Monday, December 8, 2008

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Tanti auguri a me!

What a great birthday, I'm really happy!
I like those birthdays in a few years later you remember! This
not forget, if only because
although I've on several occasions to spend the anniversary away from Rome,
perhaps for the first time happening to me in a place that feels like home in some form.
The special days are never as you imagine them
... The only thing on which I had guessed, fortunately, when
few months ago, just arrived, I thought about,
was that on the day of my first birthday there Brazilian Giancarla was near me.
Of this I was certain.
It was not something as obvious as,
live together 24 hours a day every day and share, maybe
with joy but for strength,
private life, work, rest, friends, everything ....
is not easy and can put a strain on even the most close-knit pair. We're taking out the
there, I hope.
And she was very sweet on this special day ...
and not just because it is produced in cakes and pastries baked nutella ...
the goodies we have cooked and dedicated
accompanied with appropriate Chilean cabernet, are nothing next
lightly delicacy which has covered me with affection,
filling the void created by the inevitable remoteness of many loved ones with which
in Rome, I probably spent
December 7.
The rest of the day is calm last, among the small
commitments arising from the management and various lodging, friendly meetings,
more or less every day, you happen to do in this island.
So, for example, I have enjoyed a beer with Nestor,
irrepressible and crafty Argentine boy who runs a hostel for several years in which we are healthy, brotherly competition and that, on 11, completed his 44 years
( looks at the dark times).
even though I've never mentioned earlier,
is one of the persons whose attendance,
since we are here, most
reinforces our belief that the choice made.
It 's a good person,
always full of advice and a positive charge and teasing in the gray days that picks you up morale.
It gives you the feeling that behave well in life towards your next pay.
full circle,
the evening and have dinner with the participation of our lovely Natalia inevitable and that disappears when not in
company Gasperino (....?)
is committed to weaving their handicrafts and to teach Giancarla macramé techniques to weave bracelets, earrings, butterflies and whatever their imagination suggests.
The "Columbian" is part of the family now lives here with us and we have fun together.
In the midst of all this the many messages of congratulations that I received, thanks to the Orwellian
channels facebook,
by so many friends
and get even more pleasure to be here ...
And, of course, an unforgettable link via Skype with my family,
celebrating the 33 years of my twin sister Maureen.
The link webcam,
in the best tradition,
was preceded and hampered by various technical problems that
hanno contribuito ad aumentare la suspance per questo evento tecnologico che di botto ha spedito la mia famiglia,
tradizionalmente affezionata al videoregistratore a cassette,
nell’era del digitale applicato!Sembrava un po’ di assistere al filmato del primo uomo atterrato sulla luna anche perché,
a causa dei capricci del lap top – blue tooth di mio padre
(chi l’avrebbe mai detto che mio padre ne avrebbe mai posseduto uno collegandosi addirittura oltreoceano con Skype?!),
l’intera comitiva è stata costretta,
alle 23.00 ora locale,
ad effettuare la connessione in giardino al freddo e al gelo e circondata dal buio.
Che altro…nulla,
only thanks again to those who have turned this part of a loving thought!

Congratulations Maureen!
Did you see that this year I have forgotten?!

PS: For those who ask news of Gasperino:
our spent a difficult period during which came first to jump from the terrace of the Pousada, a flight of 3 feet
(he is 12 cm at the withers ... quiet, all right, all that remains is just a scar, he also feels very sexy, lip lower left);
dazed by the fall, but in one piece, then decided to close in the fridge, where we accidentally found semigelato and frignante. Fortunately, this seems
periodaccio past and, perhaps
the young man,
these days,
you let go without a bohemian existence of pleasant distractions, vices and girlfriends. He
portrayed here in the arms of Natalia,
sends you a timid greeting.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

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Il Morro de Sao Paulo, di questi tempi…

Both were taken to tell our affairs that, lately, we have a little 'neglected to describe the place where we live and the gentle evolution of the Atlantic that this beautiful island is living in harmony with the seasons.
are the first of December this hot spring and summer to take over the next 21 days: with her hordes of tourists who come, even with the belly full of Christmas delights, is on the coast in droves to get the party started!
And then sharpen the weapons to be ready to "Revelliòn" which, in addition to ferry in 2009, will give the "there" in three months we hope that intense!
Another date to keep in mind, here at the Morro, is February 25: In fact, the day after the end of Carnival, crowded
El Salvador,
thousands of people reach our happy island for what is always called the "Resacca!

