e imperdibile spettacolo dell'arrivo della marea a
    Mont Saint Michel . Places that will surprise you for their undoubted aesthetic value, both as a gift from Mother Nature, both made by the human hand. Order and cleanliness everywhere, most beautiful streets, glimpses of landscape change curve after curve, while passed through the winding coast road as well-kept the bay of Mont Saint Michel, until you get the ideal boundary between Normandy and Brittany, between Cancale and Saint Malo, the city of pirates, and then push you to explore the dramatic cliffs of Brittany. Do not forget, in Normandy, the fascinating and poignant visit to the sites of the Allied landings in practice decided the fate of the Second World War: Omaha Beach makes its mark. Spare not return a trip to Paris, I recommend ...

    Cruise, tasty lust. What, you dream to enjoy a week of pure relaxation in a beautiful luxury touring? Would you like to eat to bursting, be pampered in every way from morning to evening, attend fun entertainment, listen to great music played at all hours, participate in interesting excursions, throw away a bit 'of money in the casino? Go on a cruise. It will not be the ultimate adventure, you will not be the top of the increased cultural, but once the trip will take a couple of good days to see the smile disappear from stupid stamped on your lips.

    Where do I go this summer? Tremiti islands, and do nothing for a few days in a place where there are no cars, traffic, stress, pollution ... Sun, sea, nature, sports, hiking, relax: this year I can not complain.

    Wednesday, March 15, 2006

    Using Muslin With Hard Wax

    The house of the rising sun

    Samuel parked in 25 de Mayo after crossing Deloqui. 25 de Mayo is the road from the waterfront (Av Maipu) salt inerpicanosi the mountains where it grows Ushuaia. The handbrake is broken. Leave your car with the right rear wheel sideways against the curb, so as to avoid the car, "slides" down. Samuel out of the car, I "facilitates" the backpack, kissed me, embraced me and tells me "Querido, you que vaya bien! Suerte Carlos." How many times now, and I said I heard you say this eparole .. Like a formuletta .. But I'm not sorry, indeed. It 's normal .. if you see one with a backpack around the world, you are not to be hoped "good luck"? And 'they' alone, absolutely innocent, incredibly human, who knows what is before us. It is natural to hope that "fits". Perhaps, indeed, we were all able to see us harmless, and on the go, so 'all hope from each other a "good way".
    Samuel powerfully puts in motion the vox 782 and disappears around the corner, raising his left hand out the window as a sign of farewell. In 630 there
    Deloqui 'the Cruz del Sur, the hostel where I have some day-to-date with Gobbo. "Hello Charles, I'm in Ushuaia at the Cruz del Sur, the owner is an Italian, and 'all full, for now I have the type placed on a the bench without pay, by tomorrow I should have a bed. "So stated, roughly, his mail. The fact that you take without pay because it 's all full, let me think well. By.
    Gobbo I meet him quite by chance in the bathroom of the bus terminal in Puerto Madryn, a few weeks ago. As I enter to do the pee 'he is washing his face. We look at widening GFI astonished eyes and laughs, "but fuck! What are you doing here? "" What do-you-here! "C'abbracciamo and we salute you. Gobbo known him for ten years, but not 'exactly my" friend "in the true sense of the term . Surely, however, 'is one of the best friends of one of my more' dear friends. What is property? transitive more 'that switch, no? Oh well .. bullshit. It 's great friend of Homo technologicus Bb, a classic example dell'uopmo who manages to make its service technology. E 'and the person who' failed in its mission to bring my mother to the Internet. Cosi ', just for instance about his miraculous abilities. Until a few years ago, we divided the Ravizza Park, now (that '.. not just "now") between the buildings and Via XXII Marzo Archimedes.
    The world knows him as Fred BIERTI. I knew him in the fall of 1993. I did my first party at a Saturday evening with the owners of the school. My parents were outside Milan. In the fashion of that time was raging "festesfascio. The parents were leaving for the weekend, or coming out per cena, e al ritorno ritrovavano la casa distrutta, devastata dalle azioni degli invitati (e non) del figliolo liceale. "Noi ti diamo fiducia" mi era stato detto, "hai promesso che sarete al massimo una decina.. Non di piu', Carlo , eh?? Lo sai cosa succede in giro, no??? Fai in modo che lo sappiano solo i tuoi amici". "Sì, lo prometto."
    Eravamo una cinquantina. Il giorno dopo avrei dovuto raccontare che "Mamma.. non so come ma.. mentre stavo prendendo un ciddi' mi sono voltato di scatto e con il gomito ho preso dentro la porta di vetro che si e' frantumata" "Davvero, mamma, scusami.. ma e' successo cosi'.. tra l'altro non mi sembrava di averla colpita tanto forte". Nella prima telefonata di domenica non avevo detto nulla per simulare ancor meglio (vanamente) che "l'incedente domestico" non era occorso durante la festicciola, ma in una tranquilla domenica casalinga. A reato prescritto i miei avrebbero poi saputo che era stato tale Mascherpa ad infilarsi in quel vetro, lasciando chiazze(ttine) del suo sangue sul mio tappeto verde e bianco.
