Friday, November 7, 2008

Swollen Lip Tooth Ache


Al Morro abbiamo pochi amici.
Ma pessimi.
Ad esempio c’è Deca, uno dei primi ragazzi del posto che abbiamo conosciuto.
Avrà 27 o 28 anni e, pur essendo nero, i suoi capelli ricci degradano verso un biondo dorato tirato fuori a forza dall’abuso di mare, sale e, presumibilmente, acqua ossigenata.
Deca è sposato con una ragazza dolcissima di origine giapponese ma tanto brasiliana che, trasferitasi a Kyoto per studiare, a momenti impazzisce se non si sbrigano

to bring it back on the beaches of Bahia.
(by the way: around here who is married to sleeping under the same roof, "enamorados" all others, no more hypocrisy and the formal titles!)
Together they work at the beginning of the fourth praia where, next to a beautiful and luxurious resort overlooking the pools created by natural coral and tides, rent snorkeling masks and sell bottle with shoulder strap, crochet from her.
family activities take place in the shade of a hut for two feet, recently built in bamboo and palm leaves from our friend, armed with a machete and his legendary calm and happiness!
Now this great guy, the other night, could not help but find myself and Giancarlo while in a wet and windy night, we had a walk in the darkness of hidden primera praia pending a visit of dinner ...
the unexpected arrival of Deca there by surprise in what has been anticipated by a deafening squeal of polyphony, from a box that covered the person who supported him in his arms, let them see only the bright smile of those who already know they have found or, rather, it has been led by fate, to meet the right people at the right time.
reached the light of a lamp generously left on a pousada near, we could see the content of the box and the precious cargo that someone had seen fit to lay in a basket of junk: a bela litter of little monsters screaming and hungry!
while trying to show off, then I do not know why a certain distance as if to say "yeah ... it would be nice to be able to take a pity ... ...," Is immediately obvious that a couple of those Gremilins rinseccoliti half-blind and would eventually Brazilian brighten our days!
We have drawn on two almost at random: we have our shirts tucked in, to protect from the wind, almost the first two scrawls that have somehow caught our attention! Even Giancarla, which can take days to choose what to order in a restaurant or what to wear to go to eat, has pulled out of the hat the skeleton in the blink of an eye!
always the case that I've wanted to catch a girl while Giancarlo is saddled with a boy, as confirmed by a sexy local girl who obviously experienced as a result of rapid soundings could enlighten us about their genitalia.
course, my honest friend and trusted friend, I do not know what out of malice and ignorance as to have willfully failed to warn me, at the time, about the minimum needs of a cat with a few days of life.
So much so that when I was a po'male Giancarla ha accennato al fatto
che, circa ogni tre ore (del giorno e della notte!) avremmo dovuto accudire i vampirelli e nutrirli con un pezzetto di stoffa intriso di latte fino al raggiungimento dello svezzamento…
Poco dopo, tuttavia, mi sono trovato a cullare un sacchetto di pulci che peserà 100 grammi da bagnato, con la pancia gonfia e la testolina collassata sul palmo della mano, la qual cosa mi ha rimesso in pace perfino con il sonno accumulato in questi mesi di frenetica vita verdeoro.
Naturalmente è subito partito il totonome: dopo aspro dibattito circa l’opportunità di affibbiare ai trovatelli gli altisonanti nomi appartenuti a noti personaggi mitologici, il fatto che nessuno dei due si ricordasse, ancorchè vaguely, the story about the epic name holders made us give up and opt for something closer to our origins.
I think we have guessed so much so that, though still half-blind, Gasperino and 'a sister Isis appear to recognize their appellations and abusive epithets which often accompanies the rant ...
Gasperino is a little quieter, Isis specializing in evasion, no peace.
We try to make them a good star power to administer milk through a syringe and fury of pampering, the results unfortunately do not correspond to our expectations ....
and then the crying and meowing until the next ra
zione di cibo, anche soprattutto a notte fonda!
E insomma eccoci qua, la famiglia si allarga e la pousada si arricchisce di altri personaggi, stavolta animali….
Ora scusateci ma vi lasciamo,
dobbiamo allattare!
A presto,
Enrico e Giancarla

non è che vada tutto rose e fiori, sia ben chiaro!Siamo stanchi morti,i miei vestiti odorano di latte acido e piscio di gatto,
probabilmente abbiamo anche le pulci e,
dulcis in fundo,
Giancarla mi guarda e scuote il capo in segno di continua disapprovazione circa il modo in cui affronto queste nuove responsabilità!
Nonostante tutto!


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