This term,
which usually indicates the feeling that identifies a serious hangover,
when compared to the Morro,
the meaning of a four days in which, instead of letting
dispose of excess Carnival celebrations and with the excuse to reach a place of relaxation and healthy life, we shall continue
party till you drop.
In other words: the worst patch the hole!
The recent rains, very heavy, cool air for a few hours again and wash the sand that makes up spiagge e viottoli del villaggio.
Una mezza tromba d’aria ieri sera, sulla nostra veranda, ha fatto volare sedie e tavoli imbanditi, per non parlare della”Churraschera” carica di pesce che avevamo genialmente deciso di attrezzare per goderci la notte di lampi e pioggia,
in compagnia di alcune amiche e di un buon Souvignon argentino!
Ovviamente la inaspettata violenza degli agenti atmosferici ha determinato un immediato black out con il risultato che,

nel buio della notte tempestosa,
le uniche cose visibili a terra erano i pezzi di carbonella incandescenti che cercavamo di non calpestare,
scalzi come always
in a desperate attempt to recover the pieces of fish scattered around!
do not know if we were successful,

fact is that Gasperino,
particularly active in research who have committed until late the next morning had a nice grin spread over his face,
stank more than usual magnificence and slept on the couch,
panzetta the wind and open mouth.
But now the sun is shining again!
And then all at the beach ...
(by the way, this is the Segunda Praia, which is the garden of our house, as it appears di questi tempi)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pattycake Online Interview

Gasperino, dicevamo...

sta crescendo in fretta!

Saranno i sovradosaggi di latte e omogeneizzato,
sarà il sole di queste parti,
o forse il fatto che la natura fa il suo corso e che il destino lo prepara ad un avvenire duro ed avventuroso…
fatto sta che ormai, il nostro, ha raggiunto la considerevole stazza di 175 grammi!Praticamente è quasi pronto per il campionato brasiliano dei pesi massimi!
Now the young man, contrary to old stereotypes might suggest, in addition to its flexible and powerful muscles, also is refining its thin and sharp mind ....
Of course the young age means that, to date, the confusion which clouds is still a lot of our ideas;
however, a healthy confidence in their own ability allows Gasperino to compete with the mysteries of life, if not exactly equal, even without too much awe.
Gasperino And then, in his calm look at what surrounds him, can not help but ask himself some questions pressed, whose resolution (which, alas, we know to be far from being next) depends on the serenity of its development.
Gasperino, among other things, is often asked:
"Who are we?
Why are we?
And, above all, but you can know where the hell are we going !?!?!"

(Gasperino nervous when it gets very vulgar!)
That is, is that its horizons are so broad: although he always has the backpack ready and be prepared for adventure, his young age has not yet allowed away over here in front of the beach, visited also under the loving control of Giancarlo.
The point is that, based on the sporadic information he picks up here and there,
non gli appare chiaro il senso del nostro dibatterci e la costante infruttuosità di nostri sforzi…
Io provo a spiegargli ma, vi giuro, il confronto con la sua incolpevole ingenuità, alle volte, è frustrante!
L’altro giorno, ad esempio, ho incautamente lasciato aperta la pagina web di un sito che parla di economia e lui, non avendo altri impegni, si è letto tutti gli articoli!
Quando io e Giancarla siamo tornati a casa, ignari dell’accaduto, lo abbiamo trovato pensieroso e visibilmente irritato.
Si è scolato con sfacciata noncuranza una siringa ricolma di latte e tuorlo d’uovo e, una volta rimessosi in forze, ci ha chiuso all’angolo con una serie di fastidiose quanto imbarazzanti domande:
“ma fateme capi’ ‘na cosa!”
ha sbottato così, di punto in bianco…
“dicci amore di casa, che succede?”
e lui,
“ma tutto sto casino, no…gente che perde il lavoro, chi je torgono casa, quell’artri che hanno lavorato ‘na vita pe’ mette da parte du’ sordi poi vanno ‘n banca e trovano uno tutto ‘mpomatato e sorridente che je dice investi qua, compra là,
e dopo qualche mese se trovano senza ‘na lira….”
Allora noi:
“si tesoro lo sapp…”
And now him "Hush! Fatema purposes'!!!"
"Sorry ...
Tell us dear!"
"So, as I understand it, if you have the money in the bank will take them ..."
"Of course, it is safer ... "
" If you need the money then get them on loan to the bank. "
" Exactly. "
One day the bank decides de pays' money at all, even those who did not work, who 'sti not hand them money will never look back. Then
bank, eg 'flaw short, by dint of taking loans and selling pieces der your mortgage and installment of' in my car, pulls the n'impiccio arthrography, and drink a day says: aho, here n'c'avemo more 'na lira!
not that maybe the state, we always say, we bit 'from' na hand ....? "
" In a certain way .... "
"And not only will we je damo, yet many ...
Mo 'they say sti deaf nun and inadequate and that there is' risk of giving new n'ce j'avevamo not even those who gave us (so that was safer ...)! "
"Yes son, however, you see ..."
"And if ggente nun 'ncazza !?!?! O j'abbasta see 'Anna' n er jail those who did the damage? "
" No Gasperi '...
except that if you're not black, or at least dark, in Italy we do not go to jail! Indeed, in these cases, if anything, do
career ... however, we said, the fact is altered, the people, it also alters
... is that it becomes the role of politics at this point ... "
Della politics!! But who, D'Alema, Fassino and quell'artri phenomena that were at the hanged man is co 'Unipol, the crafty der small apartment, etc ... or er bald arap always that' na bank cell'ha own!?!
'nnamo bbene .... "