    E l'Homo Technologicus?? Si. Tra i -non proprio-invitati c'e' Matteo (un tipo arrivato con Gaio Gaiani) che dopo aver visto la mia stanza mi dice "Oh!! cioè.. lunedi' a scuola ti devo troppo dare il numero di un tipo che e' pazzo per "Spristin" come te". Lunedi mi da il numero, io lo chiamo ma risponde solo una segreteria telefonica con su un pezzo del live 75-85. Rimango piacevolmente colpito, lascio il message and he calls me back in the evening. Without cell phones so it was' .. and was not terribly complicated. The morning after is to my house to do "exchanges". Takes me three boxes of Rome and the video of Verona 05.25.1993 (11.04.1993). He comes home with thirty Cidda '. Over the years, and the development tyecnologico it would be largely "free from debt," he-attorney-registration succulent. Bb and 'one of the founders of Cumpabboy, cheerful, colorful and lively body member to' pursuit of that dream.
    All this to say for some odd reason which I now find myself in front of the Hostel Cruz del Sur, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego.
    "Ahh! You're the friend of Paul!" tells me the owner. Paul? Gobbo, I know you call! You know when you know someone for years and then discover his real name? Type Toothpick he called at my house said he was leaving "Maxine". "He called Maximilian" I was told to return home. "And who the fuck is' Maximilian??" I thought .. Then even the family began to say, 'Ah, but you're Toothpick! " "Well, yes sir ..". Would inevitably occurred then another Massimiliano call home. "Ah, but you're Toothpick!" "No, Maximilian." "But you're not Toothpick?" "No I'm sorry, I Massimiliano" "Oh, okay .. so I say to Charles, who you called" my mother or my sister ended almost disappointed. However
    . "Yes, 'I am, I'm the friend of Paul." The kind, very gentle, leads me into the room. Classic 8 people in 4 bunk beds. Gobbo has not yet returned from the national park. I sleep in the room and he and 6 other isrealiani. There are lockers and all are closed with a padlock. I have not got the lock and ask what it 'atmosphere. It 's the first time since I left I arrive in a room where everyone to lock their belongings. There 's a boy, Tarik, I had a mini lucchettino in piu'. "You know .. if in doubt, and 'he should be," I thank him and out audio and video players in the cabinet. I go to the supermarket and buy something to find a better pasta Gobbo. While
    cook penne peppers, I begin to know Luke, the owner of the hostel. He has little more 'than thirty years, and' di Bari, and 'come here for the first time in 98 years and a half and three "holds up the cabin." Un'italianissima is cooking pasta with eggplant and then to offer some ostellante. I am delighted that today shows the basil and 'able to find. It's always so ': prepares food for himself' and the abundant leftovers sells them to those who wish to try a bit 'of Italian comida. Meanwhile, he sips red wine (good) in his big glass and smoke his cigar. The Cruz del Sur and 'home. On the walls are photos of his trips, when the first Siberian was nineteen years old, the Antarctica two years ago. Also on each cabinet There 'a photo of him taken in quaclhe the world. Even in the bathrooms. The hostel and 'full of photos, postcards, maps, messages left by travelers. With the passage of time is not 'been difficult to implement that Luke and' one-person-at least particular. Say it is a 'big' does not seem exaggerated. He lives in the hostel. This means that the same 8 kitchen stove on which they feed another 35 people. (You try standing in a kitchen of two meters by three more with at least 15 people). And it means that your room and 'the "library" or "reading room" where people go to "svaccarsi. It also means that your bathroom and 'ostellanti of the bathroom. His wardrobe and 'a black suitcase on the floor of "reading room ", more 'two or three shirts hung on crutches to a ledge on the ceiling. His bed and' day on a mattress that is against the wall, at night on the ground. His refrigerator and 'the common, at least 4 minutes spends a day looking for her things between them bags' are stored. And of course not 'assume that in the end are. I really think that has an incredible patience.
    It' s not been easy for him to start this adventure, including why you say that if they can not 'go there is the possibility that someone else enters the hostel.'s and' already 'success. Two years ago,' was knocked out to "kick ass" in front of ostellanti disbelief. Then there 'was the process and the court's fueghino has been proved right. Among the very few people there that says to trust 'Pablo. Pablo and 'beautiful. Blacks hair long and wild, wild beard and lace along the long, thin, thin, white, white, blacks and good eyes. A sense of humor that I really like. The main reason for the beauty of Pablo 'his black T-shirt The Ramones. He most 'that shirt go great together. That 's your favorite shirt. This can 'wear for six days in a row. Pablo and 'the aide-de Luca. You and 'epro' in love with a Swiss who had stayed at the Cruz del Sur in early March, the raggiunger'a in Neuquen. Luca 's a bit worried about finding someone else to rely on. There is no 'problem .. Pablo has thought of everything. His friend Leonard will replace him. If you ask Luke why he chose this "strange" the answer is "I did not choose .. and I 'was imposed it works ..' .. what can you do?!? That 'Ushuaia!" and laughs. A Luca, Ushuaia actually seems to like. Back from the mail and says "I was there 'in the queue, never stopped .. then I looked up and saw the mountains and the Beagle Channel, I always wanted to see .. what more do I want'?" . Especially if you can find in the hostel since October flags, Canadian maple syrup and a cup of coffee in a bar in Montreal. From October
    Luke and 'engaged to a Canadian girl who had passed from the hostel. Born did not think something important (indeed, they had not even sbaciucchiati), poi lei lo ha chiamato da Santiago del Chile ed e' ritornata ad Ushuaia per stare con lui. Da Aprile vivranno insieme. Prima viaggeranno tra Italia e Turchia, poi cercheranno di trovarsi una casetta ad Ushuaia. Pablo, dovrebbe diventare "gestore" durante i mesi estivi; al ritorno i due lavoreranno li' mentre Pablo terrá sotto controllo la situazione prendendo la stanza (il materasso) di Luca. Il nostro caro barese e' fatto, e' innamorato, non capisce piu' un cazzo. Ed e' contento. Tanto. E' bello vederlo mentre si beve il caffe' nella "sua" tazzina, mettere la spilletta del Canada sulla camicia, stare ore davanti al computer per scrivere mail, raccontarti dei regali che lei gli ha fatto quando e' andato a trovarla. E' good to see him excited about the culture of another country. I'm really happy for him, reminds me of old situations. Situations which now remain only a ball and some "relics". The ball is 'one of those with water, the glitter, in with the "boy who pees'" laying under the word "Belgium". He's in my kitchen cabinet on top of which there are all the presents (trash) in the years that I brought as a gift. The "relics" are slowly disappearing from my house, a gray sweatshirt on a chair there and let 'remained for months, some of elastic hair is still in a drawer in the bathroom, still in the bathroom as there is' a pack of wet wipes with written in Dutch. The Cidda 'by David Bowie Elvis Costello and the big Lebowski OST are not relics. No, they consider a "compensation". What the fuck! Compensation
    say that was more 'for actual damages for lost profits. I think, in fact, that many good things happened to me is still a nice letter after I had come from the Gulf of Guinea in December 2003. First of all, this trip. Only. Who cares if we had us around the world together and she has just concluded. I'm here, I'm fine. And really.
    I spend days at Ushuaia fast. One morning I Gobbo and we are moving towards the mountains and arrived in the extreme outskirts of the city (this place has 50000 inhabitants) we encounter a group of thugs that play football on a pitch. Phenomena are, well played bad. Apart from the challenge. There we give two and four against four. Come their peers, they too frightening, are large and have faces that "not bode well." Start a mini tournament that lasts from 12 to 16. "The winner remains." We lose the first few games but "we're not." In the last two games we play "cum grano salis" (Silvio!! Learn it well you do look great! .. Pero 'tell it well, eh?), Tactically flawless, the dribbling of Donadoni, the fantasy of Falcao, the grit of The Captain, the patience of Vignola and the rapacity of Diaz. All dressed also by the wisdom of Luvanor. You get to 3. About 2 to 2 except in acrobatics (raga '.. real stunt, I was also hurt but there was half of the honor) their goals already. We win. They begin to be less polite .. we make fun of (thinking that we do not understand) telling us that we were Italian, who think only of defending. Beginning of hard revenue, shoulders, bad actions. The game later, we are cynical: 3 to 0 and dry. Gobbo and I are excited, the guys are starting to piss. They want revenge. Sorry, we have to go. To tell the truth now the wind was "broken", we could make more. But it 's so nice to get out'. From winners.
    (above you can see the photo with the thugs)
    Sue is one of those people they hit. He has written on the register hostel, under the column "ETAD, the number 32. His years in reality it is 64, complains to Luke (who had asked him to put the old "true") to the fact that age is impolite to ask a "lady". Luke, however, to her attention. In fact, we know that the hostel does not like that Duen mariujana fumes. One day she was locked in a windowless bathroom to smoke a leek. The hall was draped in a strong and unmistakable smell aromatic. He comes up and says, "but now how the hell do I get angry with a lady of 64 years and blame her because you're making a barrel?" "I do not know Luke .. move down 'and you tell him" no no! I found! " tells me excited tone with his classic "Now I'm going down 'and spray the air freshener from inside the hole for the key!, so' and I do understand the figure of what it alleges a potrrebbe be his mother. I'm sorry but what can I do? here as soon as someone complains about the risk of finding myself in the Federal hostel! Casini I have too many already. "
    When you hear Sue and plays all his stories, it is natural to ask "But Sue, I'm sorry ... but you, how are you traveling?" His answer is' "Since '95". From
    thousand nine hundred .. we are in March 2006.