"Okay Gasperi '! Thou hast twenty days, you're young, you're in Brazil, go to the beach, play soccer, meet new people .. maybe some nice pussycat ... or at least relax a bit with 'daddy's TV ... if you want to make the dish so you also see lots of magic and the island of Fame, what do you say dear? "
" But to me ... I know that you ... you always thirsty all rincojoniti on facebook quer de cristo, Since thou hast
and always will 'backpack or books of Orwell;
quel'artra co' Buddha, karma, mantra, it seems to know vo'arivà er nun secret of the universe and realize that there are to do '' n ass like that here on earth ... .... "
" Gasperino door than your adoptive parents! Do not you dare, you know ... "
" Where, oh well, I get it '!
Hello, I go from "says 10" Famme 'n quart of milk choir ... "
then goes out and comes back later and later, but with a dangling fury in his eyes ... accende la sua lampada da tavolo e studia fino a notte fonda…
Giancarla ed io siamo sempre più preoccupati...
lui dice che, un giorno di questi, se je gira fa un casino!
Bah, speriamo bene…

Monday, November 17, 2008

How To Unlock Laptop Combination Lock

E allora beccateve questa!!!

Ci eravamo lasciati in partenza per le isolette che compongono la costa del Dendè, qui nello Stato di Bahia, dalle parti del Morro di San Paolo, Brasile.
Era già nostra intenzione raccontare come abbiamo trascorso questa breve vacanza dagli adempimenti quotidiani connessi alla gestione della pousada:
inoltre abbiamo ricevuto vari messaggi da parte di tanti amici i quali,
dopo aver espresso la propria felicità per il tipo di vita che stiamo conducendo da queste parti,
non hanno potuto fare a meno di mandarci tanti velati “vaffa” una volta saputo che,
evidentemente non appagati dal vivere e lavorare sulla spiaggia la cui foto apre il blog che state leggendo,
avevamo deciso di concederci un viaggietto zaino in spalla alla ricerca di posti nuovi ed emozioni differenti.
Ed allora,
una volta tornati a casa e letti gli improperi provenuti in tutte le forme e le vie di comunicazione immaginabili,
abbiamo pensato che la cosa migliore,
in questi casi,
non consista nel dare a vedere il senso di colpa che ci attanaglia per avervi abbandonato nella nostra povera patria,
bensì sia quella di insistere e di metterci il carico!
Quindi lasciatevi raccontare quanto possa essere bello lasciarsi alle spalle questo lavoro pur stupendo,
saltare su un gommone carico di turisti in gita,
farsi dare un passaggio su una spiaggia semi deserta
e mettersi in cammino per vedere dove si arriva e magari cosa ci sia oltre la punta di roccia che il nostro sguardo intravede alla fine dell’orizzonte.
Tolti i sandali,che sulla sabbia non servono, ed armati di tanta voglia di camminare abbiamo incontrato il primo villaggio,
dove un simpatico conducente di trattore,
unico mezzo motorizzato su tutta l’isola,
ci ha accompagnato
(ma solo dopo aver trascorso un oretta a chiacchierare sdraiati sull’erba)
per foreste e sentieri fino ad uno sperduto paesino di pescatori dove non c’è telefono e le poche attività esistenti,
ossia un comedor e un mercatino,
chiudono alle 5 del pomeriggio.
Qui abbiamo cominciato ad esplorare le spiagge deserte del luogo e la foresta che le lambisce
fino a notare un piccolo cartello di legno che indicava la possibilità di affittare un posto per dormire.
E’ stata una piacevolissima sorpresa trovare,
nascosta nella vegetazione ma a pochi metri dal mare,
la casetta costruita da Leleo,
un ventenne nativo del luogo che,
utilizzando solamente materiali portati dal mare o sottratti alla foresta,
picked up a small work of art.
Two wooden floors, pressed mud and straw, rush and wicker rocking windows, a small bathroom, kitchen and sink, staircase and bedroom with veranda round wood Biribi and, of course, where swinging hammock to the sound of the waves is close to crushing,
with background created by the thousand noises of the forest .... All
for fifteen euro a night.
Here we relaxed two or three days to cook fish pulled from the nets as soon withdrawn and interrupting our doing nothing just to stroll along the coast and among the mangroves
a chat with the locals in front of an ever-present bottle of beer,
doing right attention a non incappare in uno dei tanti serpenti velenosissimi ma non aggressivi che popolano questo tratto di natura incontaminata.
Quando la voglia di vedere altro ancora si è fatta sentire,
abbiamo approfittato della bassa marea per risalire la costa a piedi,
fermandoci di quando in quando a fare un bagno o riposare all’ombra delle palme,
fino ad arrivare,con qualche ora di cammino,
in una splendida pousada di conoscenti brasiliani
(Emi ed Alessandra, dovreste vedere quanto è cresciuto il pony!)
e dunque ad un porticciolo da cui ripartire alla volta di casa.
A questo punto approfittiamo di questo post per mandare una affettuosa risposta collettiva a quanti, soprattutto su Facebook,
hanno expressed a bit of healthy and genuine envy for those who, like us
finds himself in the warmth of this spring of Bahia.
we can only say this:
try to put some money aside because, if indeed there
sentiste to drop everything in the near future
and groped an experience like that,
know that with what you need in Rome not to buy a home but an uncovered parking space, here,
giving himself to do and using his head and fantasy,
you could buy a piece of land,
maybe just in the places which we have just narrated,
and set up a business that
although there will be rich
can give so many great satisfaction and provide the opportunity to really enjoy it.
We are already working and look for someone willing to invest money contained
perhaps putting up a good eco-tourist center around here ....
Stay tuned! Now the work that our guests have passports that in this case Brazil, Bélgica, Australian and Irish
rightly demand attention.
Henry and Giancarlo.