    Well .. of people I've met her, but finding someone who has been traveling for 11 years .. that I had not yet success. "From ninetyfive" nodding his white head and blue eyes .. I will remember this'. Initially I thought he was away from England for reasons of tax, "but then 'I have known better and I understand. He lives with his retired English "From what I prefer to travel to do. Then I must go and see my daughters and my sons. Especially one who is in India and the damned, who is in Australia. Then, however, two Christmases ago, I was for two weeks in London with my two sons to do the holidays together, "we are at a table with other children. The joke and 'inevitable: "But Sue! Then you're a bit' like Mick Jagger! You have children around the world!" great laughter of the diners. She also seems amused, smiles. After a few days but 'I understand that-for her-I was not exactly fun. Late one evening, after he swill a bit ', he confides that his two daughters are heroin addicts and in particular has problems with the "Australian", which has 5 children. He tells me that even bad situations, and 'found to live over there' in the countryside near Melbourne .. For this reason and Sue 'often between India and Australia. Even Sue, actually seems to have some "weakness". The lady, in fact, drinks, even if not at an alarming rate. In two weeks time we gave more 'inside and' state when you are 'annoyed a bottle of whiskey in two days. The fact is that he does not drink much at night, drinking in the afternoon. Brian is a Chinese
    Canadian passport holders living in NYC. When I slept in the room before trekking 2sopra "was my roommate. And 'a man of some fifty years with a green sweater and a dark leather jacket, and' high and is' a softie. Every time he does something to eat we shall try to do it to me and Luke, and 'a little' pressing. When you see your drinking whiskey gently scolds her, she is not offended. Brian found this hostel and it was' in love. Do you think that after 5 days had gone to stay with the plane in Buenos Aires .. the day after he returned to Luke, saying that they 'will', felt at home.
    When I meet Sue in the Internet point to play solitaire for hours or between the glasses and passed entire afternoons sudoku, I feel a bit 'tenderness. That is really "worth." But then I think of how many people no longer 'young people spend so' their lives. With no sun, from morning to evening. So the "punishment" becomes "respect" for his choice. How many people live like her? Few, the vast majority lives worse (you-for once-a real understanding of the proportions existing especially in large urban centers). She wakes up every week in a different place, is always surrounded by children, from living people, people who travel. I also know that many older people and those who would pay, just to meet a person other than a week to exchange a few words. We who live in cities We should take note, without closing his eyes. Now you die of loneliness. There are people dying and the only ones who realize it are close to the smell of rotting corpse.
    Sue decided not to stay there, do not say that his life for me is "exemplary", but 'with her choice, from an old one among millions of people has become a preferred indifferent. Surely that not all pension of 500 pounds if they can "afford", but some of them '. She reacted. I'm not saying it's the best reaction. But he reacted. And 'maybe the only reason that I respect.
    ... and if it gets too hot moves, and do not even have the humiliation of being told by some minister of "go to the supermarket or at the mall. "
    Ushuaia is the classic place where tourists stop for travelers no more 'than two or three days, so you can say that they were in the southernmost city in the world. Raga' is fantastic .. being able to stop in this place for as long as you want! I have the opportunity to better understand the social dynamics and the stories of Luke are very useful to understand how life really takes place down there. Furthermore, the landscape that stretches from the Beagle channel seems to be "not never be enough. "
    The weather is always changing. It can 'be full of gray clouds, and after half an hour can be crystal clear, with a few white clouds all moving at different heights on the green cold waters in which some vessels lie rusting and abandoned. Behind him and to the east there are mountains and glaciers, you see shades of green, brown and blue, more 'colorful South American and the white houses of the ice and sky. The play of colors, which then the sun passing through the clouds at sunset and at dawn .. those do not even try to explain them. Ie '.. "I'll explain it" (ndCampoVecchio01)
    National Park is an excellent base for excursions. From birth there with Moses to make dell'Ovieja Paso. Moses met him at the John Lennon pub, the place where there seems to be the best wave, Avenida Maipú. It 's a place not much frequented by ostellanti who seem to prefer the classico "Irish Pub" dove spesso passano la musica di Bob Marley. (Ma devi arrivare fin quaggiu' per ascoltarti "Legend" in un pub irlandese?? A parte che Legend penso ce l'abbia il 90% dei ragazzi.. un po' come nel decennio passato la o.s.t. di Trainspotting). Non nego che anche a me e' capitato all'inizio di andare all'Irish pub.. pero' l'ho fatto per vedermi il Milan in Champions e una sera con Gobbo perche' pareva l'unico pub aperto dopo le 3!!
    Comunque.. Moses é messicano, parla bene l'inglese e studia architettura, porta capelli lunghi e occhiali ed é un pochino cicciottello. Partiamo un tardo pomeriggio per il nostro trekking. In teoria e' una camminata di una dozzina di ore che noi preferiamo dividere in two days. It seems that the path is more 'beat-and-then more' tracks of which there is here. Not experience particular difficulties and indeed we have a nice ass blow. In fact, after you meet the wrong road after only 15 minutes a couple of Canadians who come back saying that there is nothing la'non. This was not the right direction. The track is not 'so' clear and now the two meet us to avoid a few hours walk useless. In the evening we make two nice steaks on the grill that has led chicomexico. Since the walk is not 'particularly challenging, we also carry the Piquette (bowls weigh, raga'!!). We spend a nice evening and also the other ten people presenti nell'unico posto dove é permesso il campeggio sono simpa simpa; ci si diverte.
    Tornati in "Ushuaia downtown" ci salutiamo, lui domani parte verso Calafate a vedere il Perito Moreno. Mi dice che in realtá non ha voglia di buttarsi in mezzo a quelle migliaia di persone ma che se non ci va "Mi abuela me mata!!". "Suerte Moses, Que te vaya bien!", ancora.
    Un' altra camminata, questa una "cazzatina", e' la scampagnata al ghiacciaio. Meno di una decina di chilometri, addentrandosi tra le case e i boschi di Ushuaia, per arrivare all'inizio del sentiero. Poi, si inizia a salire e in meno di due ore sei su'. Da su' vedi tutto. Il Canale di Beagle lo vedi nella sua interezza e la Isla Navarino, di fronte, e' nitida, sembra aspettarti. E' li' che voglio andare. C'e' un trekking di 5 giorni da fare laggiu'. La vedo. In realtá vedo anche le aguzze cime rocciose, alcuni innevate, che si stagliano alte e solenni in quell'ultima parte di Cile tra il Beagle e Capo Horn. Quelli sono i "Denti di Navarino". Da cui il nome "Circuito de los dientes". In teoria non sono piu' cosi' tanto sicuro di voler camminare laggiu'.. non sembra facilissimo.. anzi. In pratica, pero', solo l'idea di vedermeli davanti e vedermeli "difficili" mi fa salire una voglia che.. "stai male".
    Al ghiacciaio vado con una carinissima coppia di israeliani e due tedeschi: Jenny e Sebastian, due simpaticissimi ventenni che erano anche al Backpacker's. Li 'to Punta Arenas were always the last to go to bed (the hostel we close them) and-consequently-the last to get up. He always ate a lot. They are the classic pair that really is not 'a couple. Mah!, And 'full of people who travel his-hers that seem to "delinquent" and yet they are not. Usually, but not appear in this case, and an 'a bit' more '"attentive" to the other.
    Sebastian kidding me 'cause I'm dressed in the last two weeks-he says-in the same way. Thanks to the cock! how should I dress if it's cold and I have the stuff to dress in layers? I make him the pleasure to put no more 'golf green under the blue sweatshirt (with hood), but the blue sweatshirt under il golf verde con il cappuccio che esce fuori. La felpa blu con cappuccio merita l'excursus.
    Dunque: la felpa non e' esattamente mia. Diciamo che comunque l'ho usucapita. Marzo 1996, seconda liceo, uscito da scuola un'ora prima, mi devo precipitare da Ricordi. Domani mattina vendono i biglietti per Springsteen allo Smeraldo, già ieri all'alba eravamo in fila ma non se ne è fatto niente. Ho nello zaino il sacco a pelo e qualcosa per passare la notte. Maite mi fa notare che forse avro' freddo. Mi presta la sua felpa. Maite entra in classe nostra a settembre del terzo anno, prima liceo classico. Girava voce che arrivasse gente nuova quell'anno. Con alcuni compagni siamo andati a vedere i tabelloni per captare tra i nomi nuovi some "essence of pussy." In the second half of the appeal there was this new name: "Maite Pipparelli.
    With all the ignorance and can grezzezza had wasted the comments .. to put it in a civilized manner, we thought it was an Indian with a name is not "lucky." We were ready to beat the barracks and tricks by grandparents (Yes.. We had the same age, but for length of ID belonged to us!). The first day of school comes a girl with huge boobs, labbrona, a beautiful smile and beautiful green eyes. The seat was not exactly a "culettino" but on the whole more 'acceptable. "Who are you?" "Hello, I'm Maite" "Ah ..."
    do not know how, but would bring a breath of "fresh" in the classroom. After a few days I also saw that he kept as a bookmark of his "Smemo (ragà. the Smemo ..!) A cartofoto Bruce (I think it was a photo taken from Milan 21.6.85). Hello ...