Ps: Unfortunately, our return to the small Isis became ill and,
after fighting like a tiger against pests that have attacked, he closed his eyes weary
e ci ha privato della sua dolcezza e intelligenza.
La natura è bella quanto crudele alle volte,
ma almeno lei è giusta e tratta tutti allo stesso modo.
E, quanto a noi, abbiamo fatto il possibile, ma non è bastato…
le nostre lacrime ci ricordano quanto sia complicato amare anche una creaturina di 100 grammi,
ma va bene così.

2° p.s.: a proposito di facebook, chiediamo scusa agli amici a cui ancora non abbiamo risposto ma qui la connessione va a carbone e usiamo internet soprattutto per lavorare e informarci, oltre che per il blog…

Letter Samples For Application Of Family Status

La casa di Leleo

Monday, November 10, 2008

Complex Canker Sores Treatment

Eppure Gasperino non capisce....

While waiting for the coveted starting to materialize for our short break, we try to fix the last things, and above all to make money as we noted in passing that our finances at the moment are not exactly thriving, and since we do not feed ourselves with hunting and fishing or sleep on a beach.

The official debt to me, even if to intimidate and to determine the opening of the portfolio is usually the austere presence of Giancarlo.
We'll see. Natalia was
debitamente istruita e Marli non ne ha bisogno,
lei istruisce noi a dire il vero.
I gatti sono stati avvisati ma non sono certo che abbiano inteso che scappiamo….soprattutto da loro!!!
Stasera ultima lezione di capoeira e domattina,
mentre i nostri clienti si staranno gettando sulla colazione,
contiamo di allontanarci di soppiatto e finalmente abbandonare la nave al destino che l’attende in nostra assenza.
Il comando,
in ossequio alla tradizione maschilista che pervade l’isola,
verrà assunto da Gasperino,
che ha già dato prova di affidabilità ed estrema serietà.
Noi, dopo uno scalo nella cittadina fluviale di Valença, faremo rotta su Boipeba, isoletta tanto,ma tanto tropicale.
Qui abbiamo già un impegno: andare a trovare Alexia, una ragazza svedese dai tratti mediterranei che fa la massaggiatrice (Gianca ne approfitterà sicuramente) e Lion, il suo compagno Israeliano che, quando non segue i lavori della casa che si stanno costruendo sull’isola, fa il DJ ed accudisce il loro figlioletto di pochi mesi.
Da qui,
se non cambiamo piani, vorremmo raggiungere la bellissima spiaggia di Morerè, trovarci un bungalow da qualche parte,
di sicuro in mezzo alla natura,
e non fare nulla.
Forse arrivare fino a Cova Da Onça, un piccolo villaggio di pescatori a un ora di trattore, ma giusto perchè c’è il “comedor” della madre di Gustavo,
il nostro prode “pedrero” che ricorderete alle prese con gli scarichi della pousada.
(Breve parentesi: Gustavo è sempre una grande risorsa, ma alla brasiliana: nel senso che, per finire un lavoro di pittura, che lo stesso aveva sciaguratamente subappaltato ad un tizio adir poco maldestro, è venuto a lavorare anche domenica scorsa.
Però, essendo domenica, ha fatto fuori un frigobar di birre, s’è tumefatto e addormentato su uno dei letti della stanza da ripittare.
Inutile aggiungere che le cui pareti in oggetto, al lunedì mattina, ricordavano la copia malriuscita di un Pollock even the best.
Fortunately the negotiations concluded by Giancarlo does not provide for payment by the piece and then the taste will soon return to simple hand to put the necessary finishing touches. )

Anyway, while the rest of us get lost behind these stories, Gasperino hears us and sees the world ... and then inform
and law ....
and thinks and thinks better of it ....
Gasperino not understand ... yet.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Found Out At Recess That Another Kid Wore Diapers