    One of the last times I saw her was in October, for a dinner at his house. On that occasion, I, his brother and another character is highly unlikely we were the only heterosexual male. She was telling me, Vera, Vale Siusy nipple and one of his latest "conquest" (always bad, the character issue "on 'said'). My comment has been "Maite .. I will burn.." His reply, hugging and laughing ".. you know that Charles did not let anyone else to tell me so 'but you said .. I feel rather pleased. "To be honest we never more 'of much popular but' there has always been a relationship of true affection, the same that I feel for all those wonderful people in our class.
    Oh well .. Memories arrived, I found Bb (we went out to Einstein "and ten" in the Berchet "and twenty") who already 'had taken hold of the situation, creating a "list". After a day I was holding the front row tickets for Mr. Springsteen at the Teatro Smeraldo. Ah! date! all this took place Thursday, March 14, 1996. In a row, in fact I remember the set list that ran in Stockholm. That was a Thursday, 'I am sure that That year he played in Stockholm ... even the 13.03! Maite I would see for years with his sweater on him. She does not ever put it on, it seems to me that lately he also said.
    dell'excursus I apologize for the verbosity, but from a distance I like to look at all these things together. That's it.
    We Sebastian .. he seems to listen to my clothes and when he sees me for 3 days in a row with the 17 shirt I jokingly asked me "but I really like that shirt!" "A) I like it so what!? B) I have three identical .. there 's something wrong?" The kraut will also be young, but has a craze for clothing. One day I was walking with him to San Martin in Ushuaia and has wanted to enter a store to buy a shirt. Nothing wrong with that, but 'I waited outside. There he 'was bad, I explained that it was nothing personal, just and' more 'stronger than me. I am not able to do and I hate shopping-compras. There 'no way, m'innervosisco. Try to explain that why I'm dressed more 'or less in the same way for a decade and I always buy the same shoes. (Athletic: adidas country-smooth-soled, non-zigliglinata blue with white stripes 46 of e1 / 3 more than the white with blue stripes. "Elegant" dr. Martin's low opaque black No. 44 - 441 / 2 ) And 'more' comfortable, are "your" shoes, you know that you are doing well (in the sense that they fit well) and you do not mental masturbations on what to buy. Come in, ask and buy. In less than five minutes you have paid the "shoe problem".
    now the desire of the trek to the island Navarino is skyrocketing. These days I tried to ask a bit 'of people but none showed interest, if only for the price not really a friend of the sea crossing. At least I like to think so, but maybe I was not that I was a genius!
    Start waiting for the arrival of Julia and Nico, two guys who I met in Buenos Aires fifty days ago. They are in Argentina to make a documentary on the "Madres de Plaza de Mayo" and girarsela a bit '. She is the daughter of neighbors of my aunt's house in Rome. My aunt, my left mail and we met one evening at Plaza Dorrego in San Telmo. On that occasion I also met his friend Nico. Raga .. I was just the kind sympathy incredible .. she looks like a nice person even if - 'and is evidently the opposite of me. It is not true that it seems to me, "the opposite of me" .. indeed on many things but that seems to be no different affinities' attitudes and considerations lead to the opposite. The fact is that we stayed in touch for this trek with us, and because almost all advise against doing it yourself. When I was in Buenos Aires I was thinking more 'to trek to Paine, but then I realized the "population density" of that path and I folded up the most' difficult to Navarino. Giulia, pur non avendo mai fatto un trekking, é sempre stata per "el circuito de los dientes". I due miei nuovi amichetti arrivano ad Ushuaia, é un piacere reincontrarli. Lui, con la sua ironia e il suo fare cattivo mi mette di ottimo umore, davvero. Loro sono i miei amici cattivi-"antagonisti". Io, il loro amico "cattocomunista".
    Scopro che Nico non e' esattamente uno sportivo e che soffre di vertigini. Lui non viene. Sabato 4 marzo, io e Giulia partiamo per "el circuito de los dientes". (nel prossimo post il racconto di quei fantastici 5 giorni).
    Non ho detto una cosa: Luca, che ha una forte somiglianza con Jack Nicholson, ha scritto tre libri. L'ultimo si chiama "jump seat", é a tratti autobiografico and there is good or bad the story of the hostel, people who have made "alive". I read in an afternoon, and 'was really interesting. The second book is called instead of "Christmas in Comodoro Rivadavia" and was published by Sellerio a couple of years ago. Some of the characters in the stories of Luke and I had the fortune to meet "live". One of them is Gary, a Swiss fifty pounds a plenty with missing teeth on the right side of the mandible. Arrive at the hostel while they are at Navarino. I know him to return.
    A person like that, at first glance, one might call "disturbing." If you ask "What time is it?" responding "do not know, is always changing." If you ask "What do you do? "answers convinced" the professor of Backgammon. "spends a lot of time with his laptop that connects to the enormous cuffioni. If Gary is listening to music (with headphones) there is no 'need to put the radio : it feels anyway. His favorites are the Ramones and "the first Cat Stevens." It's turning the AmericaLatina years and Luke knows by chance. Almost three years ago had arrived at the hostel, after a few days was caught by police while she was smoking a spinellone street. They had given him six months of house arrest. Here, in the hostel, so 'Luke would have known. Then the court has recognized "incapable of discernment" and have "liberated." But he is gone .. si trovava bene. Quindi spesso ritorna quaggiù a ritrovare Luca e il suo Cruz del Sur. Che Gaetanone non sia proprio "normale" è testimoniato dal fatto che viaggia grazie alla pensione di invadilità psico-fisica che il governo svizzero gli ha concesso.
    Una mattina c'e' tutto l'ostello che sta facendo colazione. Facce assonnate, gente che si spalma la marmellata di ciliegie o arance sull'ottimo pane fresco, gente che giochicchia con le bustine di te dentro le tazze d'acqua bollente, la musica della radio è bassissima. Entra Gaetano con il suo cappellino verde con visiera e fa una puzzona. No..non è esatto: Gaetano non fa una puzza, Gaetano tuona. Qualche ragazza fa la faccia schifata, i piu' rimangono esterrefatti, io piango laughter. Gaetano says, spreading his arms "No puedo controlarme," as if it were inevitable. Do not apologize, that gesture of your arms alone by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe inevitability of what happened. It 's true that Gary can not', but was serious bowel problems, does not go to the bathroom, has bags of that every so often associated with stomach empties (I'm sorry .. now I can not remember the term). One night back in the hostel room and there is' an incredible stench. I feel guilty because I think my stuff is soaked after the trek. It seems strange that so stink 'time, because I also sealed in plastic bags waiting to take them to wash. The next day, Luke tells me that Gary's notte si è rotto il sacchettino della pupu'. Ah!! mi sono dimenticato di dire che da dopo il trekking il mio letto è diventato quello sopra Gaetanone. Con tutte le conseguenze del caso.
    Un pomeriggio mi sto ascoltando della musica tranquilla, con gli occhi chiusi e la faccia tra il muro e il materasso. Sto ripensando al trekking e a delle cose "carine". Sto quasi dormendo. Arriva Gaetano, si mette sul letto. Si addormenta e inizia a respirare sbuffando verso il muro. L'odore che mi arriva dritto in faccia è tremendo. Dai "pensieri carini" si passa ai pensieri per "l'incolumità olfattiva". Ogni volta che Gaetanone di notte (russa come nessuno mai) si rigira, il mio letto oscilla di svariati gradi, svegliandomi; io mi faccio un sorriso e mi riaddormento. Non mi da fastidio condividere i miei spazi con lui. Anzi, a dire il vero mi sento fortunato di poterlo osservare, inoltre tra me e lui si è anche creato un buon rapporto, mi sento sicuro con lui accanto. Gaetano e' una persona Buona. Gli presento anche il tipo che porta le pizze a domicilio (I'm waitin' for my man, Lou Reed) dalla pizzeria a una quadra. Le pizze fanno cacare, c'è una quantità di formaggio nauseante, solo l'odore ti fa passare la voglia di mangiarle. Las empanadas pero' sono buone (soprattutto quella de panceta y queso). Una conoscenza che a Gaetanone in caso di famazza tornerà utile.
    Luca piu' volte mi dice che se ho problemi posso cambiare stanza. Figuriamoci, non it would be nice and as-told-me Gaetano curious, like. After 4 days of arrival in Ushuaia, however, was' that Luke happened to me change rooms. Gobbo was gone. I was in a room with seven Israelis, including 6, little more 'in their twenties, unbearable. Tarik was the only that "there was inside." The others either did not respond to my greetings, leave the stuff (like dirty socks or boxers) all the time on my bed, when they went to bed made an incredible mess, when they woke up idem, always talking, shouting, if I crossed them pretended not to know, speak their language and looking at me laughing. Are at least three in the morning to pump on the ground doing push-ups.
    One late afternoon we had listened to the second time in a row Cidda in their living room. He left the third time and saw that there was not one of them in the room I thought about changing. I first asked a few others present, they told me that there was no problem and I have placed on the Cidda given to me by Poli. She left the Sisters of Mercy "Leonard Choen and after just two minutes, while in the kitchen to make me a coffee (and this' one of the few hostels in the world where you find the good old coffee maker), I feel that people change. Remit their cd. I look surprised other ostellanti, Sue says "there is' nothing to do, do so!" Luke I apologize, Pablo .. .. I refrain from repeating his comment. In the evening I go to Tarik and wonder if I did something I am wrong and if her friends are angry with me for some strange reason. "No, Carlo, I'm sorry. I am left alone, now I'm traveling with them, and often I am ashamed for some things. But no else is 'nothing against you! Come on! Want some' beer?" "Thanks."