Ma ‘o sai che c’è?! If we piamo na nice holiday! (Maybe) and Isis

after months of almost continuous work,
we stand on the verge of physical and mental
saturated see gente tutti i giorni tutto il giorno e francamente spaventati dall’arrivo ormai prossimo dell’estate e delle orde di turisti, gitanti, comitive e famigliole in ferie,
abbiamo deciso di allontanarci qualche giorno dalla Pousada
per farci a nostra volta ospitare in qualche località da queste parti.
Non abbiamo molto tempo a disposizione, così non ci allontaneremo troppo dall’isola:
diciamo il necessario per non sentire miagolare i gatti e squillare il telefono.
Non pensate male:
lo sappiamo benissimo che,
agli occhi di chi sta in patria a sorbirsi i freddi d’autunno e ci sente dire che,
pur vivendo ai tropici e gestendo una semplice pensioncina sulla spiaggia,
we need a holiday, we
appear without shame!
E 'that this great work does not include Saturday or Sunday;
the time of opening or closing it, for us, and there is no point in living "together" to our business! And then the sea
tired, do not you say so!?
and Giancarlo at this time makes me see that I accidentally almost six months that we moved here, and five that we have the pousada!
'Aspita how time flies!
It seems to me yesterday, but, meanwhile, have already happened to a lot of things ...
For example,
when we left the "western" world for the tropical,
there was a U.S. president in color!
There was, unfortunately
that yes,
pluriinquisito a fool who always speaks out of turn and that makes you ashamed to be Italian,
especially in a place where up to two generations ago slavery was in force with the whip and chains, the type
that your neighbor's grandfather is the son of slaves.
But you know, these niggas
not have a touch of humor. Other
that tan!
Anyway, back to us and our vacation.
We're deciding where to go and, more importantly, starting and organizing the deliveries to be passed to our reliable substitutes! That
Marli. Marli
works with us and is a little 'our guardian angel.
you, as well as performing his daily duties and chores of cooking,
will replace, in their respective duties, Giancarlo
(pantry, suppliers, laundry, accounts payable, personnel management - which is always Marli - making cakes for guests, etc ...) and

me (... I really do not think of anything ... ....)
And then we have left ...
Ah, yes, cats!
That's no problem:
not being available in the vicinity of a tiger tamer,
gladly folded on our friend Nati, who just
Isis and Gasperino have come home already spupazzava them cheerfully, as
certifies the photo attached to the last, a recent post.
Natalia is a girl of 28 years, in Colombia, South America and turns staying with their craft activities.
Specializing in macramé, or weaving knots, etc etc ... .. that is learning Giancarla.
It 's very funny, comes from a middle class family in Bogota, with a father who is the inventor in his spare time (have you ever seen a Frisbee pocket, which shrivels up!?) A brother and accountant, you, after graduating languages \u200b\u200band having worked in some enterprise, he decided to travel with their craft work and often is here with us.
will be very good!
It 's the first time that we leave them for more than two hours and I know that Giancarlo,
at some point in the trip, pay
tears due to a sort of guilt "hysterical",
along the lines of how many mammals are with pregnancy.
Yesterday she went to look for a good nest for Isis because it says it's very gifted.
Gasperino not.
soon able to work! Now, however
Giancarla is better.
At least tell the gentlemen in white coats who held the behavior under observation.
But it is clear that she needs a vacation, and if the
deserves. As I write
is Saturday and Giancarlo, in fact, we decided to empty the pousada for the quietest.
fact we went out to find customers and we have insisted that those already hosted extend his stay.
And of course there are seven people arrive by word of mouth and social, that
added to those we already had,
risk of delays to our departure
... We'll see!
However, if there are means that we escaped on the beach in some island somewhere around here ..
Tuda Joia and beauty!

PS: Greetings to Julia and Lorena (Excuse both the timing).

Friday, November 7, 2008

Swollen Lip Tooth Ache


Al Morro abbiamo pochi amici.
Ma pessimi.
Ad esempio c’è Deca, uno dei primi ragazzi del posto che abbiamo conosciuto.
Avrà 27 o 28 anni e, pur essendo nero, i suoi capelli ricci degradano verso un biondo dorato tirato fuori a forza dall’abuso di mare, sale e, presumibilmente, acqua ossigenata.
Deca è sposato con una ragazza dolcissima di origine giapponese ma tanto brasiliana che, trasferitasi a Kyoto per studiare, a momenti impazzisce se non si sbrigano

to bring it back on the beaches of Bahia.
(by the way: around here who is married to sleeping under the same roof, "enamorados" all others, no more hypocrisy and the formal titles!)
Together they work at the beginning of the fourth praia where, next to a beautiful and luxurious resort overlooking the pools created by natural coral and tides, rent snorkeling masks and sell bottle with shoulder strap, crochet from her.
family activities take place in the shade of a hut for two feet, recently built in bamboo and palm leaves from our friend, armed with a machete and his legendary calm and happiness!
Now this great guy, the other night, could not help but find myself and Giancarlo while in a wet and windy night, we had a walk in the darkness of hidden primera praia pending a visit of dinner ...
the unexpected arrival of Deca there by surprise in what has been anticipated by a deafening squeal of polyphony, from a box that covered the person who supported him in his arms, let them see only the bright smile of those who already know they have found or, rather, it has been led by fate, to meet the right people at the right time.
reached the light of a lamp generously left on a pousada near, we could see the content of the box and the precious cargo that someone had seen fit to lay in a basket of junk: a bela litter of little monsters screaming and hungry!
while trying to show off, then I do not know why a certain distance as if to say "yeah ... it would be nice to be able to take a pity ... ...," Is immediately obvious that a couple of those Gremilins rinseccoliti half-blind and would eventually Brazilian brighten our days!
We have drawn on two almost at random: we have our shirts tucked in, to protect from the wind, almost the first two scrawls that have somehow caught our attention! Even Giancarla, which can take days to choose what to order in a restaurant or what to wear to go to eat, has pulled out of the hat the skeleton in the blink of an eye!
always the case that I've wanted to catch a girl while Giancarlo is saddled with a boy, as confirmed by a sexy local girl who obviously experienced as a result of rapid soundings could enlighten us about their genitalia.
course, my honest friend and trusted friend, I do not know what out of malice and ignorance as to have willfully failed to warn me, at the time, about the minimum needs of a cat with a few days of life.
So much so that when I was a po'male Giancarla ha accennato al fatto
che, circa ogni tre ore (del giorno e della notte!) avremmo dovuto accudire i vampirelli e nutrirli con un pezzetto di stoffa intriso di latte fino al raggiungimento dello svezzamento…
Poco dopo, tuttavia, mi sono trovato a cullare un sacchetto di pulci che peserà 100 grammi da bagnato, con la pancia gonfia e la testolina collassata sul palmo della mano, la qual cosa mi ha rimesso in pace perfino con il sonno accumulato in questi mesi di frenetica vita verdeoro.
Naturalmente è subito partito il totonome: dopo aspro dibattito circa l’opportunità di affibbiare ai trovatelli gli altisonanti nomi appartenuti a noti personaggi mitologici, il fatto che nessuno dei due si ricordasse, ancorchè vaguely, the story about the epic name holders made us give up and opt for something closer to our origins.
I think we have guessed so much so that, though still half-blind, Gasperino and 'a sister Isis appear to recognize their appellations and abusive epithets which often accompanies the rant ...
Gasperino is a little quieter, Isis specializing in evasion, no peace.
We try to make them a good star power to administer milk through a syringe and fury of pampering, the results unfortunately do not correspond to our expectations ....
and then the crying and meowing until the next ra
zione di cibo, anche soprattutto a notte fonda!
E insomma eccoci qua, la famiglia si allarga e la pousada si arricchisce di altri personaggi, stavolta animali….
Ora scusateci ma vi lasciamo,
dobbiamo allattare!
A presto,
Enrico e Giancarla

non è che vada tutto rose e fiori, sia ben chiaro!Siamo stanchi morti,i miei vestiti odorano di latte acido e piscio di gatto,
probabilmente abbiamo anche le pulci e,
dulcis in fundo,
Giancarla mi guarda e scuote il capo in segno di continua disapprovazione circa il modo in cui affronto queste nuove responsabilità!
Nonostante tutto!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Ringworm And Cheerleading

October 17

October 17, twelve twenty a.m. to Morro de Sao Paulo, tropical island 60 miles from Salvador de Bahia.
We left on the notes of the Italian situation and of distorted feeling that comes from here ... will
that in recent weeks Giancarlo and I have already become part of this Brazilian community, willy-nilly we had to deal with new life and its effects on us.
and take it to Italy, objectively, it is easier ....!
But a great poet, Pablo Neruda said that "what matters is not born, but born again!"
Well, here we have the fortunate to be able to afford to be reborn every day, choosing to be, perhaps, different than the day before!
To find an excuse to grow a few best part of ourselves!
And on this side there is the flow of people who come to our inn sun!
Today, for example, despite a drunken driving made us miss a couple of Norwegians who had also booked our working life and social well has been enriched by a Yoga teacher in his fifties, Washington DC (as he says);
a thirty-five blonde English Giancarla storm of questions, forcing her to enormous efforts to improvise Anglophone / Anglophone;
a plump and smiling giovanotto brasiliano (credo “Paulista”…) in ferie!
Con loro due esili ragazzette argentine, in giro con lo zaino in spalla.
Domani chissà!?
Un buon materiale umano su cui curiosare, scambiandosi impressioni e sparando ipotesi circa i nostri sorridenti visitatori.
E’ un sensazione strana e finanche struggente quella di conoscere delle persone differentissime da te, abituarti alla loro quotidiana presenza e poi sentirti dire che da li a poco fanno il check out, e insomma ripartono; ti ridanno le chiavi, gli asciugamani, e chissà quando e se ci si rivede!
Non capita tutti i giorni ma spesso! Ed è una emozione grande, ogni volta.
E poi ci sono le persone care che ti vengono find, as a mom Elmuccia, just off once more for home after a brief but intense stay at our comfortable accommodations.
I think the place is like and now fully understand our happiness,
certain is that the Morro did not own the best, in these 10 days ....
Too many unexpected rain and gray have tarnished the virtues of this remote outpost ... ..
not enough, fortunately, to prevent you from appreciating the true nature that makes it so special.
Paradoxically, indeed, how you spend your stay is marked by bad weather and some mishaps are the very people who, in one form or another, the more we preserve the affection.
We, however, wait until tomorrow for another day of sun and work
and to close the day with the latest weekly training capoeira ....!
And then there's the night that the island does not see too often
players ... but this time, maybe ... ..!
Oh well, whatever
has made the time to embrace the bed and Giancarlo, who is sunk.
Blown away by the echo of songs and dances that will continue until the morning and that, if you take the beach, coming up at our parties, I draw you a warm embrace in tropical and, to those who will be pleased, we send our affectionately call when they want turn our thoughts to us and to these places.

Ps: Welcome Philip!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday Greetings In Arabic And Wife

A bit 'of sound meditation ... ... ..!