    back later the same evening will be the fifth, they sleep, I'm going to get on the bed when I realize that there are no more 'the sheets. The guy who sleeps in front of me I took them and if you put on your bed. It 'clear of the pillow does not match his pillow and his are on the ground, I saw them this morning than a dry bottle and it was overturned. 13 years that will go to hostels and I have never such a thing happened. A) fuck, you get to scrub the sheets? B) She does not ask you to Lucas or Pablo? C) the "fool" just what you're asleep in front of?? D) But you've got a minimum of respect for others? E) But who the fuck you think you are? F) What do you think? That just because you're seven, I will keep quiet?
    are arrabbiatello. I have to control myself. I do a tour in the hostel sleeping to calm down. The thing that makes me more 'angry is that it is precisely the type in front of me. I go back and go step by step. Start hacking away at the pile closing and opening the cupboard trying to do, gradually more and more 'noise, the girl sleeping next to the cabinet he wakes up, someone starts to turn around. It 's time. I go straight dall'uomo di merda. Sta dormendo.
    Lo sveglio da signore. Facendogli toc toc sulla spalla con una certa insitenza. "Che c'e'?? perchè mi svegli??" "Perchè queste sono le mie lenzuola!! e tu non hai nessun diritto di prendermele!! Hai capito?!?"intanto lo disarrotolo dalle mie lenzuola e il tipo mi dice "sì sì hai ragione, ma che bisogno c'è di svegliare tutta la camera per le tue lenzuola alle 5 di mattina??". Ragà a questa domanda-provocazione del cazzo rispondo ancora una volta da signore. "C'è bisogno perchè pare che qui ci siano delle persone che non sappiano cosa vuol dire vivere con altre persone, dividere dei luoghi!!" -mentre sto rifacendomi il letto- "mi sono sempre involved in a polite and kind, I do not think it was mutual! And what did you think back to sleep and I would request you not? You are looking at me! "And now I'm pissed off if you complain?" "OK, OK you're right," he says someone. "I'm sorry" says the uomodimmerda. Two types of room next to come home at that time arrive, take a look and give me reason "can not think of doing what you want, you are not the owners of these" Occhei, I fall asleep astonished by my good English. The next story in Luke and the incident Pablo ; are incredulous, even to them was such a thing ever happened. is transferred over. What is even better, with lots of sea view ..
    The same day, the types and leave me apologize. I tell myself that I am sorry but pissed off that I had seen as a lack of respect. We shake hands, apologize and say hello to require (for the first time after 5 days). I truly feel sorry for them. Cause and consequence in this case so that they overlap, historically. I thought about what had happened .. I could be silent and not say anything but I do not like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing subjected to the offensive behavior of others and be silent. Obvious: they were the ugly mugs I even asked "Sorry if I wake up .. but .. please .. can you give me the sheets? Please, thank you" The truth is still a jerk does not make these things. The children do you feel pampered rulers of the world and have a minimum of respect for others. Once again .. That's it.
    do not know if there is ever to deal with someone who is about to realize his dream. Happens here. Previously I told you what it costs to go up in Antarctica. There are people who save for years and then meet here ready to embark in Ushuaia. It 's the case of Jonathan, a Flemish Kortrijk. He booked his place for almost two years. Up with him (and others) on the eve of his departure. Jonathan has 45 years, is the father of the family, the child seems more 'happy in the world. 'E' since I was young I dreamed of this trip, I'm leaving tomorrow. " Jonathan is ugly, but that happiness, those eyes and that smile may seem l'uomo piu' bello del mondo. E' fantastico vedere le emozioni di cui è capace l'essere umano. Un altra volta, "Suerte, que te vaja bien".
    Spesso le serate al Cruz del Sur sono migliori di ciò che puoi incontrare fuori. Merito sicuramente di Luca e anche delle persone che via via si susseguono. E' il caso di Elaine (svizzera piuttosto emancipata), Tony (un allegro signore senza un braccio, di Maiorca), Anne e Christie (due giunoniche ragazze australiane), Leonardo (il nuovo "Pablo" patito di musica disco anni '80 che chiede a tutti di insegnarli qualcosa di inglese, un ottimo ragazzo che è la prima volta che va così lontano da casa), Victoria (una solare ragazza pero' un po' troppo "Pressing" and guilty of telling me the result of Juve Milan, after 6 hours I was waiting for the reply!), David and Seba (two young Italian designers in erasmus in Baires) and many others. Over the past five days, there are three birthday parties, "m'imparano" also attacked the balloons from the ceiling using the electrostatic force of the hair, we have fun. There are many of the names I'd like to remember now, but I would avoid "the list". All girls who then take over their streets, many see them at 4 in the morning and eat breakfast. The only bus that leaves from Ushuaia to return to the north is at 5 and a half in the morning. "This is one of the reasons I'm still here," Luke says with a smile.
    At that time crops up shyly out of the sun at this time the waves at 10 pm.
    The boys put on their backpacks and start off. Salaam Ushuaia. The house of the rising sun is ready to host some other travelers arriving at the "Fin Del Mundo, Principio de Todo". As it is written on the huge mural at the waterfront.