Hard times, at least from the parts of the house ...
And if we do not write much here is because we have many things to do and little time, but also because you pass the desire to tell people you love that you are here by God, that everything is great, etc ... while in Italy plunged into a crisis (first of all cultural and emotional)
unprecedented ... Nothing is easy, mind you!
In this paradise, however, we started to do the job completely Again, in a language we do not know, struggling with fierce competition from people who have long inseritissime instead in the tourism market, surrounded by others who, by the mere fact of being European, they consider us like hens laying golden eggs that seek to tap possible ...
short walk and is not a living from tourism (especially Brazilian European and U.S.) we also suffer from economic contractions that are taking place worldwide, from which, however, this country is all ' anything but immune.
The point is that we left already aware of this, but even more frightened by the prospect of staying in a country, Italy, affection by spreading depression, in our opinion generated by the sense of powerlessness that now afflicts the majority of the talking heads of our knowledge.
Why is our feeling, unlike in many other European countries and beyond, the gap between life and the real needs of our fellow compared to what they tell us and decisions are taken in our name, has become abysmal!
Although perhaps it was always like that, today more than ever we feel is not represented by anyone, we are certain that those who command us, at all levels, our interests and does not care about the welfare of the community, but responds only purposes of conservation of one caste or other reference.
This infection, which undermines the immune system of any joint office, is endemic: the ability to enlist new recruits, among those who until recently said they did not tolerate this state of affairs is such that it allowed this horror to be entered in any nook and cranny of modern life.
the warranty (which most times is just an illusion) to the effect that the interests of its parrocchietta by the most dishonest, to perpetuate situations of advantage and privilege against the mass
caused a huge rift between those who live (or would want to live) a normal life without work, family, just sacrifici e meritati riposi, e quanti, invece, svenderebbero la madre ai beduini, figurarsi i propri principi, pur di continuare a far parte di quella collettività ristretta la cui esistenza, perpetrata per mezzo dell’omertà, della cooptazione, della corruzione, consente a costoro di vivere al di sopra di quanto impegno e capacità effettive gli permetterebbero.
Tutto questo lo sapevamo: che l’Italia non sia mai riuscita a staccarsi da una mentalità feudale dove il ruolo del signorotto è ricoperto, a seconda dei casi, dalla mezza tacca calatasi in politica, dall’uomo d’ordine, dal prelato affarista,
non è una novità.
Ma allora ci si chiede come mai questa mentalità mafiosa has penetrated so deeply that now, even when we go to a meeting of the condo we feel that these fifteen, there are always three or four that long and know that in one way or another they will fall back on other charges burglarizing this simple and inevitable gathering of any honors.
For sociologists and historians with a response that has the claim to explain fully what happened, to guess the chance to show what all this will take us!
But the feeling is that, in principle, have done everything to distract us, to convince us that it is important to live well, would have, possess, use, and can afford to throw;
a time, then, that this form of deception has come into our minds by an apparent distribution of wealth that way we could not afford,
has reached the point where it is clear to everyone how these drugs collectively, which has so far confined no longer able to discern what they really want and that is our right to obtain (ie the common good) can not be given further:
predator was mainly because we now become daily was looted.
And then comes into play FEAR:
scary at all because, leading us to think that our neighbor, that people outside of our own group's interests, that il diverso rappresenti il pericolo da rifuggire, ci privano della nostra unica speranza.
Spezzando il sottile filo della solidarietà, precludendo alle genti il privilegio di poter ascoltare chi ha già imparato la lezione o, più spesso, possiede ancora una semplicità ed una purezza che gli fa rigettare questa isteria collettiva,
contribuisce al protrarsi dei privilegi appannaggio delle categorie che questa PAURA contribuiscono ad alimentare e diffondere.
E a nostro modesto avviso gli untori non sono solo quanti, in barba a nostro diritto di sapere ed essere informati, detengono il controllo dell’istruzione o della propaganda;
il danno forse più grave è operato da parte di quanti (tanti) perpetuano questi methods in order to maintain a small, tiny edge over its similar, poison the wells with such behavior, pretending not to know that the cost of a glass of water fraudulently extract involves the progressive damage of the aquifer that tomorrow would quench everyone, including poisoner.
But fear is that the individual man, which is given the opportunity to jump the queue, to steal their collective shoulder to the weight of the yoke, he does not care, so he is harassed by the anxiety of having to give up, he and of his own, and to some of the bells and whistles of the many stupid things the possession of which the illusion of being able to fill gaps much larger. Perhaps our most
good luck, right now, is not to live on a beautiful beach, to see the pousada that works well, happy and carefree people to attend as on holiday, our greatest fortune is to have regained confidence, that they had evidence that, with all the difficulties of the case (which, I repeat, are neither few nor recently), giving himself to do, whatever the newspapers signs to the contrary, trusting in its neighbor, can regain the peace and banish fear.
Just look at how things feel, so what appears clear that often those most of us (and maybe it fraudulently obtaining) lives in fear of what's is in turn subtracted, to give up the seat a few tables allows us to go to bed untroubled, that those who, instead tramples on others just to satisfy this desire for escape from their miserable reality, no better and no be envied, has just renewed its policy of loyalty to being unhappy and alone.
When we know we will be able to also put the lie to our daily overpowering, with a few words and beliefs of our serenity scream that the emperor is naked and who, with this stupid behavior as well as useless, dig the grave in which the community collapses today deserves only our outrage and the resulting social stigma, the only real deterrent to commit any iniquity, as the valence criminal ethics. Unite and Resist
not listen to the nonsense that bombards us with propaganda and, most importantly, do not be afraid
would do their game.
hug you all,
especially to those who, because of this mechanism
bastard leech,
are deprived of their jobs or see up the price of their mortgage;
those who, like our dear friend and Lindaura his children, may pay the price of this collective fear because of the ebony of her skin;
those who, like our friends from Vicenza Andrea and Sabrina, are denied to the sound of club the opportunity to decide on the future their community or even to express an opinion on this.
not be afraid.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wikipedia Images Pink Bedroom

Dreams in early spring

And go back to writing,

with a great desire to do so ...
Our thoughts fly Fast,

lightened by thinning of the clouds that have accompanied this hasty and unfinished season change ...
The Morro,

as we know it today,

is fast stripping of his winter clothes and even the last bar open again after months of patiently working on the reforms slow rhythms of the tropics.

in our small,

we discussed the first steps of a commitment to finding a pleasantly unexpected annoying that

in the not too distant, for a while, not once,

would be perfectly have to pay an excessive nervousness and outbursts of temper
has revealed, however
the best chance to observe struggling with the typical physiological mishap in this work,
and more side by side with men and cute local boys, all
"buried" in the resolution of that problem.
A sort of proof, fire or false alarm
such as those that are made on the first night on cruise ships.
But here's the shit that the overflowing manhole was true, and
anyone could remember, rather, the merry little band of the Titanic,
able to happily and unabashedly also invited to enjoy the four days passed between those tubes, manhole covers, water pumps and lime ... while the vessel appeared to sink into the "sand" underneath his heavy furniture and flooded hull.
It all ended with a beautiful eggplant parmigiana and "alleged" local
baked by Giancarlo at 10 last night of work and relaxation gobbled up by us, and Everaldo
good taste, which some
which allude wizard island of hydraulics and that,
presented himself with a bold proposal for the recognition of a plump reward for successful intervention
(date, therefore, taken for granted),
had to get a more merciful when we saw the impossibility sua,
della pompa ad immersione da 2 KW, degli alambicchi e del tank,
di stappare le arteriosclerotiche tubature che corrono sotto la pelle della nostra pousada non più ragazzina!
E così noi altri,
novelli Homer Simpson di Buddista tempra nell’affrontare siffatti lavori,
abbiamo fatto la nostra parte (alludo soprattutto alla parmigiana) e,
tra un racconto di cantiere ed una birra a fine giornata,
ci siamo sentiti,
in qualche forma,
un po’ più parte della comunità locale ed un pizzico più brasiliani.
Naturalmente non credo ci sia bisogno di suggerire che,
in un villaggio iperturistico,
ma dove non ci sono neanche le strade figurarsi gli smorzi,
possano accadere cose del tipo andare ad affittare la pompa con un viaggio di un ora e un quarto di 4x4 all’interno del mato,
dal cugino di un tale che conosceva Everaldo;
per il tank è stato più semplice,
è bastato convincere un intraprendente residente locale a concederci in uso il proprio serbatoio dell’acqua ed a rimuoverlo con scale e funi dal tetto di casa,
provvedendo preventivamente a svuotarlo ed allagando dunque la stradina di sabbia dove tutti noi abitiamo con grande gioia degli infradecenni accorsi numerosi;
non ultimo imponendo l’astinenza igienica ai propri coinquilini e/o familiari a cambio della onesta somma di una ventina di vecchi euri giornalieri che
ci hopes (but no oath)
was earmarked for only a small part of the immediate translation into the national liquor of poor quality and high BAC,
better known as "cachaça." Among the nice
visits pleasing pair of travelers, such as Maurice and Monica, Ciara, and Jeff, our Priscilla and Daria and many more,
and thrown behind a little as instructive episode in the "Cape Fear", prune the branches and
excessive jets of palms, flowering plants and vines that adorn many of our inn,
oliamo polish the plates and the woods that surround and sustain,
to be ready to calm the wave of warmth,
with the quiet of the events and the thinning of the rains,
wrap brilliant clarity of the views of this bit of Brazil.
spare a thought for the house, screaming all the monsters that are coming to keep us company and the world that will, we can not embrace strong
friends Andrew and Sabina in Vicenza,
with people who find it hard to imagine this unit as a simple and polite pair of travelers,
peacefully protesting the construction of a huge military base in the middle of town, simply because it reflects Placing an
how dangerous mess that is going to do and asking that people be left to the choice use of its territory, and
heavily beaten by the police are now enslaved to everything except the law.
An evening like this could only be driven from the soundtrack of "In to the wild and the same Eddie Vedder,
with the cover of the only major" Redemption Song "that
here as well and in our microscopic ,
dare we occasionally shouting at the moon,
pays homage to the great poet of reggae and beyond.
Sweet dreams to everyone.

Morro De Sao Paulo, Bahia, 27/09/2008.